Use of Erbitux with chemo/radiation treatment
My dad is finally engaging in his treatment - that is the good news. One thing he has become excited about are the results of clinical trials done at the University of Maryland and the use of Erbitux while undergoing chemo and radiation treatment for Esophageal cancer. http://www.umm.edu/news/releases/erbitux.htm The FDA,…
Clinical Trials
Has anyone taken part in a clinical trial?
esophagus endoscopic mucosal resection with pdt
Has anyone had this, I have been researching it since my andecarcinoma EC is stage 1 or maybe smaller according to the PET scan, I was looking for alternate treatments. The doctors that I have been dealing with so far have not been in support of anything but an esophogetomy. So I am looking for personal feedback on these…
sesame oil for throat cancer
we've been googling about sesame oil related to cancer - found tons of sites with info about this - if interested, google Rosenfeld and sesame and cancer
Today's apt. for my dad
My dad is going in for a CT scan today to see if this chemo is doing anything for him. The CT scan is today, but he's also going in to discuss having a feeding tube put in. He really needs the extra help and I'm happy he's admitting to that. Please everyone say an extra prayer for him. I'm afraid if this chemo isn't…
New member
Hi all,my husband was diagnosed in this past Sept. with Stage IV EC, lymph node activity and several small lesions in his liver. He started chemo (EOX) and was having good results. Then his tumor markers started increasing again so tomorrow he starts CPT-11 and cisplatin. His dr. says surgery is not an option because of…
Disability or return to work?
I am woundering what everyone does, disability or return to work. I have long term disability insurance from work. My question is after I have esophogetomy am i considered cured? Social Security says the esophagus cancer is a straight shot for disability and if off work for more than 12 months it becomes permenant. If my…
Saw onc dr, start the chemo on Wednesday
Hi, Ron and I went to the drs yesterday to set up the chemo schedule. He said all my bloodwork looks good just a little anemia and will keep taking iron for that. He was going to start in 2 wks but we begged him to let me start this week for Ron to have more time for insurance and family leave, so Wed we will go in for the…
To all my EC friends, I am asking for prayers for a very special friend on this site, I am not going to say her name for her privacy, nor am I going to say why for her privacy, but you see she came on board about the time I did, her husband was diagnosed with EC and had to go through so much more Chemo and Rads, than mine…
Food has no taste
Hi everybody, I finally feel like posting again. I went through hell, but made it back after the surgery. I developed pneumonia and was put on a ventilator for a few days. Stayed in the hospital 2 weeks. Finally able to eat a little and nothing has a taste. Is this a permanent problem or will taste come back. I just…
feeding tube questions
my friend has been connected to a feeding tube for about 6 months - and just found out the other day that some are portable? for all this time she's been stuck in her house most of the day waiting for the cans of stuff to go thru. sometimes she's too tired or busy to do them all and is losing too much weight. do most…
are there any Canadian members here?
we've been advised here on the b. board to consider a second opinion - good idea! - but it seems that, in our health care system, all the cancer care doctors work in local teams - great teams but they don't seem independent of each other? Does anyone know how to go about getting a second opinion on this side of the border?…
More Appointments Tomarrow
Hi All, Al has more appointments tomarrow one with the radiation oncologist and one with neurosurgeon. I am praying we will get some answers to why he is still having this horrible back pain. It sounds horrible but I would rather it be another compression fracture and not mets. So again if I could have the no mets prayer I…
My tests are in, surprise to me.
Well, I just got back from two days at the VA medical center in San Francisco. I had a PET scan done on Tuesday morning and met with the surgeons later that day, the official report was not back from the PET scan so the doctor looked over it with me and thought everything looked good, my EC was or is very small and the…
I'm new to this messaging board. I hope i'm doing this right.
I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer witch has been ct and is in my liver. I's there any one else that is going through this also.Just looking for advise.
