Good to see such positive give and take
Hi all havent posted in awhile some of you might remember me some might not. Either way I have found a new way and it has completely stopped all dripping completely. I bought a teeter hangup on ebay and it does wonders over those kegals. Now I am not saying everyone go and buy a teeter.I am just giving my results and would…
Active Surveillence & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
I've been lurking here for awhile and thought it would be useful to post info on my situation. FWIW, I'm not looking for condolences or advice. I'm just posting this in case it will be of use or value to anyone who reads it. I was diagnosed w/prostate cancer following a biopsy on 1/28/10. I'm 59 and the diagnostic stats…
Information Needed on Nerve Sparing Da Vinci Surgeons
I just would like to find out for my own use and information only; if anyone can give me names of Da Vinci surgeons who they have dealt with, and had great results. Thanks.
Stress Incontinence, Kegels, and Holding
I found this link helpful on stress incontinence. http://www.nafc.org/index.php?page=male-stress-urinary-incontinence According to this article my old PA may have instructed me incorrectly. He cold me it as like holdingin gas, but this article says the buttocks should not move- that the correct way to strengthen pelvic…
Taste buds
Has anybody had any strange difference in their taste after PC treatments. Since DaVinci 11 days ago everything I eat has a strange taste(kind of sour) with only a slight taste of what it should taste like. The only thing I am still taking are stool softeners. thanks, Dave
Waxing Poetic
He was a healthy man, feeling great Did not know much about the prostate Then came a day when his whole world shook A simple blood test was all that it took Prostate Cancer is what they said Felt like he had been kicked in the head On his journey he met many others Now he thinks of them all as brothers He does his…
urinary retention after foley?
What is normal urination after foley removal? Should I be able to urinate freely (but just unable to stop until Kegels give control)? I am blocked; can't "go"; have urinary retention like when I had BPH before. Urine drains indirectly, passively, and spasmodically (squirts at various times), but I can't "go" when I try…
Dairy and Prostate Cancer: Is Milk a 4-Letter Word?
Since my diagnosis two weeks ago today, I've been doing a considerable amount of research as many posters on here do as well. One thing that really strikes me is the disparity in the PCa density among American and European men as compared to Asians of all age groups. Men in North America have prostate cancer at the rate of…
My Husband
Iam writing for strength and wisdom, please help. My wonderful 53 year old husband was diagnosed February 11, 2010 he has robotic surgery schedule for Saturday morning April 10 with Dr.Albert Mikhail from Kaiser Fontana. The surgery will be in west Los Angeles. His PSA is 6.98 Gleason 7 (3+4) 12 biopsies 6 positive on the…
Changing Doctors
For reasons I have expressed in other posts, yesterday I set up an appointment with a new doctor and canceled my next appointment with the old. Records are now transferred to the new office- The break is now offical- I am moving on. For a guy on Eligard, this was a very stressful decision. But it's over. I took a xanax…
Teaching Hospital Food for Thought
Surgeons learn more by doing than by watching so they are given every opportunity possible to "do" while in training. When surgery is done at a teaching hospital there are high odds that the procedure will actually be done by a resident or fellow with oversight by an "attending" surgeon. To me it is very important to ask…
Some new studies
I got some time on a computer with access to these journal articles. You can't just go download them, unless you buy a subscription ($$$), or pay over $30.00 for one article. I got the access at my local cancer center, in their library, which is run by the ACS. It's good, but they should be ashamed of themselves- one of…
Mild uncomfortable pain around belly after 2-3 months of Davincy
Hi everyone with post Davincy surgery. Anyone have experience with a mild uncomfortable pain around belly after 2-3 month after Davincy surgery? Thanks Larry for your email commnent to me. I have done a lot of tests, CT scan, Xray and all are normal. PSA =Zero, ED normal - small leakage when very active ( 1 fairly dry pad…
Question About Continence Centers
I would aaume most urology practices have some sort of Continence therapy connected with them. I was wondering if anyone has been through this kind of treatment and what do these continence centers do and does their therapies work?
Has any one tried or researched HIFU or CyberKnife for treating Prostate Cancer?
Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. I have no symptoms or discomfort whatsoever and my high PSA was detected in a routine annual check. I am 58 and by God's grace quite healthy. Have been a sportsman (squash player) at the national level in India. It appears it is confined within the prostate. The…
Does anyone have any experience with this type of radiation?
A Shopping guide for Pads
A shopping guide to pads Summary : rating from 1 (least absorbent) to 4 (most absorbent) (some pads have rating from 1-4; others don't--my estimates) --all prices are Suburban Chicago and does not include tax (1.75% where I am for medical supplies) ---for Male guard pads (except unisex)----- (4/4 supersize) Tena Serenity…
I was prescribed the Orbison ErecAid. I am 52 years old and was diagnosed with PC in Nov. 09. I underwent a DiVinci on Jan. 26 2010. I am also on Cealis. I've been very compliant with both, but results are discouraging. Sometimes I feel as tho I have an erection but it is not what is was before surgery (for lack of a…
New Diagnosis
Informed of biopsy report a week ago. 59 years old. PSA 4.3, Gleason 3+3, 1 of 12 biopsy cores showed 15% involvement with no evidence of perineural invasion. No physical symptoms. I've calculated my PSA doubling time to be 9.4 years from PSA readings going back to 2002. PSA density of 0.09 ng/ml/ml based on a prostate…
Do you think it is possible to kill prostate cells by diet ect..
Do you think diet can kill cancer cells in the prostate? For example veggies fruits wine green tea certain spices no milk products limited fats
My trip to the barber shop
Went to the barber shop yesterday for my 6 week hair cut and it was filed with guys from 45-70 (including the 4 barbers)…Stuart who has been cutting my hair long than my youngest (16 years) asked how my surgery went… Gave him a few details and a guy in his 50’s waiting to get his hair cut said “…you are too young to have…
Still shocked, bewildered and Just can't believe it!!
Hi everyone, I'm new to the family and I can't believe whats happening to me, I've worked in the medical field 20 years now and I've taught medical assistants as well. I now find myself on the recieving end of stick, sort of speak....I can't believe whats happening to me... I found out in 12/09 also...with an elevated PSA…
Any wives/significant others out there wanna chat?
I have been reading LOTS and I guess this disease is frustrating for me since I am a nurse. In most disease states, even most diagnoses of cancer, it appears the treatment is pretty clear cut. With this one though, it is such a hard decision. My husband (age 51, Gleason of 3+3)is happy with his choice (DaVinci surgery), I…
Timing for surgery after diagnosis
Everybody is so helpful here! I read Dr. Walsh's book and it was so facinating, I read it in like 2 days (and it's a big book). I know that for me, surgery is my best and only option. I am 51 and have a long way to go in this world... I am now contemplating the other choices over which I have control - my Dr., the Open vs,…
Testing anxiety
I received my one year PSA today (non-detect). I was very pleased ... however, waiting for the results was tough; indeed, the week before the blood draw found me worrying a lot. I hadn't experienced this with my previous (post-surgery) PSA testing. Does "testing" anxiety get worse the further you are out from treatment?
Novalis Tx
Does anyone have any first hand knowledgeof the Novalis Tx radiation technique which is supposed to be able to deliver brachy-like dosages without implants. Supposedly similar to Cyberknife but does not need fudicial implants and touts itself to be "next generation." Just wondering if anyone has used this procedure of…
When did you start ED therapy?
I am sure there are several threads out there but help a brother out…. I am 15 days out from surgery with an appointment to see my urologist on Friday (tomorrow). I have decided to start with ED drugs (and my doc said he would have given me these the day he removed my cath at my home and recommended 20mg Cialis 3x week)…
DaVinci Surgeons in Southern Calif?
Have read a lot about good, experienced DaVinci Surgeons on the East coast. Any input on good surgeons in Southern California? Has anyone had experience with Dr. Timothy Wilson or his colleagues at City of Hope or Dr. Kane or Parsons at UC San Diego?
Awesome book
I'm reading "Prostate Cancer Survivors Speak Their Minds". By Arthur L. Burnett II, MD and Norman S. Morris. IT is a neat book because each chapter is written by a prostate cancer patient, from Arnold Palmer, Ken Griffey Sr, and others from all walks of life. Some chose surgery, some radiation, some other things like…