Don's mysterious pain
Hi Everyone: Well, don had the EGD this morning and gatro doc says all looks good - no ulcers and no cancer. He is thinking it is possible scar tissue and something from the nerves being cut. He wants to follow up with Don in his office soon. He told Don to take 1 tablespoon of miralax daily and 1 tablespoon three times a…
Update on Dave
Hello everyone, Dave and I were at Hopkins today for blood work, and to talk to the clinical trial nurse and get some more information about treatment next week. Well Dr. Kelly, the medical oncologist who is running the trial, says that his nurse can not get the hospital that did the initial endoscopy to send back the…
Stage IV hope...
First, please know that though the cancer may be the same, all patients are different. Treatment plans are different. Results are different. What works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. But we are all in this together. The fear. The hope. We all have it. I want to share some hope with Stage IV patients. My…
Thanks Sangora (Sam) for posting and giving me courage to do the same, Lu
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted. A lot has happened. I won’t bother with the details of the blood clots and blood transfusions, We all know how hard chemo is on the body. I was waiting for some bit of good news before posting again, but it never came. The Taxotere stopped working. Then the doc wanted me to start…
5002dblane - help with gaining weight after Ivor Lewis
Below is the post which was tucked away under another thread - requesting help with ideas to gain weight: July 10, 2012 - 2:59pm Ivor Lewis Feb 23, 2012 new Helloe there! My husband has Ivor Lewis in Fef 23, 2012. This week is his 5th month from surgery. He was diagnosed Stage 2, of the 13 lympnodes removed 1 was affected.…
Has anyone developed an ulcer after surgery?
Just curious if anyone experienced any ulcers after their surgery? Trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Thanks, Judy
Good news for a Stage 2 and a Stage 4
After a routine mammogram in late Dec, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 T2 N0 M0 highly aggressive Triple Negative BC. From Jan til June 5 I was on chemo. On Thurs.June 28 I had a lumpectomy and the initial path report looked good. Last Sunday (!!!) my surgeon called to tell me he had checked the computer for my final path…
Let's lighten things up a bit for a moment, shall we?
EC is truly a beast, as many of you are wont to say on this forum. I am so grateful for all that I have learned from you all in just the short time that I have had the privilege to be here. My guy, Dave, who starts treatment next week, is an excellent lead guitarist in a band. He just plays for fun, has a real "day job",…
Hi I read your post and just wanted you to know how happy I am that your husband is still cancer free. That is wonderful. I am sorry to report that the VA has done NOTHING to help any of us with regards to EC. I have other friends on this site and other sites trying to get EC listed as a presumptive cancer for agent orange…
DX 4-12 going to Mayo on 7-23 for surgery.
I'm 55 Stage II no lymph involvement per pet scan. Going to Mayo in Rochester MN. for surgery. Chemo and rad were pretty tough on me, but I'm hopeful. I don't have any support here in NW Ia, as I moved here from Ann Arbor a few years back. Is it possible to be on my own after surgery? My insurance company is trying to deny…
To all of you touched by the Ec Beast
Hi My name is Barbara and I have been on this site approx 2 years. Many of you know me especially Sherri, William and Loretta , Paul61 , Sandy 1943, Tina B, Cindy Collins and a few others. I lost my husband Vince on Feb 23, 2011. He had the MIE on Feb 25th of 2009 and lost his battle 2 days short of 2 years. Vince was…
Question about Scans
Hello All I am scheduled to see my Thorasic Surgeon this week and the only scan he has scheduled is a chest scan. What type of scans are typical to check for reoccurance, or hopefully NED? A chest scan doesn't really seem very thorough to me. I appreciate all and any input. It has been almost one year since my surgery.
Question about chemotherapy
Hello everyone, Well we are getting closer to getting started on treatment. Dave was at Hopkins on Friday and had his radiation simulation done. We are still waiting on the tumor identification to see if he'll be in a clinical trial and what meds he'll get. As of now, radiation starts Tuesday July 17th, and I assume chemo…
Sneak peek at Don's CT results
Hey Everyone!!! This morning we got a 'sneak peek' at Don's CT results and the report sounds VERY good - as in NED good!!! Don has been having pains in his abdominal area for the past couple of weeks and finally yesterday it got so bad that he asked for pain pills left over from chemo and rads. He only took one pain pill…
home from hospital
Got home 6/30, in my lazyboy liofe is good. The path report shows NED THANK THE LORD!!!I want to thank everyone for all the positive prayers and thoughts. I feel good and want to sing praises to the dr orringer for the blessed resulta. The best three letters in the n english language NED1111 pHIL DIANNE
It is not Don's gallbladder
Well Shoot Turns out that it is not Don's gallbladder and they have ordered another CT scan for tomorrow morning. Today he has to drink some nasty stuff for bowels which haven't moved in 5 days. He had the pain in his abdomen prior to the bowel issue so though that sure isn't helping the situation any, it is not the cause…
Maybe an ulcer?
