How about starting a weekly Wednesday evening uterine chatroom at 8 pm CST
Friends, What does everyone think about staring a uterine chat room live chat, on the chatrooms on this website. We could use the room called "Extra Room for Extra Chats" on the website, rather than the lobby which is for general chatting. It might be fun. What do you guys think? Cindy
I may need radiation after my chemo ends and I wanted to know how bad the side affects are.
I've been going for chemo and need radition as well afterwards, I work in a hosp as therapy tech, has anyone worked while on radition?
hi sisters, back from a week at commonweal, and it was truly amazing; too spiritual for my taste, but not offensive, and i could take what i wanted from it. no one was pushing anything, it's just their strong bent. i, for one, will never, ever experience cancer as a "gift", but maybe others have done, or do now. to give…
has any one, especially with upsc, been treated with cisplatin and gemcitabine (gemser) for recurren
sisters, had an assay done of fresh tissue and there were at least 3 good combinations of chemo for me, should i need it in the future (probably.) the one most highly recommended which worked best for me, was the above. am interested in hearing from any of you that have tried this combination, how it was, and how it…
Just diagnosed with EC on Jan. 7- have questions about next steps
age 57 Dx 1/7/2011 EC atypical hyperplasia/low grade histology Wow- do I ever feel fortunate to have landed on this site! I have been reading many posts trying to get educated so that I can ask the right questions of you. What a supportive, caring, intelligent, and truly helpful group you are. I can only imagine how lonely…
Anyone get bad side effects that last too long?
Just feeling bad and want to know I am not alone in these ongoing negative symptoms....I had 1st chemo (carbo/taxol) Jan. 13th....and I am still not feeling well or "normal". I had every text book side effect...nausea that my pills didn't help, bone aches that were killer, bad headaches, fatigue that will not leave,…
To Minniejan Regarding Flu Shot
The Centers for Disease control have an "Ask the Expert" center and they will answer any questions on line for you or you can call. Email: NIPINF0@cdc.GOV You can also go to Needletips, and sign up for their monthly bulletin, they have everything you need on vaccinations. It is very important to get the flu shot when your…
Other support groups
I wanted to let everyone know that I find eyesontheprize.org to be a great international support group with active members and lots of answers. It has been around over a decade so you may want to join it. When you get to the primary page you can join the yahoo group. Thanks! Zarka
Probable recurrance and questions
Dear friends, As a longtime lurker on this board, I have admired you all for the support you give to each other, for your great spirit, courage, and good humor, and for your smarts and incredible knowledge. I was diagnosed with endometrial adenocarcinoma stage 3c grade 2 in May 2008 (I was 48 years old). I had…
Question about endometrial carcinoma grade 1
I'm new here...I joined this network because my mom was recently diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma (grade 1); she had a full hysterectomy almost 2 weeks ago. When she came out of surgery the oncologist said the cancer was contained in the uterus (he said stage 1A), but after getting the results from pathology he said…
A good friend (high school classmate) had endo cancer the same time as me. We supported each other as she went through chemo for endo ca and me for breast cancer. Now that we're both back to our relatively normal selves, we thought it would be fun to have lunch with some of our other classmates (women only, of course).…
Susafina Question for you-how did your thyroid check go?
Sue, Hi there. Per your last post, you had a thryoid appt on Wednesday to check and monitor. How did that go for you? Please let me know how you are doing. I was able to get my thryoid evaluation appointment moved up to 1/13/11, so I am glad I will not have to wait until the end of the month for that appointment. Hugs,…
Upsetting news,,,mets to the liver and more
Hi all, Have been experiencing abdominal,midriff, back and side pain over the last two weeks. Even though we found out that during the carbo/taxol treatments I had profuse tumor growth, I never experience even discomfort, so pain was a big RED FLAG. CT scans taken on Thursday...much progression... mets to liver, rectas…
Had my thyroid biopsy today
Friends, Finally had my thyroid nodule biopsy today. The surgeon ordered for two nodules to be biopsied but the radiologist doing the procedure said that she was only going to do one. She said the other was too small to do, and the third was a clear cyst (doc didn't want that want biopsied either). I mentioned surgeon…
Has anyone had successful Meagace/Megestrol treatment and gone on to conceive?
