new husband's diagnosis
My husband, age 55, was recently diagnosed with stage four esophageal cancer, we went to three oncologists and they all had the same opinion. They suggested chemo, not radiation, since it was not curable because it had spread to the liver, abdomen, lymph nodes, etc. He is starting chemo this week, cisplatin and cpt11. Has…
Help....more prayers please.... Roy's in coma....
Hi everyone, Well yesterday I was estatic with good news. However today it's not so good. 1. They just took him in for more surgery (a filter to catch any blood clots). 2. He already has a blood clot in his right arm (Still so swollen), one in his right leg and several in his lungs. They are hoping they will dissolve on…
Pet Scan tomorrow. oncologist appt Friday and Vegas on Sunday
My husband has his Pet scan tomorrow...so we'll be going to Chicago...maybe in snow..then we meet with the oncologist on Friday to get the round up of all the tests...fingers crossed..prayers will be appreciated. It's our anniversary on Wed...and we always go to Vegas as our gift..so since he feels fine and can eat like a…
has anyone survied esphogus cancer stage 3/4 with just chemo and rad no surgery,tumors were in esphogus just below throat,doctors said lyphmnode in center of right shoulder tested positive to far from tumer to do surgery.are there suvivors?also said 2 lyphnodes were swollen did not know if they were cancerous.been off…
Balloon dialation of the esophagus
Hello dear wonderful friends here on the EC page! I was just wondering if any of you or your family members dx with EC have gotten the balloon dilation done. My dad, Ray, dx with EC in Nov. 2008, will be getting this procedure done in the near future. Any of your input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Tina
Hello everyone, I have some bad news, I have just been notified by another site, that our own "KITTEN" has passed away at 8:30 AM this morning. Kitten was our angel beneath our wings, our Cat with 9 lives, and our dancing shoes queen. Kitten was an inspiration to me and my husband during his difficult surgery, and really…
I would like to say that we have lost a very dear and good friend on the CSN site, I was notified this morning that she passed away at 8:30 am today, not only was she an inspiration to us, she fought a hard fight, she never gave up and she always said it was just another bump in the road, she was loved by all on this site,…
Hello everyone, I talk to Kitten on another site, and I have not heard from her all week, I think we all need to say a silent prayer for her, I do know her college sority sisters was giving her and her husband a speghetti fundraiser supper to help her during this trying time. Please say prayers for her, she is so young…
Hubby still on ventilator in hospital - needs trach put in today - has pneumonia - possible blood cl
Tough times ahead. Got the BIG GIRL PANTIES on! Roy has been on the ventilator since his surgery on November 23. His lungs aren't working properly (due to COPD and pneumonia). Doc says a trach tube would be better for him. So they are putting that in today, along with a "filter" to catch any blood clots. His right arm is…
Curious as to what happens to the liver after esophagectomy
I'm curious as to what happeneds to the liver once the esophagus is removed. I seem to have a pull/pain in that area. Any ideas? Sometimes it's really painful especially when I get up or move positions. Thanks.
Lack of Appetite
Hey there, I was diagnosed Sept 15th with Esophageal Cancer and since started treatment. They put me in the hospital for 7 days while they did 5 days of 5FU (16hrs a day) and then Cisplatin for a day (8hrs). During that time I started radiation as well which is scheduled for 6 weeks. I will be admitted back to the hospital…
When do you know if you need a dilation?
