extreme fatigue
Hi There, My mom has pretty much been in chemo non-stop for 2 years. She had to take a break due to a brain met (that was successfully treated with gamma knife). During that break, she was prescribed dexamethasone, which is an immunosuppresent among other things. Her cancer went wild and dramatically spread throughout her…
Decreasing Carb Intake and Increasing Protein on a Vegetarian Diet
I won't discuss now why I want to decrease the amounts of carbs I eat--I'll save that for when I have more time--but I'm back to eating a vegetarian diet and am frustrated that I eat about twice the RDA (which is actually MY RDA, not based on what the medical community recommends) of carbs and get much less protein than…
Body and joint pains from taxol/carboplatin-did many experience these and how were these handled
I get the taxol/carboplatin every three weeks. Had first chemo two weeks ago and a few days afterwards and pretty bad joint and body pains for several days. Still get but not as badly as the first several days. (Plus I still get all kinds of odd pains post surgery-alot of the same pains others have mentioned, rib cage,…
Whine time
I haven't written in a while as I as going thru external radiation and chemo. Had quite a few hematological challenges. i took a leaf from Linda's notebook trying not to share to not to scare newbies. Today had last radiation tx. On Tuesday having blood test if hemoglobin is over 8 they'll let me travel on one month trip…
The China Study by Dr. Campbell
While the whole book is quite study driven, there are parts that one might find very revealing and interesting in the fight against cancer. He attempts to support reasons why breast cancer is nearly non existent in regions of China and goes on to mention things a person can do the keep cancer at bay. Highly acclaimed. Try…
Claudia, what do YOU eat on typical day?
Claudia, you've been such a great source of information on nutrition--including posts on curcumin, foods that minimize angiogensis, acid versus alkaline foods, low gylycemic fruits, and other nutrition-related subjects. So given this fount of information, I'd love to know what you eat in a typical day or two. Jill has…
THE Book List
If you like, every time you read a book you find informative or you just liked related to the cancer subject, or health, you just post it here and a bit about it if you don't mind. That way everytime someone adds something, it will move to the top again. I'd like to start with this from Kate(tethyis)--"Autoimmune: The…
Optimal diet for cancer: meat versus vegetarian--and related issues
Find the current thread on the Paleo diet fascinating--and the ongoing controversies about all the following issues vital but confounding: 1) Whether or not cancer survivors should be eating meat--even organic, grass-fed meat; Many alternative practitioners such as Dr. Russell Blaylock, recommend NO meat, or dairy,…
MMMT Background & Treatment update - Newly Published Article
This information was posted on another site by an active member, and found it to be very helpful. First time I've seen any current information on MMMT cancer. This article is not for the faint of heart - it is pretty scientific and (in my opinion) includes more historical data than recent data and (more importantly)…
Has anyone had any experience with Zometa. I have a recurrence, and the tumor is adjacent to the bone. it has weakened the ileum, and I was told by an orthopedic surgeon to start an infusion of Zometa once a month. The side effects can be quite intense, so If anyone has had used this drug, I would like to hear opinions.
I've joined the CA125 club.
Well after thinking that the CA125 marker was not a good one for me, or not even something that my doctor considered as a tool, I found out today at my Dr appt that but she, my doctor has been using it all along. Though they never got a number before my surgery thinking I had leiomyosarcoma, they have been monitoring it…
Energy Medicine
I’m interested to hear of your experiences with energy medicine - acupuncture, healing touch, reiki, tong ren, etc.? I’m not interested to debate this or defend it, just to learn of others experiences. I will share mine. I have a friend who introduced me to Tong Ren 2 years ago when I learned of my first recurrence. She…
Enzymes are often referred as the sparks of life. Without them we simply cannot function. Digestive enzymes are created by the body in order to break down the food we eat, while metabolic enzymes oversee thousands of biochemical reactions in the body from energy production to detoxification. Both digestive and metabolic…
Lynch syndrome testing
Hi, I would like to ask if it is possible for this type of cancer to be diagnosed from tissue that was taken during staging for endometrial cancer? I have been sent by my gyn/onc to gastro for review of new symptoms continuing since last October. He opened up this discussion with me and now I am going for endoscopy and…
I completed treatment for Uterine cancer 10 months ago. I had radiation treatment and was instructed to use a dilator. I haven't used it for 2 months. Since then I had a pabst smear done a month ago and had some bleeding after(doctor said this would occur). The test was normal. I decided to start using the dilator again…
observation based conclusions. -and questions of their validity
