spread to limph nodes
hi, my name is lisa I was diagnosed with papillary cancer when i was 24 years old, back on the year of 1998 i had a total thyroidectomy and like a month later i had my first radiation a year later i had a 2nd radiation thats when my doctor said i was cleared of any cancer, then barely a month ago when i went to get my…
My first post - Follicular CA through capsule had lobectomy, laryngeal nerve damage, still need comp
I have been reading these boards while getting tests then surgery and worrying myself. So here goes this is my first post. I had my first thyroid surgery about a month ago. I have Follicular Thyroid Cancer that has gone through the capsule. I have some more small nodules on the other side of my thyroid. I was supposed to…
Need Help
Hello, on 8/31/12 I had a total thyroidectomy for a Stage 1 Papillary thyroid cancer. I was released from the hospital with 100 cmg of syndroid and a lot of calcium. No RAI treatment needed per doctor's advice. I'm 5'2 and weight about 119lbs. First 3 weeks post surgery were horrible: sweats; sleepless nights; tired;…
jugular vein cancer
has anyone ever heard of this? thanks. sonitikki-sonim@earthlink.net
blood test
So I had thyroid cancer about 10 years ago and only been seen by my GP. So she sent me to an endo and he did my blood work and sent me for a scan. I picked up a copy of my blood results because I really do not understand my condition at all and feel like it is overdue for me to get some understanding. The endo will not be…
new short film on cancer - looking for stories for next film
I am from the colon cancer group but want to post this : PSA on Early Detection for colon cancer ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86jEIEBLPNM&feature=player_embedded the next one will be on diet & alternative therapy during remission. If anyone has a story to share, please message me. I want to keep making these videos…
TG level?
I had TT in Nov 2010 and RAI Dec 2010..... but i m really confused with my follow up treatment.... when my TSH was 0.60 my TG was 1.86... as per my endo my TSH was too low.. so he decreasd my thyroxin dose.. TSH went 1.5 and TG 2.6.. now he again increasd the dose to get my TSH low.... i m so confused .. as from diff…
hard time dealing with thyroid ca
I am about a month out from have tt. Since then I have been extremely depressed. I can't seem to snap out of it. I had no problems with my thyroid but I had 3.8 mass in my neck when they did the surgery they found cancer in my thyroid( papillary). I already had weight issues before this, now its worse. I can't sleep & have…
Graves desease
I'm a Breast cancer survivor for 3 1/2 yrs. After Chemo and Rads I developed Hypothyroidismn.....fine for three and a half years, then I lost twenty pounds very quickly...many tests later found out I have Graves. The thyroid is very complex, any help or knowledge of Graves would help me, Thanks ahead of time. Karie
Side affects after surgery
Hi all! New here! Im about 2 1/2 weeks out from surgery, had my thyroid and lymph odes removed on the right side. From reading some posts on this site I feel like I didn't get enough information about the surgery and side affects after, but I don't go back to the doc for another 3 weeks. I have been feeling extreamly…
Thyroid cancer reoccurrence after 23 yrs.
I had one side of my thyroid removed and the other side was killed by idione ration back in 1989. On August 7, I fell off the roof and rushed to the ER. The CT scan showed broken bones but also a node in the base of right lung. A PET scan on August 30 confirmed a high uptake in right lung base and also in Hila and…
Weight Gain After TT Surgery
Hi, I had a TT in December 2009 pappilary cancer. Small enough though where I did not need radiation. At the time of surgery I weighed 130lbs. Now I weigh 170. No matter what diet or exercise I cannot lose weight. My dr. doses my synthoid according to my TSH results each 8 weeks. Sometimes I take 125mcg and then others I…
Will my RAI be screwed up if I don't move out of my house?