I will just copy what I wrote to Loretta (I am tired an too lazy to start all over again) Here is what we found out today about Don's pain: Hi Loretta: I am going to write this reply in word because it might be lengthy and lately I’ve had issues with writing something then having it go into the big black hole never to be…
Had MIE and spent 35 days in hospital. Finally home and on liquids.
I went in for surgery on May 15, 2012 and had a few snags and spent 35 days in the hospital. The Dr.s said that my stomach was not responding. It collected over a liter of fluid in my chest and almost tore loose. I am finally home and am eating full liquids. The surgeon did say that there were some live cells still found…
gene research article
I hope you can click on this if not, copy past into the URL http://www.newswise.com/articles/following-the-genomic-pathways-to-stop-the-spread-of-cancer Cora
Stent Done-Blood Vomits-What is next step?-Safe Surgery?-
My father's esophageal stent has been placed yesterday. He had blood vomits this morning. Is it normal after stent placement? After receiving your responses that he may be a candidate for surgery, I asked many doctors but most of them are not willing. for a quick reference of my daddy's history I am writing here again:…
A word of encouragement
It has been a while since I have been on the boards here but I wanted to update folks to give a little encouragement. I was initially diagnosed with EC in September 2009. I had chemo/radiation and everything looked good. In May 2010 EC popped back up and I had an Ivor Lewis in June 2010. The result of the surgery was that…
Blood Plateletes
So... my dad's blood platelets are SUPER low according to his oncologist. Low as in the low 40's. What can we do about this? Is there anything any of you would recommend? Also, has anyone had any issues with blood clots? The doc recently did an ultrasound of Pop's leg and low and behold... ANOTHER clot. Not severe enough…
new here trying to get ready for the ride of a life time.
Hello everyone just found out that I have Esophageal Cancer, Will see my cancer Dr. this coming Friday. The Dr. that found it. Did say it is not good, will be a long road ahead of me. Now I will be laid off at the end of July, no job will have insurance Until next April. I am a former USMC going to try and get on VA going…
diareha associated with feeding tube,
What can I do to control diareha when using a feeding tube? Medicine does not seem to work. He is on 2cal with pump. 45 an hour. What can I do? Please help my dad.
Don had first post op CT scan last Friday
Hi All- Don had his first post op CT scan last Friday (6/22). We are scheduled to meet the Med Onc on July 6th. We have also chose not to call early for the results. The last time we called early for the results which was right after surgery - the news wasn't very good if you remember. I am hoping that no news will be good…
I'm almost afraid to ask, but...
Hey folks.... Some of you know me and my story. Others not, but I've been here for a while and am planning on being here for a loooong time. If all goes well. Tomorrow I get the results of my latest PET/CT scan. At this point an all clear would put me at 3 years survival, a goal that I will officially mark on July 7th (my…
New Research on Barrett's
A scary question but need to know..
This is the latest from Kathy: Pray for ray, he has not been feeling as good as he wants..his liquid diet is not satisfying to him..we have everything on that diet but he says it's not filling...keep praying The doctor said that the opening for Jr to get anything down is so very narrow, that only clear liquids can get…
I am a new Member 47 Yr Old Woman-6 Mos Post MIE
Hello All. I joined earlier this month and have been following many of your journeys and I can't even begin to express how grateful I am to have all of you "out there" so very willing to share both your own personal stories as well as your knowledge. I am a 47 year old woman (I was diagnosed at 46) who has never smoked and…
Hello everyone, I am new to all of you, but you are not new to me. I have been reading posts here for the last several months. Some of you may remember my daughter ALex who posted a bit back in the fall of 2011. I think what raised the ire of many on this site PTom is that you mentioned that the doctors told you , you…