I seem to remember that the argument that cigarette smoking did not cause cancer, put forth by the tobacco companies for decades, were based on the no trial was done mantro, and how could mere observation really prove that smoking is the cause of lung cancer, people couldn't prove it, right. So, those money grabbers got…
USPC - Recurrance - Time for Change - Confused
I have been on the discussion boards and have posted on several occasions so many of you may already know what’s going on with me. I was diagnosed in January with a recurrence of USPC in the supraclavicular lymph node & developed several spots on my lungs. The mass was 3.5 cm x 4 cm and was visible just by looking at my…
radiation and supplements
I just wanted to post that I have been looking into things to help protect my Mom while she is having radiation that starts next week and wanted to share with others. There have been studies that show that taking probiotics before and during radiation helps to mitigate the side effects like diarrea during pelvic radiation.…
Found the following interesting and timely. Gives one some things to consider. I really felt the sign off--Keep the Hope !! CHANGING LIFESTYLE IMPROVES CANCER OUTCOME & CHANGES GENE EXPRESSION By Rick Shapiro of www.latestagecancer.com Following, are excerpts from an interview conducted a few years ago with Dr. Dean…
bonniep, I am bringing up an article because you asked questions about things to discuss with your d
treatment. This study discusses how turmeic can make Taxol work better with fewer adverse effects. Hope this helps you find the answers you are looking for. The best news is that the doctors at M.D. Anderson are fully aware in some cancer departments, pancreatic cancer for one, about the benefits of turmeric. And have had…
To shave or not to shave...
About 7 days post first chemo I noticed some slight hair loss. My doctor said day 17 would be the big day and my sisters on the board were 13-14 days. So, after a work meeting I had to attend onsite on day 14 (I am a virtual employee) I went to my stylist and told her to shave to about 1/2 inch. If only it would stay this…
Completed second session of third round of chemo.
I went Thursday and Friday for my Cisplatin and Taxol treatments. Both were long days, but where uneventful. Thank goodness. My labs remain good. My liver enzymes are back. To norrmal, so I continue on my daily blood thinner shots. It has taken multiple phone calls to get the insurance to approve them for six more months.…
Treatment Plan for second recurrence of UPSC
I had interesting conversation with my doctor this week. I was very nervous dealing with second recurrence in lymph system. Biopsied tissue sent to Caris and this report was used to come up with new plan - hormone therapy with letrozole (Femara), an aromatase inhibitor. It is interesting that Chester, the UPSC beast, has…
Third treatment option
I met with my primary gyn-onc today re being more aggressive with chemo for my UPSC disease progression. He will not equate 'aggressive' with 'effective'. He is not on board with doing a carbo/taxol treatment (as recommended by second opinion gyn-onc)as he believes negative toxicities far out weigh potential benefits. He…
My name is Karen and I've been part of this discussion board since August 2011. I formally joined yesterday to thank you all for what you've shared with the ACS community and the world at large. Your forum discussions often pop up on internet searches for information about dealing with uterine cancer. I am incredibly…
Fearlesshoneybadger, my deep thinking friend, would you read UPSC hormone sensitivity discussion on
on days March 1 thru 4. What are your thoughts on this? We're having a discussion about the status of the state of hormone sensitivity in UPSC, and the ensuing treatment options. Thanks, Claudia
from Science Daily's epigenetic news re: broccoli and cruciferous veggies. Just passing it along to
Eat Your Broccoli: Another Mechanism Discovered by Which Sulforaphane Prevents Cancer ScienceDaily (Feb. 28, 2012) — Researchers in the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University have discovered yet another reason why the "sulforaphane"compound in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables is so good for you -- it…
Any Stage IV success stories?
My Mom's biopsy results just came back and what the doctors had originally thought was a sarcoma came back as a carcinoma, originating in the uterus. My Dad didn't ask any more (which drives me nuts) but her appointment with the Gyn Oncologist is in a couple of weeks. Until then, we are just waiting and feeding her the…
Has anyone had recurrent endometrial cancer 14 years after a hysterectomy? A catscan found a mass in
Luckily the mass was Not attached to any organ, other than the lining of the peritoneal cavity. They did surgery and removed the mass and the margins were clean. All good news we think. They are planning on doing 6 sessions of chemo to kill any possible renegade cancer cells that might be out there. She has also had a…
Keep those cancer clusters small. Foods that discourage angiogenesis.
Most people have cancer cells traveling around their bodies, but none of those cells can do major harm until they are able to establish tumors that have their own blood supply, which then allows them to grow to a size they CAN do harm. So, one of the most important things any of us can do is to try to thwart that…