"In2Angels"~My personal comments on alternative vs. traditional treatments for Colorectal cancer

Dear “Believer in Angels” (In2Angels)
First of all, I have chosen to answer you on a new and separate topic line from the one you first posted your plea. https://csn.cancer.org/node/245049 This post began with a question from “Amjosmom” (Jayme) with whom my husband and I corresponded innumerable times before her dad ultimately passed away. However, early on she was in search of a miracle—aren’t we all? So that forum isn’t really active, but patients and family members keep writing hoping that there is some truth to this Blue Scorpion Venom which cost $700 for a small bottle quite some time ago.
So far, I can see that there have been 33,343 people have read the post about Blue Scorpion venom. It would certainly seem logical that surely some could come forward with verifiable proof that they indeed were diagnosed with cancer, and when they drank this venom, they were cured! I'm still waiting!
So now I would like to begin a new separate line for you to post on, if you have questions about other topics not related to scorpion venom, we may be able to help. It’s just too difficult trying to keep up with people who post on a forum topic that doesn’t have patients posting there on a regular basis. I hope you understand. Thirty-six comments about where to purchase this venom is enough.
Believe me most of us here no doubt believe in angels, I certainly do. And many believe in prayer. There’s only one small distinction about prayer that many people miss. God wants us to seek His face, and reverence Him, and be thankful for His many blessings. However, I believe that I must be willing to accept His answers, even though it may not be what I asked for. And on a personal note, my Stage IV cancer has brought me into a closer relationship with Him than before my diagnosis. Now as believers, we want to be on a “first-name” basis with God. However, do we readily and willingly accept His will? Do we always pray, “…Thy will be done…? This is where the “rub” comes in. When I fail to remember that I asked for God’s guidance, I can be less than content when I have a CT scan and it has little to shout about! My inner peace comes from knowing that He has never forgotten me, and left me to “fend for myself”. And yet at times, I can temporarily find myself trying to figure out the present and the future all by myself. And believe me, when you first hear that your husband has cancer, your first reaction will not be one of shouting for joy!
That said, I know you say you are a believer. That is wonderful. This is what you wrote, but I had to look for your letter among the 36 replies to this one posting.
On April 28, 2017, you sent a passionate plea to Peggy who posts as “Phowe01”.
You said you needed to know about her miracle.
You wrote: “Peggy-My husband was just diagnosed, yesterday, with rectal-colon cancer and we are devastated. We don't know the stage yet til Monday and I am desperately looking for a miracle. We are believers and are staying positive and praying a lot. I am interested in hearing about your miracle as I am desperately looking for a miracle for my husband.”
When I read your letter, I immediately sent a private e-mail to “Peggy” that read like this: May 28, 2017 - to “Peggy” (PHOWE01): “Peggy - you posted once - many have since responded. How about giving an update as to how you were "cured" by using the Blue Scorpion venom. So many that addressed you since your one posting have died. Please let us know what facility treated you and how it has changed your life. When did you last have a check-up and what is your present diagnosis and prognosis going forward?
Sincerely hope this finds you well. - Loretta Marshall - Stage IV Ovarian Cancer, Peritoneal Carcinomatosis”
Peggy has not answered me, just like she hasn’t answered the many other patients who have written to her. I note that her “about me” page indicates she only posted once. She joined on September 10, 2012, and checked back in the next day on September 11, 2012. She hasn’t been heard from since, even though many have responded to her posting, and had high hopes of having a reply. Now since I, nor anyone else, has ever received a reply, allow me to remain skeptical about the validity of her posting. Personally, I think it is cruel to arouse hope in a person and never follow up with any helpful information.
- So as one reads through the 36 different comments, they will find that I replied to “Glendy” here: https://csn.cancer.org/comment/1540982#comment-1540982
These are my own opinions, and they have not changed. Moreover, I see that I am not alone in my suspicions. It seems that “Romina Frometa” has been able to “get to the bottom” of this scam (her description), and has written her opinions here. I tend to believe what she has written here more than the posting about the healing qualities of Blue Scorpion Venom! I appreciate her reply. She has a more intimate knowledge of this venom controversy.
“Romina Frometa” writes in part...
“…I have read your opinions in my search for information about a complementary treatment for my husband's cancer and I also did my own research about Medolife. My conclusion is that Medolife and its product Escozine are an incredibly smart scam. Perhaps because I can read in Spanish, thanks to my mom, I found more information about this issue than that available in English, and what I have found is that about Medolife and its product Escozine there are lots of false statements and untrue facts…”
I must admit to feeling a bit upset when someone espouses a secret cure to cancer. We are already devastated when we learn we have cancer. And in the beginning, most of us are not medical professionals and must begin to conduct proper research to find out “what on earth has just happened to our body?” It seemed like “yesterday we were well, and today we have cancer!” In the beginning, it can be difficult to sort out fact from fiction, but it is altogether absolutely necessary in order to communicate with the doctors, and to know how best to handle one’s diagnosis.
