Chemo is Not working. Alternatives?
Hello, I wanted to ask for your kind help. My mother is 88 years old, and has esophageal cancer. Her initial diagnosis showed that her cancer had spread outside of the esophagus to multiple lymph nodes along the trachea (windpipe) and near the lungs. She has been receiving treatment since March 2011 (about 2 years ago).…
Malnutrition & Dehydration
For 4 weeks we've been inquiring about possibility of J getting a feeding tube or J-Peg. The PA for our oncologist always said it was too risky, and I'm too flaky to push. My husband has been in the treatment phase until 10 days ago and unable to eat anything more than a bit of broth or such. They were giving him IV drips…
Surgery went well
Larry is out of surgery and in his room. They are working still to get his pain under control. Good news, Dr believes he is not a stage 3. He said Larrys esophagus was like cement and so was the surrounding areas and lymph nodes. He believes this may be from laying floors and all of the chemicals including asbestos, he…
Endoscopy as a followup after surgery
My husband's new doctor is recommending an endoscopy rather than a CT or PET scan for his 2 year checkup following an MIE in 2011. Has this been suggested to anyone? The doctor is concerned about too much radiation from the CT and PET scans. We aren't sure if this is the best approach. Any advice would be appreciated.…
How to access Facebook Group
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to join the EC Facebook Group. Also wondering if anyone had heard an update on Dave (BermudaGirl was Discusssion Board Name) who had a difficult post esophagectomy. I often think about them and wonder if he has fully recovered. Betsy
Surgery is tomorrow
Well finally after 6 long months surgery is finally tomorrow! Anxious, nervous, optimistic, scared....etc. I will keep you posted. Also will keep all of you in my thoughts as well. All I can really say is what brave soldiers you are!
nearing the end
Seventeen months of suffering, medical error after error, the suffering horrific, the end now only days away. the list - severe lung damage on oxygen, respirary failure moderate heart failure bowel constent pain and loose stools three fracture to spine The cancer - no spread - you loose by default The patient - gasping for…
New to the EC Club
Hello to All~ I have been reading posts for about a month, ever since my dad was diagnosed with what I think is stage 4 EC. This has been a little hard for me to talk about because I know the path we are on, and because we lost my mom a little less than a year ago so the thought of losing my dad is tough. Ok, here is his…
Have you heard of surgeon Dr. David Rice at MD Anderson Houston? Dad and I talked last night and we were going to go Pittsburg but dad's radiation ocologist mentioned him. I definently trust her, just wanted to see if you had heard of him. Dad said he's too nervous to travel that far from phoenix because of possible…
Jerry's February '13 Update
So here it is February 6th, and what's new? Not much, really except I fell back the middle of December, and the shoulder pain was just getting worse. Not cancer related though, I just did some some damage. Got a steroid shot last week, and it helps somewhat. Also, started visiting a chiropractor because I had hip pain,…
Dr. Gerson
Hi. Someone recently gave me a book called, 'Healing the Gerson Way; Defeating Cancer and other Chronic Diseases'. Has anyone heard of it and/or have followed the methods? If so, how'd it go? ABOUT THE BOOK: Dr. Gerson has a whole new way of eating -- only organic foods and juicing a lot! This way, it will release all of…
Loss of vision from Chemo?
December 1st my wife was told she has stage IV Esophageal Cancer that has spread to her ovaries, cluster tumors in her intestine, and an 8cm Tumor by her liver. The CT scan we did on the 8th of March shows we have shrunk the tumor some. Her vision has been so bad she went to the eye doctor Friday. We were told that her…
I hve been recently diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer. It was found during a routine follow up endoscopy for Barrett's Esophagus. Since the positive biopsy, I have had a CT scan of my chest and abdomen, which was clear except for two small nodules in my lower left lung; I then underwent an endoscopic ultrasound. The EUS…
Good Scan
Hi friends, Just wanted to share our good news! Jeff had his 18 month scan the past Monday, we got the word yesterday, No Evidence of Disease! For those of you going through treatment right now or those of you caring for loved ones I hope that this serves as a beacon of hope. Jeff was diagnosed in May of 2011 with T2N1M0…
Platelet Count
My husband had a lower platelet count this week. He was given a reduced dose of his chemo. Any information on how to raise those numbers? What causes them to drop? The rest of his bloodwork looks good.