My husband and I were married in April 2010, and at the end of the summer we started TTC. I had alot of heavy bleeding around Thanksgiving that wouldn't stop so my gynecologist performed a D&C. In the D&C they found a microscopic amount of what he beleived was cancer. I am seeing an gynecological oncologist at Rush…
She's gone
My Mom passed away yesterday afternoon at 3:15. Her year long battle with uterine cancer is over. She was with her loving family at the time of her passing. I will love her forever and try to be more like her. I hope she can forgive me for any hurt I may have caused her. I pushed her too hard sometimes because I thought…
Linda--how are you? Any word on that increase in CA125? Did you get retested?
Linda, I have been thinking about you. What is going on? Have you heard any further feedback from your doctor regarding the increase in CA125? Are they going to continue with same chemo or change? Are you going to get it retested? Sending positive thoughts and hugs your way! Cindy
Annie's UPSC status update
Hi All, Had my gyn-onc appt this am for latest PET/CT results. Recap of where I'm at: Clean PET/CT and CA125 of 15 at end of last summer after 4 months on Gemzar; CA125 started to rise after I decided to take a chemo 'vacation'. Restarted Gemzar after 2 month break, by end of Nov ca125 14, end of Dec, ca 125 12! Today,…
Chemo or Not
Sept 2010 I(60 yrs old) was diagnosed w/uterine cancer - had a PET/CT Scan - was told no sign of cancer anywhere else(?) Had a total hysterectomy w/bilateral salpingo oophorectomy-they FOUND cancer in a fallopian tube but nothing in the lymph nodes - I was told I'm stage 3A-Now they want me to do 6 treatments of…
flu shot
Hello All, I am starting chemo on Feb. 8 (my 31st wedding anniversary!) for Uterine Papillary Serous Carcinoma, after undergoing surgery on December 29th. Luckily the cancer did not appear to have spread. I also will start radiation soon. My question, my chemo nurse recommended a flu shot prior to chemo. Is this normal…
Had my first mammogram today-Happy news-was normal
Friends, Hi there. My last chemo was in November. I never had a mammogram, and I was having alittle bit of discomfort, so my oncologist ordered one which I had today. Because of the discomfort they read the results early (today) and I am so thrilled and happy to say it was normal. I never wound up having one before the…
Has anyone ever had any odd pains a couple of months after initial chemo ended?
Friends, On and off over the last year, I had odd little pains that came and went. Mostly from surgery and chemo of course. My last chemo was Nov 2nd. I was uterine 3C. Lately I have started having some discomfort under my right breast, don't know if under the bone or what and sometimes seems to go around to the back…
Robotic Laproscopic Gas or Swelling
Does anyone know what they pump into you when they are doing a robotic laproscopic hysterectomy? I'm not really in much pain unless I touch or stretch one of the lapro holes. But my torso (above the belly button & below the breasts) is sticking out like I'm pregnant. I know I'm large but this is more than normal. I guess…
SBRT Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy
Hi my friends, Can anyone recommend an outstanding medical center for SBRT? Or better yet an outstanding Rad. for SBRT. Thanks, Starfish
Lumps in pelvis area an infection 3/4 weeks after surgery - a possibility?
Hi everyone, Mum has gone down for first round of chemo and had some concerns about some lumps in her pelvic area (she can feel them). She had a CT scan today so they will find out tomorrow if she needs more surgery prior to chemo, but the doctor is hopeful it is an infection rather than tumours. Has anyone else had this?…
RE: Initial post
I might add that they decided not to do radiation on my Mom, as initially ordered due to her renal insufficiency.
Calling all UPSC survivors for advice!
Hi all of you USPC survivors! I have read most of your posts dating back to 2008 and they have helped me immensely in dealing with my mothers USPC diagnosis. I am sure mum will write on here eventually, but at the moment she is concentrating on eating the right foods to build up her immune system (a lot of raw juices etc)…
Hope: Helen is 23 year survivor of OC
Since our upsc cancer statistics and treatments are so similar to Ovarian (my doctor often calls it that and I just wish Medicare would)that I go on both boards. I posted a question about my upcoming chemo drug regimen and was very uplifted by this article written about Hleen in 2003-she is still going as she replied to my…
Can anyone tell me what the Omentium (spelling?) is? Thanks in advance for your post. God Bless You, debbie