In this case, you say your husband has been diagnosed with “rectal-colon cancer” and you will not know until Monday, May 1, 2017, what the “stage” of your husband’s cancer will be. Say no more “Angel”, we all identify with what your weekend has been like. We immediately identify with the roller-coaster emotions of “shock, surprise, bewilderment, anxiety, fright, devastation, sadness, unanswered questions, momentary emotional paralysis shall we say, and tears” that accompany a diagnosis of cancer. Then there’s the temptation to immediately deny it and say, “Oh me, oh my, there must be some mistake. This can’t be happening. Which way do we go? Whom should we seek for further information? Is this really true? Am I going to die? Am I going to live?”
Then our frantic search for truth begins. And that’s why I become so upset each time another sincerely shocked new patient or family member sees this “Blue Scorpion venom” posting and for a moment thinks that it just might be the answer! I share your belief in a God of miracles. It is a miracle that both I and my husband are alive today. My husband, William, was diagnosed with advanced Esophageal Cancer in 2002 and is now still alive 14 years later. That is a pure miracle. In my own case, I was diagnosed with a Stage IV cancer (Peritoneal Carcinomatosis) with my first visit to an emergency room here in town. Then a 2nd opinion, revealed my ovaries were also cancerous. And so God has kept me alive for 4 years now when I could have died anytime from the diagnosis on back in November of 2012. And who knows the path that you will take? You could be writing here in the future telling us about your miracle.
- So “Angel”, if I were you, I would educate myself as to what rectal and colon cancer involves, what are the treatments, and where you will find the most skilled physicians. There is a forum on this site as well for these types of cancers, and I’m certain that there are many posting there that have answers that will help you.
At this point, I would only advise you to please obtain a 2nd opinion, as the first one isn’t always accurate. Or even if it is, then a second opinion will confirm that diagnosis and you will at least have “peace of mind” that you are at the right place at the right time. I surely don’t wish to “burst your bubble” but Blue Scorpion venom is not a cure for cancer. Your time is valuable—your husband is precious and time is of the essence. I can only tell you that I’ve been reading this site for over 14 years, and no one has produced any proof that they were cured of their cancer by drinking the venom from a Blue Scorpion. Think about it! I personally have communicated with many of the people who posted here, and the ones I know have long since passed on. No one wrote back to say that they had discovered the “magic potion”, conquered the cancer, and were writing to tell us about it.
If anyone “clicks on” “Amjosmom’s” picture in the left hand side of this particular forum topic, you will have access to her “about me” page. Her name is “Jayme”. “Amjosmom” has written on her “about me” page, several things about her dad who had Stage IV Esophageal cancer that had spread to his liver, his bones and his blood! From previous entries here we know that in a further effort to find help, her Dad had already been treated at Oasis of Hope in California where alternative methods of therapy are practiced.
Jayme joined June 13, 2012. She answered one question exactly right. The question was: “What have you learned from your experiences that you would like to share? She wrote:
“Believe in God's plan! Fight hard, but surrender completely to His will. Speak up!! Ask questions! Don't be afraid.”
Another question --Are there positive experiences you would like to share?—was answered this way.
“We discovered an alternative healing center. They are Christian based and are positive about recovery. We've met some wonderful people along the way and we CHERISH every minute we are given.”
During the time that Jayme wrote here, my husband and I corresponded with her numerous times. Sad to say, her daddy died. Not only did he die, but many of the other 36 entrants on this page have also passed away. They were all curious to know if this outrageously expensive Blue Scorpion venom really worked. Now I’m not sure if this was part of the regimen at the “alternative healing center” that “Jayme” discovered, but obviously it did not cure her dad. Believe me if this actually would heal cancer, it would be used worldwide, and “Blue Scorpion” farms would be more plentiful than marijuana farms in Colorado and California.
And so, “Angel”, I don’t want to “rain on your parade”, but I couldn’t agree more with the answer to “Jamey’s” first question. The advice she gave was “right on.” And so I will encourage you to pray hard but ask God what His plan is for you and your husband. And so, I will “second her advice.” As “Jayme” says, “Fight hard, but surrender completely to His will. Speak up!! Ask questions! Don't be afraid.”
Although I have not researched the type of cancer that your husband has been diagnosed with, I can give you some references that will give you a direction in which you should go. Feel free to write back here when you know more. Please forgive me if I sound cold and uncaring. Believe me, I am anything but un-caring. I have a passion to help guide others who have received the same kinds of disappointing diagnoses as that of my husband and me. However, I do speak up. I do ask questions. I am sometimes afraid, but when I am, I ask for God to give me the inner strength to trust Him when I can’t see any clear path ahead. He promises to give us “His peace” and comfort us in all our trials. He truly is a God of compassion.