Dad and EC
Hello, my Dad was diagonosed EC and in lymph node around stomach. Surgery was not an option. he did a clinical trial and all was going okay until the last ct scan showed the tumor doubled in size. They cancelled the trial and sent us back home for a different treatment. After meeting with the Dr. dad decided he wasn't…
Latest on husband
It's been a while since I last posted. My husband has completed 9 rounds of chemo, the last 3 being 5-FU and Irinotecan. He's been feeling pretty good. Lost a lot of weight in Nov. and Dec. but now starting to gain again, YAY!!!! His energy is coming back and he's not as depressed as he was. His tumor markers went from…
My dad just diagnosed
Hello everyone, WOW! There is so much information and good advice in these discussions. My name is Arnold. My dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 EC on Nov. 12. 2009. Luckily he is still able to eat without a feeding tube. We have been to so many doctors and my dad has undergone the entire barrage of tests. Now the next step.…
Top 10 high calorie foods to gain weight after esophaectomy---WE NEED HELP
Hi all my CSN EC friends..... For those that have had surgery---what are the most successful foods for you all? My dad is doing well in so many ways---looking to the future now by buying a older used RV so he can make a family get together!!! this July, eating a little more, doing more. etc. But---- still not gaining…
post surgery pain near ribs? Steroid shot?
Hi everyone. We're new on this board, although I've read some of your entries earlier during the year. Last February my hubby was diagnosed and he's had chemo and radiation and then esophagectomy last July. He still has pain on his right rib area (about where the new attachment is.) His doctor on last visit said that there…
Advice Sought: Early Stage Esophageal, Dr. Recommending Esophagectomy (McKeown procedure)
To fellow survivors: I am searching for your advice and comments for someone diagnosed with Early Stage Esophageal cancer. According to my doctor - an Esophagectomy (non-invasive type) is recommended to arrest the possible spread of the cancer. I am interested to know if anyone can relate your recovery stories from…
husband does not want chemo
hi all my husband has stage 2t n1 mx cancer of the esophages he is due to have his surgery and had no chemo or radiation before and does not want any after.has anyone had thhe surgery without chemo or radiation before and after. thank you, dorothy
Al's appt today
Hi All, Al has his appt with the onc. today. Please pray for a good out come so that he will be able to have his chemo. He needs is to kill the mets in his back and for other things. Thank you all my CSN friends. God Bless, Kath
New Rad. Onc
We met our new Radiation Oncologist today and were very impressed. He came out to visit with us before the simulation for the radiation. Very straightforward and up front about what we are facing and the way he's going to treat Jim. This was a very good day; we feel more confident. We also visited the Proton Therapy Center…
Nancy/radiation info
Well going to see radiation dr today to see if he thinks I need radition before the surgery ont he 16th. Will know in a few hours. Does radiation make you sick like chemo? Have not had either as yet.
Not what we wanted to hear
I was so hopping I would not have to write this, but Paul’s PET done last week showed spots on the lungs. There was no activity, but I am sure it is the monster. A MRI will be done on Friday to get more detail. I spent the weekend in a numb state with a lot of tears, got it out of my system and am ready to charge ahead.…
Jeff had his scope today from when we had to rush him to ER about 2 weeks ago the doctor was able to stretch it again WHICH IS A GOOD THING!! but we have a FIBER BALL in his stomach, said if he doesn't eat that diet, he will have to have it pushed through or suck it out, which makes sence for his problems, when he has been…
New to Board
My name is Duane, 48 years young. I live in Little Rock, Arkansas. I was diagnosed with EC on 10-16-09. Had surgery 11-20-09 and now on second round of chemo. Back prior to 1995 I was having issues with acid reflux, indigestion and the like. I was treated with normal acid reducing meds. Then I went to a Gastro Doctor and…
nightly tube feedings still no weight gain???
Hi, Just wondering if anyone out there could not gain weight after their surgery? It is the 6th week after my open esophagectomy and I have not gained any weight except a few pounds here and there and then voila I go back to 121 square one. I guess I will call my oncology nurse. I take 2 cans of Jevity with one can of…
VERY good day!
We just heard from the hospital. They believe Medicare will pay for this and they have scheduled Jim for Proton Therapy simulation on Thursday with a new Rad. Onc. and we have week off in between to do something fun! This is really good news and answer to many prayer from friends, family and people we don't even know,…