My husband just diagnosed
I am seaching for answers and many are scarey! My husband is a dialysis patient and began having trouble swallowing. The endoscopy found cancer...about 7 cm tumor...seems small. Next test was a CT scan which we were told no spread of cancer...but no one could give us a stage. Later that night the doctors office called…
Both Parents Diagnosed -- I think things are about to get challenging
Hello. My parents and I have always been relatively healthy, until now. In August of this year, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. A month after that, my father was diagnosed with esophagus cancer. I joined this site because I think things are about to get more challenging with my parents, and all of this is new…
what is the name of oral form of 5fu?
My husband's doctor may be changing him to this oral form of 5fu, what is the oral name and how big are these pills as he has a swollowing issue? what other chemo drug is it usually put with? Is 5fu stronger than cisplatin and campostar which he did three rounds and the pet scan showed it did nothing and actually his…
oral 5fu
Has anyone tried oral chemo 5fu, two pills daily along with vein chemo. My husband's oncologist may be suggesting this treatment plan next week and I would like opinions. I thought 5fu was given intravenously. thanks
Trying to get Dr. Oz to do piece on EC
Hi, I wrote an email several weeks ago, asking the Dr. Oz show if they could possibly do a show on EC since we have so many people find out in the later stages that they have this terrible disease. I mentioned I did not want to be on the show just thought that he does so many public service shows where he tries to make…
T3N0M0 - is the result of Lyle's endoscopy with ultrasound. Next step, they tell us it to see the Oncologist and then the surgeon. I'm curios to see what the doctors have to say...considering Lyle is also a dialysis patient. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around how all this is going to work with his current health…
Reports not good!
Hi everyone. I just talked to the Dr. a little while ago. The cancer has move to more places in Al's spine and he also has spots on his liver. We are going to try chemo very cautiously. The Dr's understand our position on quality vs quantity and at any point we feel it is to much or really isn't helping we will stop. I am…
Asked if I wanted a support Group!
Hi Everyone, I was recently asked by the very nice social worker at Hillman Cancer Center if I felt that I need to go to a support group. I look at her and said that I have had a very large support group since I found this site. She looked at me kind of weird and I explained to her that I found all of you while I was…
T1A stage
My husband has just recently been diagnosed with T1A stage of esophogeal cancer. Major surgery is scheduled for Feb. 23. Any suggestions about long term care etc. would be appreciated. At present I am in the "numb" stage dealing with this blow.
New Pet Scan results, very very upset!!!!
Ed has his first pet scan since starting cisplain and campostar back in December, did three rounds of it., had pet scan, results were as follows: More liver spots, more cancer to his abdomen, basically his doctor said " this chemo did not do anything, in fact, his cancer grew". His original diagnosis back in october 2009…
J tube, Dave was right.
Well the dr had me come into the cancer center and the surgical PA looked at it and said what Dave our new board member told me, yeast infection and she burnt off some granulated tissue with silver nitrate very gently that stuff burns!! She prescribed the nystatin powder, like Dave mentioned, Dave had said that in his post…
Herceptin question
Hi everyone, two months ago I brought up the use of Herceptin to our Oncologist. He hadn't heard of the use to treat EC so he looked it up right there in his office. He said he would contact the manufacturer to see if they would pay for it, seeing that it is still experimental. Well like I said that was two months ago, I…
Please help...
Is there something I can do for my husband to help take away his pain? We still do not have a diagnosis...but he will just be sitting there and pain will begin...what he calls heartburn. It is terrible watching him suffer!! I don't know if I'm strong enough to take this journey....
G Tube
HI everyone, My dad seems to be doing very well. I haven't been over yet since we had a ton of snow. My mom is having a time getting adjusted to the feedings, he needs 3 a day, which is going to be problematic. I can't always get over there after work, but we'll see what we can do. You have to be careful about having the…
Just diagnosed with esophagus cancer, lots of questions.
Hello everyone, I was diagnosed with barrett's esophagus with adenocarcinoma, after an ultrasound the doctors have concluded it is advanced stage 1. Lucky for me, So some of the questions I have are, who has had a laparoscopic esophagectomy with gastric pull up, and how long was the recovery, how long before I can go back…
Has anyone had their Esophageal Cancer that has metastasized gone on remission?