Hi All, Al has been having alot of mucous build up today. He also had eaten some chipped ham with his eggs which is not on the good list. He has been having a difficult time since he tryed to eat that. So I'm wondering if he just irritated his new pipes or if he needs another dilation he just had one 3 weeks ago. I call…
Break from treatment
We are on break from treatment, and I go from being almost giddy with the thought of the holidays with no chemo, to scared that we aren’t doing enough to fight this thing. I am in the process of getting things lined up for a follow up endoscopy and a second opinion since we are at the point where we have to figure out what…
Hi everyone I don't usually post but why is it that one little thing lately just ticks him off and upsets him? I promised myself I would never fuss with him again after surgery but sometimes its pretty hard not to think to do it. He wasn't like this a month ago but now he is, is it going off the pain meds? or just in…
New to board, but not EC
This is my first post, but I have been reading this for a year or so. I communicate with "Betty From Vegas" quite often about her husband. My story is as follows: I was dx with stage III EC on April 14, 2008 after having a fever for 3 weeks. However, the fever came from an infection in my chest and had nothing to do with…
Hello everyone, For everyone that has had surgery we have alot to be thankful for our loved ones is still with us, and for the ones waiting for their loved ones to have surgery you still need to be thankful, they are still with you and living. Each one of our loved ones, might still be recouperating, but they have 2 eyes,…
Great News~
Hi all. Well today was the day of my hubby's results of the scans, scope and biopsies. ALL DEAD ~ is what the Oncologist told us today! We are so thankful to our Heavenly Father. Next step is surgery, but we don't have a date set yet. The Oncologist thinks that in the next 3 weeks or less he will be having surgery. We are…
"Fixing things" for the Lord
Hi everyone, I have not posted in a while. The last few months have been very difficult. I wanted to let you know that my husband, Jim Steele, has passed on. He died on Thanksgiving Day eve November 24th of complications from his disease. My husband was a mechanic and his talent and purpose in life was "to fix things."…
I'm new here. Husband having surgery tomorrow. Please pray for us.
Hi everyone! I'm new to this site. I've been reading some of your posts and finding it very encouraging and informative. Well, here's my story in a nutshell. My husband, Roy (age 56), was diagnosed with Stage III EC in June of this year. He had trouble swallowing in May, went for a doctor's appt. and after having a PET…
post surgery
hi Betty, In the 11/22 post you mentioned pending/possible side effects after surgery (heart?)that are experienced at about 30 days post surgery, also an ACORE list? Would you enlighten me on what these are? My surgery is in December and I'd like to be prepared for everything I can. I don't want my family to be concerned…
Bill, I think you need to read Trish's post and explain to her about the BIG GIRL PANTIES, I did some, but you are the expertise on this now. She needs a new pair could you send her some through FAITH FEDERAL EXPRESS, Thanks Lori
I hate this disease and what it does to people - it's just not fair
My Dad was supposed to have the surgery to remove the tumor on 12/11/08. The surgeon went in and the cancer has grown outside of the esophagus, around his aeorta, and around his stomach - so they closed him back up. We talked to the oncologist last night and was told that he could do chemo - it's not a cure but it will…
Fox Chase
Has anyone had surgey at Fox Chase Cancer Center?
Scan results
Well the Dr. told my husband this morning that they found 2 spots on his liver. My worst fear! They are gonna scope him today, and he is very insistant the he is going home today no matter what! They also want to do a bone scan, but he is unwilling ot do it. If those spots come back as cancer, I don't know what we are…
Help I don't understand
HI All, I an having a difficult time with Al ,I know there are certain things that he able to do but just refuses to do them. I understand that he had been through alot lately but I can not keep waiting on him hand and foot. I know that he's ready, maybe I have spoiled him but its time. How do I gently take more…
I refused surgery but opted for chemo and radiation. Tumor vanished. (Stage 3 androcarcinoma) I am going on 7 years with frequent endoscopic examinations, biopsies and so far cancer free. My oncologist still wants me to have the surgery claiming that I am my own "clinical trial"....Although I would not want anyone to…
help with nutrition ideas before surgery
Hi, Could someone refresh me on what I can possibly eat that will help me gain more weight before surgery. As I mentioned in a previous post, I now have a nasogastric tube since last Friday which I use for 11 hr feedings at night. But I have only gained 2.5 lbs. At least I have not lost anymore. The drs said I will not be…
Sis is recovering very slowly
I don't know how it is for most people- if there is an average reaction at all. My sister was diagnosed with esophageal cancer last spring and was given a very good prognosis. She underwent chemo and radiation, and had a very tough time of it, but she came through it and recently got a clean bill of health from her doctor.…
My mother-in-law has undifferentiated polimorphic scaroma in her throat spine and abdomin area. It
My mother-in-law is currently undergoing chemo and radiation. She is having trouble swallowing. Is this causing permanant damage to her esophagus? They are telling us that it has spead through out her body. Primarily, the chemo and radiation is for pain management. She was just diagnosed 5 weeks ago. She has 4 tumors on…
hello again
My test post seems to have been successful. Want to say bravo to you who have just finished surgery. I can't remember everyone without reading back and forth through all the posts again. I did that the other day and of course lost what I was posting. It takes me forever to edit a post to make it reader friendly! Kath I'm…