Can chemo/radiation alone work for EC?
I've been checking out all the posts on this site for awhile and was looking for some hope that my father's EC (stage 3) could be rid of with just chemo/radiation alone. He can't have the surgery, but does anyone know if esphogas resections help battle this?
Loretta Marshall
Has anyone heard how Loretta is doing. I am not on Facebook, so I may have missed the information. They were such a huge help when I first became diagnosed. It is too much that they have to endure more. My heart and prayers go out to both of them.
my dad can not have surgery now- Please help
MY dad was all set to have esophagual surgery but his surgeon ordered a PET before his surgery which was suppose to be on Feb 28th the PET came back showing he had mets to liver and lungs.. So his surgeon said he will not do it My dad already had done dose dense chemo and radiation prior to his upcoming surgery. Now his…
VA approval for Agent Orange exposure
Hi Has anyone heard of VA approving exposure to Agent Orange for someone in Navy off coast of Vietnam
Suggestions for Surgeons in Phoenix
If dad has surgery he wants it done in Phoenix. Anyone have any suggestions of great surgeons in the phoenix area?
Targeted Therapy
My husband has an appointment for targeted therapy at MD Anderson. Has anyone on the board done this, and if so what all does it involve? How long does it take? Thanks!
Told Dad had response to Radiation/Chemo
We were told that dad had response to chemo/radiation. All the biopsies came back negative and the Pet Scan showed that the lymphnodes responded. However, when I read the pet scan results he has a lot of uptake with SUV numbers. When I asked the doctor she said that it's from inflammation. His last radiation tx was…
I noticed several people asking about the timing of PET Scans. Does this apply to radiation only or chemo? My husband is finishing a regimen Oxaliplatin/Hercepton/Zeloda on March 25th. He will return to Houston for an appt/scans on April 11th. Do you think this is a problem? Too soon? He is Stage IV so its not based on…
Best Juicing Recipes/Ingredients
Hello, My mom is newly diagnosed with EC, stage 2. She is not a candidate for surgery. She is currently undergoing chemo/radiation. I am looking for any insights regarding the best juicing recipes to help combat this. These seem to be the common suggestions I have found, but I would like more opinions: carrots strawberries…
some questions for my dad
It's been about 7 months since my dad was DX with Esophageal cancer. I have posted before and got some wonderful advice and now need moe answers. So far my dad has had chemo every week for 5 weeks and around 28? rads. He also had a stent put in so he could eat as he lost about 70 pounds. The stent helped him eat and…
Input needed for post op diet
When Larry was first diagnosed in September and had difficulty swallowing, it was diet adjustment #1. Mostly soft, alot of soups, alot of chicken casseroles, ice cream, jello, shakes etc. Then came diet #2 when the treatments started and swallowing became easier. This diet consisted of everything and anything we could get…
Surgery scheduled and negative nodes!
Surgery is scheduled for Larry March 22nd. All biopsies are negative! A visit for pre-op tests and visit to oncologist before surgery and we should be good to go! Rollercoaster is a on the upward track right now.
Have you tried popcorn?
I have read on several sites that popcorn in the evening post op seems to aid in acid reflux. The theory I found is that popcorn cooked in olive oil keeps the stomach busy through the night cutting back on the acid. Have you tried popcorn? Has it worked? Also how long after surgery did you start? Thanks
Diet After the Surgery
Hello, I'm new to the board and would like to share our experience with EC. My father,64, is diagnosed with EC staged T3, N1, M0 in december 2012. He had a surgery a week after the diagnosis, on 21st of december. Normally they ask for a chemo and radio before the surgery as the tumor was 6cm but our doctor didnt suggest us…
Chemotherapy and blood clots
Good morning, My dad has had a complication with his post-op chemo. Sunday (1/31) before last he passed out without any warning. Since then he has been very fatigued, week, low blood pressure and just not too well. They stopped the chemo the next day and gave him IV fluids. They thought it was due to dehydration even…