Scan news

John has had a really tough week. He got his chemo treatment a week ago monday. He had a few reactions while recieving it. It pretty much went down hill from there. He had no appetite and no energy.

On friday he was in emergency getting hydrated. Still eating very little on monday we thought maybe a feeding tube would help. Tuesday we made a trip to see his doctor who was at a different clinic than we usually go to. When they saw John you could see the concern in their faces. They started hydration and ordered a scan. We got the results right away.

The social worker came out and talked to John ane me and touched bases with us to see if we had taken care of details such as will etc. which we have.

When Dr. Dahbi came in the infusion center with the results I thought no he is not going to give us this news in front of everyone. He face looked happy and he told us that there still are no new sites and nothing has increased since the last scan. He said that his body is just saying no more chemo at this time. He will hold off the chemo this monday and John will just get the Herceptin.

I also am giving John two appetite stimulants. One is Megestrol and the other is Dexamethasone. He also takes the synthetic Marajuana. Food intake was better today. We still need to increase the liquid.

John is very determined. He always signs off his caring bridge site with these words. My body is strong my determination is great and my will to survive is immense. His caring bridge site is under Johnskager if any of you would like to follow his journey.

Thank you all for the support. Shirley
