My trip to the barber shop

bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Went to the barber shop yesterday for my 6 week hair cut and it was filed with guys from 45-70 (including the 4 barbers)…Stuart who has been cutting my hair long than my youngest (16 years) asked how my surgery went…

Gave him a few details and a guy in his 50’s waiting to get his hair cut said “…you are too young to have PCa…” “ you wearing diaper now…hah ha…” …oh so you can’t have an orgasm anymore….” And a few other choice things….Interest, he asked at the end of his comments what my Gleason score was and what was my PSA…now on top of this most of the guys at the barber shop were very uncomfortable about this discussion of PCa (a couple actually voiced it)

You would think this guy was a Class AAA jerk but I listened then responded….I showed him I was not wearing diapers (since he made such a point of it … gave him a “moon” too), I informed him I knew guys in their 40’s with PCa…I let him know that a guy of his age he knew little about sexuality and told where orgasms came from….I told him my Gleason pre and post and that my PSA was only 2.82….He got white and said “your PSA was to low to have PCA…” I assured him that it was not and went over my post surgery pathology with him…Anyway the guy with attitude and basically ridiculed me admitted to a PSA over 10 and a biopsy he did not want to discuss….

So while we all come here and talk about our fears and facing this beast there are many out there that continue to live I denial….


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  • jminnj
    jminnj Member Posts: 129 Member
    Wow! Sounds like you handled the situation and the guy very well. It is scary to think that there are guys out there who have such a high PSA and are in denial.
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    BD: I was hoping this was
    BD: I was hoping this was some kind of April Fools joke....But Since you posted here all I can say is the guy was an idiot, Sounds like you handled it well with your Education. TO bad you didn't have the good old catheter bag with you and you could have 'squirted him'.

  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
    lewvino said:

    BD: I was hoping this was
    BD: I was hoping this was some kind of April Fools joke....But Since you posted here all I can say is the guy was an idiot, Sounds like you handled it well with your Education. TO bad you didn't have the good old catheter bag with you and you could have 'squirted him'.


    He's Lucky he Didn't Run into Me
    I'm on hormone treatment and emotionally unstable and in a difficult mood sometimes when some of those subjects are brought up. The sexual comments would have been extremely painful to me- I am very sensitive on some of those issues right now. That I have to wear a pad bothers me every single day I am wearing one.

    I wonder if a jury would find me guilty or not guilty IF......
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
    Trew said:

    He's Lucky he Didn't Run into Me
    I'm on hormone treatment and emotionally unstable and in a difficult mood sometimes when some of those subjects are brought up. The sexual comments would have been extremely painful to me- I am very sensitive on some of those issues right now. That I have to wear a pad bothers me every single day I am wearing one.

    I wonder if a jury would find me guilty or not guilty IF......

    Trew...cannot worry about
    Trew...cannot worry about all of the jerks in the world...I had some neighbor the other day (age 54) after giving me his condolences told me that he would never have cancer because his mother did not...I hope he is right but not much of a rationale ..I did smile when he told me that...
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
    lewvino said:

    BD: I was hoping this was
    BD: I was hoping this was some kind of April Fools joke....But Since you posted here all I can say is the guy was an idiot, Sounds like you handled it well with your Education. TO bad you didn't have the good old catheter bag with you and you could have 'squirted him'.


    I think mooning him was
    I think mooning him was enough but if I had a pad I guess I could had tossed that at him... thanks for the laugh
  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
    bdhilton said:

    Trew...cannot worry about
    Trew...cannot worry about all of the jerks in the world...I had some neighbor the other day (age 54) after giving me his condolences told me that he would never have cancer because his mother did not...I hope he is right but not much of a rationale ..I did smile when he told me that...

    Forget the jerks
    BD, good advice, but sometimes the emotional roller coaster the hormone shots give you can produce an emotional reaction that is very difficult to controll and tears can come very easily sometimes. I get my next 6-month shot on April 29. I can hardly wait.

    And I am very fortunate, my wife cuts my hair and she does a very nice job of it, too. And that is good because I am not as excited about social cntacts as I once was. Life has become a bit of a challenge for me this past year.
  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
    Upon Further Reflection
    I must say, upon further reflection the guy in the barber shop was vocalizing every man's two greatest fears about PCa: sex and urination. Say the words "Prostate Cancer" and what do most men think of? The poor guy giving BD a hard time was just overcome with inner fears about what could happen to him. On those points I can sympathize with the poor man- I had the same fears as did most if not all of you. However, being on Eligard, before I had a chance to think this through I murdered the dude in the post above and now I am hoping the jury buys the Eligard defense.

    Poor poor pity me.

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    What a post
    I have also come across men who refuse to get a digital rectal, a psa or a biopsy.....go figure.......Ira


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