New to the site
Today, I finally got up the nerve to post. My husband was diagnosed with Stage IIB esophageal cancer in late Jan 2013. He had been experiencing difficulty with swallowing & vomiting on and off since last summer. It took a blood clot in his calf the day before Thanksgiving to get him to the doctor's office. He experienced a…
Any update on Jerry?
I don't know Jerry very well, but learned and enjoyed reading this brave soldier's post. Does anyone have any updates on him?
Husband scheduled for Ivor Lewis
My husband was diagnosed stage 2a, tumor at junction. Scheduled for Ivor lewis April 23rd. I am looking for advice and words of wisdom from caregivers. I am looking for strength to get through this, we only have each other.
Open esophagectomy
We saw the doctors yesterday and they said if dad has the surgery it will be an Open esophagectomy. The doctor felt the MEI wouldn't be the best option because of diff. getting to certain lymphnodes for removal. The surgeon said he was presenting dad's case during a tumor meeting this evening to get other feedback. The…
Dad Passed swallow test!!
We are so elated that dad passed swallow test. He got to drink a little grape juice today and nothing purple came out of any of his tubes. Ng tube is out and so is one of the chest tubed. Lungs are another story, but their making progress. He looked the best so far today. Now crossing our fingers that good news comes from…
Completely Obstructed
Hello, my 82 year old mother was diagnosed with hypopharangeal cancer T3 N0 October 4, 2012. She was an alcoholic most of her life, she fought it and was not a bad mother but never overcame the disease. She has managible emphysema from smoking which she quit 10 years ago. She had a debulking of the cancer in early October…
New to all this, Dad has stage IV
Hello All, Ill try and keep this brief, so much has happened these last few months. In December Dad, he will be 73 tomorrow, started complaining of a backache, which is a normal thing for him. When the pain did not get better and other symptoms started to appear we became concerned that this was something else. He was…
What's with all of the spam?
Makes me nervous...
Hello All,
New to all this,
Hello All,
Dad's Fight
Just wondering how your dad and you are doing. Any updates?
What to expect with chemo
Hi, all, I have been reading your posts since I found out about my dad's cancer diagnosis two days ago. I am so blessed by your support for one another. Even though this is the last thing I wanted to do today - sign up on a cancer discussion board - I am so grateful to have a network of people who have walked this road. My…
After my Mom’s diagnosis of EC in November I thought she had quit, but then during treatment (2 rounds of chemo and 6 weeks of radiation), found out she had started again. I had a very frank conversation with her about it, and then she seemed to be back on track with quitting. I just found out that she is STILL smoking. I…
Dad's surgery update
He's off the ventalator!!!! Woo hoo!!!
Larry is home
Larry came home yesterday, 23 lbs lighter. All in all he is doing well. He is pushing himself too hard and I knew that would be a problem. As you all know the eating is the biggest problem and he refuses to use jtube. Dr said if he loses 10 more lbs inthe next 14 days he will admit him back to hospital. We were able to get…
Day 2 updates
Dad is still on ventalator. There was some tension brewing inside me because all of this could have been avoided. They tried to get an epideral in but she missed. Dad will be kept on ventalator until they try in am. I'm upset because they wake him while the ventalator is still in. I'm not happy about it...at all. After…
3mm localised eusophogus cancer pls suggest best treatmntdear all
Dear all, my dad is 72 year old. With controlled diabetic 3mm localised esophagus carcinoma initial stage on mid of esophagus Dr, suggest for surgery. Pls suggest if any best treatment available He is fine. But at this age such a big surgery is difficult. Pls suggest Good doctr n hospital in Bangalore ,Karnataka,India.…
Mom doesn't want surgery
Hi, I am new to this site, and I am hoping I can get some advice. My Mom (72 years young) was diagnosed with stage 3 esophageal cancer. It is located very close to the stomach. She has finished the chemotherapy and radiation, which took it's toll. Now the PET scan shows the therapies worked, and they don't see the cancer -…
Dad out of surgery
Dad made it through surgery. He's being kept on ventilator to maintain any pain. Anesthia wouldn't to epidural for pain because he felt dad wasn't off plavix long enough. We were told to stop 5 days, should have been 7. So they wanted him left under and will put in tommorrow. Surgeon said sx was thought, very fibrious so…
Has anyone expierenced depression and anxiety post esophogectomy? Taken Raglan and suffered side effects? I would love to hear your story. Difficult 6 weeks for my hubby. Trying tpo figure all of this out. Thanks, Janet Hockey Wife & Mom
Larry's update up and down, questions
So I would say Larry is two steps forward one step back. They stopped tube feedings Tuesday night due to blockage in intestines, (coiled). That seems to have resolved on it's own. They say he may not be able to tube feed at all. Then he started to urinate pure blood. They believe the catheter caused a blood clot due to…
A greater power
Please dont delete me because I believe in a greater power. My name is Jim and my 24 months past surgery is April 7th!!
Larry's update, setback
As many of you know, days and nights all run together in the hospital. I'm not sure what happened when anymore. Larry was doing great until Tuesday when they found still no bowel sounds. They backed off of the tube feedings and gave him laxatives through jtube. Wednesday no bowel sounds or movement. Up all night in severe…
Dad's is scheduled for surgery
Dad is scheduled for Ivor Lewis surgery 4-4-13. The surgeon said him and his team reviewed dad's history and felt that surgery could be an option with us understanding that he will more than likely have some bumps in the road during recovery. He said if dad didn't have the surgery he would need more chemo/radiation 6…
Please read regarding lymph spread
Last month when my husband had his post chemoradiation pet scan it showed that he had probable lymph node spread. Being staged at T3N1M0 his surgery was cancelled. It was a terrifying time. The scan showed many lymph nodes in the lungs, pleura, and trachea. The surgeon at U of M Dr Orringer said he had a hunch the results…
Larry's Surgery update and question
Today is day 5. Larry is moving right along. It is quite amazing. Yesterday thay removed his NG tube, chest tube, epidural, and cath. He is still quite weak and gets out of breath easily. He did have a small pneumothorax yesterday, they believe it is resolving on its own. He is starting on clear liquids today, however it…
Being a newbie, I wondered if there is a way to read all the entries of an individual. The "About Me" page is somewhat limited to time of diagnosis and intial treatment. It would be nice to follow the journey of the people posting. Would have liked to have read all the Marshalls advice as they went through this. There are…
Vibration in throat?
I will be 2 yrs out in April from surgery. My question is does anyone have a vibrating in their throat when they lay down? Doesn't happen all the time and does not hurt. but never remember having anything like this before EC. Just wondering... Thought I seen somewhere a post about vocal cords vibrating?
My Mom Died, age 66, dx 11/11, died 3/13
I haven't posted in a while. I came to this board often when I was seeking information about treatments, surgery, etc. My Mom was diagnosed in Nov. 11th after having, what she thought was a heart attack, but what ended up being food stuck in her esophagus. She had 5 weeks of chemo and radiation in early 2012 followed by a…
No surgery for my mom
Met with the surgeon last week. The tumor seems to be wrapping around my Moms aorta, and is impossible to remove. She also weighs in at only 95 lbs (at 5'6), so even if the tumor was removable, she would most likely not be a surgical canidate. She will be having an endoscopy to see if a stent or dilation can happen, as…