I need some hope. You may remember, I have EC, and have had surgery. After two months of no cancer, I broke my neck and found out my EC Mets to the bones. I was wondering if anyone has had something similar to this and has had success with chemo and radiation? I know each individual case is different, but hearing someone…
Awaiting pet scan results thursday
Ed just had his second pet scan (first one done in November when he was first diagnosed), we see the doctor this Thursday to consult with him. Originally he was diagnosed at stage four with mets to liver, stomach, pelvis, etc. He has done three rounds of cisplatin and campostar, still three more sessions to go. I am…
Update on Al
Hi everone, Just thought I should keep you posted. Al had his mri and they couldn't find a vein for contrast and wouldn't use his port. He is supposed to have the pet scan on Monday. He is trying to do the exercises the the physical therapist gave him to do, but after he does them he has alot of pain and it's harder for…
J tube problems!!!!
Hi, Just wondering if anyone has experience with j tubes. I was doing so well and since last week have had a lot of drainage, sometime having to change the pads after 3-6 hrs. The nurse checked it last week during my chemo and it wasn't infected but now over the weekend, it is getting a pink area spreading out from the…
Why is it that my husband could barely get food in on Friday and Saturday...but then had a good food day yesterday and is feeling pretty good today? Do the symptoms come and go for anyone else? Susie
Dad's feeding tube and stent removal
Well, things didn't go as planned. The stent is embedded in his stomach and couldn't be removed, nor could the feeding tube be placed. He was admitted to the hospital last night waiting to hear the next step. They aren't sure what the next step will be. They said possibly having to open him up to has access to the stent.…
William and Loretta...where are you?
I've been wondering, has anyone heard from them? It is unusual for him to be so quiet for so long. I actually had someone on the ACOR list that I referred to him, because he is going to have surgery with his surgeon. But I don't think he's been around. Now I know he had travel in the future, but I want to be sure…
Dr. Burzynski
I have just been reading the book "Knockout" by Suzanne Somners. According to what she writes and what I have seen on TV, Dr. Burzynski's clinic is curing cancer without surgery or Chemo. He is replacing missing peptides in the body, which destroys cancer cells at the cellular level without destroying healthy cells. Does…
"Special dipensation" on disability ssdi benefits already approved
My husband, stage four with lots of mets, was approved back in November 2009, for ssdi but we got several letters stating there is a "six month waiting period"., so his first check does not start until May 2010. I keep reading about this "special dispensation" and have called ssi and they still claim "there are no…
hospital update
I am sitting in the hospital waiting room and have some time to kill, so I thought I would give a quick update. The liver problem turns out to be fluid around the liver. They will do a TIPS (sp?) on him this afternoon. Hopefully that will control the bleeding. I talked to the Onc. and while it may not be liver cancer, it…
Thanks Lori, I'm ready now
Hello everyone, I have recently learned as you know that Al may not be with me in this world for very long. The radiaton oncologist told me the other day that he may only be with me for a few months or maybe even less. We do have a pet scan and another mri scheduled for next week to see exactly what we are up against, but…
Back to the hospital
Where to start, it is all a jumble, forgive me if I bounce around. Paul started the Oxy and xeloda, all went fine, no bothersome side effects. He had a PET done which showed some spots on spine and pelvis, which correlated to some pain he was having. Started some very low dose pain meds and pain went away. He also went for…
would you please email me at dianad1215@aol.com I would love to talk to you about this social security mess and also about your late husband, I am so sorry that you have lost him, my husband is also stage four with alot of mets, has lot seventy pounds, etc., we are do a pet scan tonight, would love to ask you some…
Dad's feeding tube placement
Hi, My dad will be having the "G" feeding tube placed today. They will also be removing the esophagus stent that has fallen into his stomach. Thankfully the weather isn't as bad as predicted so they can head to the hospital. I'm feeling nervous. I'll update when he's done and they are home safe and sound. Thanks for…
Half way
Well last week I had out-patient surgery to get my feeding tube removed. Finally, after nine weeks after surgery. This week I have my third round of chemo and it will put me half-way through chemo treatments. Feeling pretty good and eating as best I can each day. I lost 38 lbs since surgery on 11-20-09 and have stayed at…