First the facts as I understand them from the research papers I have read. - one of the sine non qua of follicular Thyca is capsular/vascular invasion. - follicular cancer tends to met to the lungs and bones; and if it is going to met, it does so in the first 12 years. - fully encapsulated FVPTC with capsular/vascular…
Don't underestimate Hashimoto's disease- my story
Hello everyone- I am a thyroid cancer survivor. At age 43, I began feeling sluggish and noticed my hair was falling out. One day, I slept for 20 out of 24 hours, you couldn't have woken me if the house was on fire! That night, I woke up startled and felt a golf-ball sized lump in the front of my throat. After much…
I am coming up on my 1 year since my TT for Hurthle Cell. I had a RAI in Dec 2011. I have located a mass about 2 inches or so above my incision site. I have been to all my cancer appointments and all blood work have come back in the areas that the levels should be. I am due to see my ENT on oct 8. And have a ultra sound of…
Hey all, I am a recent survivor of breast cancer. Yay!That's over. That was REALLY hard. Anyway, I have a thyroid nodule that has grown and developed a couple of extra small ones since the last scan. My oncologist is sending me to a specialist to have it checked. She says he'll do a fine needle aspiration. I looked that…
BRAF mutation
I know only enough about this mutation do know that it is something to be concerned about having. I have read a few research papers, but have not started obsessing about it. Is it something that is done without requesting it, or must you demand it, or must you already be diagnosed with metastisis? I think I read that it…
I am new, but am barging ahead.
I have found a wealth of information on this site. I am so grateful and hope I will be able to support others here in the future as I gain more knowledge and experience. For now I am too new to be of much help. I am more afraid than anything, but am trying to moderate my fear by getting good info. Here is my personal info,…
Lung biopsy
I will have my lung biopsy tomorrow at 1pm. I am very scared of the outcome and procedure. Hopefully it will be fine. I'm asking for your prayers.
Is cheese on the LID a mistake?
I posted the diet I was given yesterday, and it specifically lists cheese, butter, mayo as "ok" foods in one area, and says no dairy in another but allows 1 cup of milk per day. I think the cheese (with no limits - NIH states 1 oz of cheeze is allowable by some practices) is a mistake, but who am I to say anything to them?…
Question before low iodine diet
I am about to do my treatment of RAI. I am starting my low-iodine diet this monday. My question to anyone out there is I know salt has iodine, and sea salt is also a no no. But when you read the label on sea salt it states it has no iodine. Is there any thing you can use for a salt substitute. Also is there a milk…
hair loss after 1 year scan?
Hi folks! Just had the 1 year scan in August, but I've been experiencing a lot of hair loss (did the thyrogen). Is this something attributed to the Thy Ca stuff, or not? I did lose a good bit of hair after surgery as the levels were getting stable, so I anticipated that. But this was not expected...?
Hospital stay length?
I had my TT in December, but no cancer. However, my housekeeper (whom is like family) does have thyroid cancer. She is very poor and not eligible for any benefits. She had her TT today and they sent her home hours after the procedure! They did not verbally explain any of the complications she should look for as far as…
Tg is 102 4 months post RAI
I just saw my ENT the other day and got my latest labs. My Tg is going down, but it is still 102 4 months after RAI. It started out around 1500. My TSH is 1.2 and not quite low enough as well. Doc said that if my Tg doesn't come down significantly he may want me to have another RAI. Is it normal or usual for ones…
Thyroglobuin raised from 1.1 to 1.6
Hello. My 57 year old mom was diagnosed with stage 3 papillary carcinoma thyroid cancer in January 2012. She had her total thyroidectomy and cancerous lymph nodes removed in February, followed by radioactive iodine treatment in March. Her WBS came back clean after treatment. A couple of blood tests after treatments showed…
HI- I am a 33 yr old mother of 2 young boys. I just had a biopsy that found my right 3.5 cm thyroid nodule is "suspicious for a neoplasm and concerning for medullary carcinoma". It further notes that numerous spindled cells and material concerning for amyloid are present. I have scheduled and appointment with an oncologist…
Radioactive Iodine
Hi, Iam new to this site. I am due to have Radioactive Iodine treatment and have been told that I am to be kept in isolation from my family afterwards. Can I ask how people got home from the hospital after their treatment? And can I go outside afterwards too away from other people? What happens to my bed linen etc? Luv…
mucus problems
Hello everyone I am a daughter of a survivor who is seeking help on behalf of her dad. My Father was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer in May 2012. He is a 64 year male and has already had a full thyroidectomy (July 2012) all lymph nodes removed, very small part of his esophagus removed, radioactive iodine (Aug 2012)…
I normal on the breast cancer board . They found a 4.2 nodule on my thyriod I had a FNA of it and it hurts. How long does it stop hurt or does it. I was told 24 hrs before the results now I got a 5 day wait .
hi everyone, 2 years ago i've done total thyroidectomy and after 1 year i'm suffering severe depression.i research for the internet and i found out i'm having bipolar disorder. is there anyone who can advice me what to do i'm having low energy and no interest to do anything that was funny for me before.i'm having treatment…