Haven't checked this board in ages
It's been a couple of years since I finished my treatment,radiation and chemo,Cisplatin and F5U...Just got another clean Pet/Ct scan,NED since treatment ended..I was staged 2-b and turned down the surgery,didn't want a big life style change...So far so good,my Dr. thinks I may be one of the few who beat it but I think it's…
Another scan over with!!
Hi All, Charlie had scan done yesterday and all clear!! So we keep going another 3 months until May 2013 when he will be 2 years Post-op!! He also needs a dilation and has been feeling this way for 2 months but put it off but he goes in on Thursday for dilation and extra exploratory scope by surgeon. Charlie has 5 men in…
complete esophageal blockage
Hi, we are looking for anyone with experience of blockage due to radiation. My husband finshed radiation & chemo for throat cancer the beginning of Sept. & is still unable to eat. He finally went in to have esophagus dilated yesterday only to be told that they were unable to do it because he has complete blockage because…
Reduced dosage
I'm curious, I'm approaching the next round of chemo. I've had some neuropathy issues. The drugs are Epirubican, oxaliplatin, and 5fu. The last round almost immediately I had problem with my leg muscles and my hands not responding. Kind of like a Charlie horse where the muscles locked up making it hard to walk. The…
J Tube Removed and I'm now Tube Free
I've been able to maintain my weight without using the J TUbe so I went in yesterday and had it removed. Very quick and simple and it was longer than I expected it to be when it came out. There was like 6 inches of it that was actually in my intestine. There was no pain with it coming out whatsoever and I just have to keep…
esopfageal cancer stade III-IV
My brother(32years) was diagnosted with esofhageal cancer 3 weeks before. He was operated and sufered a full reconstruction of the esophag and the superior part of the stomac was also cut. We are from Romania and the chances for life they give are unknowned they recomended the chemio-radio post-operative but without the…
6 year survivor
Hello, I haven't been here is awhile, but thought I would visit. I am a 6 year survivor and have been through it all. If you want to talk, send me a message. Thanks, David White Hillsboro, OH
6 year survivor
Hello, I haven't been here is awhile, but thought I would visit. I am a 6 year survivor and have been through it all. If you want to talk, send me a message. Thanks, David White Hillsboro, OH
Surgery done 2/14/13 esophagus closed at connectin need to have dilation
Hi Everyone, Jon had surgery 2/14/13 Transhiata Esophagectomy in ICU 2 days,several drains,j-tube,NG through nose. Started tube feeding second day in ICU severe diarrrhea changed formula 4 times finally under control. At the J-tube site there was a infection the antibiotic they gave did not work. On discharge day they…
It's been a while
What a journey.I haven't posted in awhile. I peek in every few days, to catch up. Larry, my husband is recovering from chemoradiation! preparing for surgery. Pet scan is Monday to evaluate again. i have so much respect for all of you here. It saddens me to see the many battles lost, but what brave soldiers! Chemo was very…
Propping up bed versus wedge
I am having a hard time with my wedge and have seen some folks talk about propping the head of their bed up. What did you do? Use wooden boards? How many inches did you raise it up? Any help would be greatly appreciated. JoAnn
Chemo after Esophogectomy
Hello, this is my first post, but I have followed all of you for sometime. My husband (46 yrs) was dx last May with aden 2b. Esophogectomy went great, path showed that RT & Chemo pushed tumor back to a T2, but 1/37 nodes came back positive. We opted to do do 6 months post chemo to give us the best shot at a cure, or at…
esophagus cancer and trouble with it closing up after surgery
Hello, My sister had esophagus cancer. She had surgery about a year ago. They took out part of the esophagus and took half of her stomach and pulled it up the remaining esophagus. Long story short. She has been having problems with the esophagus closing up on her. She has alot of scar tissue which was cause after her…
CSN update
I apologize to everyone for not having communicated sooner. You have been more than patient under the circumstances. At this point, all of the content that was missing following the upgrade has been restored with the exception of private messages. There has been an ongoing investigation for several weeks that has yielded…
Jerry's January 2013 update
well, here I am. Falling apart, but chugging along. Sadly, I had to stop working in November, when the Doctor installed my esophageal stent which made me the sickest I've ever been. So now I'm on hospice, and looking for some sort of possible treatments now that the regular doctors have given up. I'm now under 200 pounds,…
Red Blood cells becoming very low while in remission
I was diagnosed with stage 4 Esophageal cancer in 2011. I was given 1 year with treatment, but happy to say that was 19 months ago. I was lucky enough to go into remission after 30 radiation treatments and 12 months of chemo. I've been in remission for just over 7 months and was doing great, but then my Red blood cells…
Another Question
Do any/all of you have a persistent violent cough? Sometimes with mucous...sometimes without. Does it ever go away? Is there anything you have found useful?