And my prayer for you is that once your husband has completed all the tests, and the correct stage has been determined, that God will guide you to the very best doctors. Believing and being in the center of God’s will is the best place you can be, even when it’s a hard place and the road is bumpy and often seems unpaved. Once more, please write again if you think we can be of help. The stage of your husband’s cancer diagnosis will dictate the treatment plan.
Wishing for you and your husband all the best,
Loretta (Peritoneal Carcinomatosis/Ovarian Cancer Stage IV) since November of 2012.
1. http://news.cancerconnect.com/cancer/newly-diagnosed/
2. http://news.cancerconnect.com/cancer/newly-diagnosed/questions-to-ask/
3. http://news.cancerconnect.com/cancer/newly-diagnosed/getting-a-second-opinion/
4. http://news.cancerconnect.com/types-of-cancer/colon-cancer/colon-cancer-overview/
“Overview - “The colon and rectum are parts of the body’s digestive system and together form a long, muscular tube called the large intestine. The colon is the first 6 feet of the large intestine and the rectum is the last 8-10 inches. Treatment approaches differ between cancers of the colon or rectum and are, therefore, discussed separately. A separate section has been created for Rectal Cancer…
The treatment of colon cancer typically consists of surgery and/or chemotherapy and may involve several physicians, including a gastroenterologist, a surgeon, a medical oncologist and other specialists. Care must be carefully coordinated between the various treating physicians involved in managing the cancer…”
5. http://news.cancerconnect.com/types-of-cancer/rectal-cancer/rectal-cancer-overview/
(This section will include stages, etc.)
“Overview - “The colon and rectum are parts of the body’s digestive system and together form a long, muscular tube called the large intestine. The colon is the first 6 feet of the large intestine and the rectum is the last 8-10 inches. The last part of the rectum contains the rectal sphincter or anus. The rectal sphincter is the muscle that controls defecation. Preservation of the rectal sphincter during surgery for rectal cancer is necessary in order to maintain control of bowel function. Treatment approaches differ between cancers of the colon or rectum, and are therefore discussed separately. A separate section has been created for Colon Cancer.
Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of cancer that originates in the cells that line the rectum or large intestine. It accounts for over 90-95% of cancers originating in the rectum. Other types of cancer including carcinoid and leiomyosarcoma also originate in the rectum, but are not referred to as rectal cancer. This treatment overview deals only with adenocarcinoma of the rectum, which will be referred to as rectal cancer.
The treatment of rectal cancer may involve several physicians, including a gastroenterologist, a surgeon, a medical oncologist, a radiation oncologist, and/or other specialists. Care must be carefully coordinated between the various treating physicians involved in management of your cancer…”
If chemo is recommended, this site will tell you all about the drug or drugs that will be prescribed for your husband.
7. https://medlineplus.gov/colorectalcancer.html
“Summary - The colon and rectum are part of the large intestine. Colorectal cancer occurs when tumors form in the lining of the large intestine. It is common in both men and women. The risk of developing colorectal cancer rises after age 50. You're also more likely to get it if you have colorectal polyps, a family history of colorectal cancer, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, eat a diet high in fat, or smoke…”
8. http://health.usnews.com/best-hospitals/rankings/gastroenterology-and-gi-surgery
9. https://www.cancer.gov/types/colorectal
“OVERVIEW - Colorectal cancer is cancer that starts in the colon or rectum. The colon and the rectum are parts of the large intestine, which is the lower part of the body’s digestive system. During digestion, food moves through the stomach and small intestine into the colon. The colon absorbs water and nutrients from the food and stores waste matter (stool). Stool moves from the colon into the rectum before it leaves the body.
Most colorectal cancers are adenocarcinomas (cancers that begin in cells that make and release mucus and other fluids). Colorectal cancer often begins as a growth called a polyp, which may form on the inner wall of the colon or rectum. Some polyps become cancer over time. Finding and removing polyps can prevent colorectal cancer.
Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer diagnosed in the United States. Deaths from colorectal cancer have decreased with the use of colonoscopies and fecal occult blood tests, which check for blood in the stool…”
10. http://www.healthline.com/human-body-maps/abdomen
11. http://www.healthline.com/human-body-maps/pelvis
(My note: Here is a wonderful educational 3-D view of the entire body makeup – organ by organ. Simply type in the name of the organ you wish to view. You can also move the bar on the bottom to view the body parts from different angles. Be assured that the doctors will throw out some big words that you will not be familiar with unless you’re in the medical profession. So a site such as this serves me well to understand exactly where the cancer is located.)
_____________End of references that hopefully will be helpful___________
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