Recurrent EC without Mets, now taking Nexavar anyone else on Nexavar.
I was diagnosed Sept. 1,2011 after a scope due to inability to swallow solid foods. After 28 days of radiation and chemo, I had a Esopghogectomy Dec. 19,2011 and recieved another round of chemo in March and April 2012. After gaining weight and feeling much better recieved a PET scan and EGD and biopsy and was told there…
2 years and looking good
Well it's been 2 years since surgery on 12/20/12, everything looks good. Back every 6 months now. T2NoMX on Nov.16/2012
Mets to the adrenal gland
I’m looking for the CSN member who’s husband was going in to have test done on his adrenal gland. You had sent me a private message that got deleted by the system upgrade. I’m sorry I’ve lost your contact information but I hope all went well with the test. I’ve been hoping to hear how things went.
6 weeks post Op--now eating pretty good....
Since my J-tube fell out in the shower last week, and not replaced I found a way that keeps my food down...crackers. Before I was regurgitating with lots of mucus, and now if I eat something crispy with foods, it goes down fine. Has anyone tried this? My PA at Mayo/Rochester said it's time I get going on the full…
Making Lifestyle Changes to Improve Well-Being and Reduce Recurrence--TOMORROW
FYI: Tomorrow, Thursday, Jan 24, 12pm Central Time: MAKING LIFESTYLE CHANGES TO IMPROVE WELL-BEING AND REDUCE RECURRENCE Join CURE magazine in a 1 hr discussion on how lifestyle and behavior changes could improve quality of life for cancer patients and survivors. Details: http://www.facebook.comevents471082739617173/…
Mom recently diagnosed with Stage IV EC
My mom was recently (late Dember 2012) diagnosed with stage IV EC. It is squamous cell and has meta to some nearby lymp nodes and her spine. She has completed 8 of 15 radiation treatments as the docs wanted to start with rad as the tumor in her spine was very close to her spinal cord. I guess they then want her to wait a…
Esophagectomy with total gastrectomy
In April, my husband had surgery, and they took all of his stomach and all of the esophagus that could be taken. His last PT scan was all clear, but he suffers a lot. He receives most of his calories and nutrients from nightly feeding tube, and about 1000 calories orally. He can't seem to build up calories because he has…
Hello again!
Sorry for posting and running. Anyway hope Sverige had a great holiday, shortly after I posted my Dad (and my biggest cheerleader) passed away, so it's been a whirlwind of 3 months. I continue on chemo actually changed to Taxotere, if anyone has info on would love to know "the real deal". Only had one dose so far but not…
prayers needed
My husband diagnosed with Stage IV with liver mets only in August 2012 is nearing the end. He cancer did not respond to two different types of chemo, lesions on liver keep growing, tumour markers keep rising to very high levels. I have bought him home to care for him, he is very weak and not eating and drinking very…
Reduced dosage
I'm curious, I'm approaching the next round of chemo. I've had some neuropathy issues. The drugs are Epirubican, oxaliplatin, and 5fu. The last round almost immediately I had problem with my leg muscles and my hands not responding. Kind of like a Charlie horse where the muscles locked up making it hard to walk. The…
Pain Relief when swallowing
I just had my tenth radiation treatment and it's painful every time I swallow. Any home-remedy or over the counter meds I can use to ease the discomfort?
Tom passed early this evening
Tom passed quietly this evening at our local hospital. He knew people this morning and I prayed our oldest son would get here in time to see his father. He had to go from Maine on the bus down to Boston to come of O'Hare and drive in. My prayers were ansered. Steve came in at 3:00. I had been telling Tom all day to hang in…
How are you,Terry V?
I was happy to see you had responded to some posts today. I have been thinking of you and the kids a lot the last couple of days and through the holidays. It must have been so hard. You remain in my thoughts and prayers. Angie