Nutrition and Cancer
I attended a Nutrition and Cancer seminar at UCSF today and thought I'd share what I learned, which actually was pretty much what I expected -- eat better quality food (less fat, less red meat, less salt, less sugar, less alcohol and more fruit, veggies, fish, nuts, whole grains, fiber and antioxidants) and exercise more…
My father's Prostate Cancer returned after seed implant
My father is 79 years of ago, had the seed implant in 2002. In 2007 the PSA level started to go up. His Urologist did not know what happening. After examining him, he said everything looked ok. Recommended him to a bone scan, it came out normal. The PSA level continue to raise, than he sent him to an Oncologist. The…
MUSE experience - when to start, pain, effectiveness, other options
My doctor is suggesting to start MUSE 3 times a week for 3 months after my da vinci surgery next month. I believe it will start 6 weeks after surgery. Not sure what the doctor plans are for the first 6 weeks. Here are my questions 1. Any other used this approach or is being suggested by their doctor 2. Pain of its use -…
Walgreens pads....
Hi, guys, over the last few months I have seen on the discussion boards that a lot of you have tried the Walgreens pads and like them better than any other brand. I went to local Walgreens and found pack of 51 pads and on package indicated they are for women. Now in my mind pads are pads. These are wider than Poise pads…
Proton Sites, Proton Therapy
There is a proton site in Indiana- here is the address; http://www.mpri.org:80/ I will add more info on proton therapy as I have time. -Trew
Hello everyone! I just had an Orchiectomy two days ago. It was a dual where they took both of my testicles and I was just wondering if any of you had ever had this procedure? My legs are real sore but my overall pain is not to bad. Any advice I can get would be very much appreciated. God Bless everyone and please let me…
Pathology Report
Just got my pathology report. Don't know what to make this since it was mailed to me and the Doctor plans to go over it with me at my next appointment: Prostate gland and seminal vesicles, radical prostatectomy (A-Q): A. Prostatic adenocarcinoma, Gleason score 6(3+3). See note. B. Stromal and glandular hyperplasia. High…
three questions: literature says that should not inject more than every other day, is this being overly cautious, can you safely inject a couple times a day over a two or three day period My first injection was administerd in the MD office, he gave me 10 whatever, about half the shringe, did not apply a tournaquit to the…
Update from Sonny-It's been a while
I have not been here in a while, and for that I apologize to all of you my brothers and sisters. Been traveling a bit with my wife and trying to live a little normalcy for a while. But today has prompted me to up date you on the latest of the good news and blessings that have come our way. First (probably the most…
5th day post-op and still in a world of hurt
Funny, I have a high tolerance for pain and do not complain.. but I gotta tell you this one has been rough. Most of site is much better and 4 of the 5 surgical openings are fine. However, 1 is an area under my rib cage that hurts like heck and now has a huge black and blue that just showed up in the past coule of days?…
Cayenne pepper research on prostate cancer
I wanted to share some of this research with all who are concerned about prostate cancer or other forms of cancer for that matter. Multiple research articles have been published by credible sources such as the American Association of Cancer Research and others showing that the active component found in hot peppers,…
How are you doing? Are you home yet?
Follow up visit tomorrow
Tomorrow is Jesse's followup visit with the urologist. His DaVinci prostatectomy was last Tuesday. Hopefully will 'pass' cystogram and get catheter out. Will post tomorrow evening. Wish him luck!
AREAS OF CONFUSION IN ONCOLOGY -Rising PSA in Nonmetastatic Prostate Cancer 1
Hey it saved it in my edit??? JUDD W. MOUL, MD Division of Urologic Surgery and Duke Prostate Center Duke University Medical Center LIONEL L. BAÑEZ, MD Division of Urologic Surgery and Duke Prostate Center Duke University Medical Center Urology Section, Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center STEPHEN J. FREEDLAND, MD…
2nd day post op
Well the deed has been done and to be honest with you I would have rather undergone 6 root canals.. Alot of pain today but not as much as yesterday. My surgery did not go as well as most as my Dr. ran into alot of scarring fom a surgery in the area which made it very difficult to deal with nerves. ( due to old surgery 30…
OK - You Dry Guys ...
I am now 9 days post catheter and 16 days post DLRP. Some notes and some questions. First off, my faith keeps me from coveting you guys who had bladder control from post-catheter from day 1. Congrats to those of you who were that lucky. You have rock star status to me! For the rest of us slugs, did you find (or are you…
Cycling and incontinence
I recall a couple board members mentioning cycling. I finally got the nerve to straddle a bike seat a while back. Started slowly; 15 minute rides then multiple 15 minute rides a day. Everything was fine so I extended to 30 minute rides, sometimes several a day. When I finally got to hour to hour and a half rides my…
Foods after Radiation
Just wondering if anyone else has lost the desire or taste for certain foods after radiation or perhaps chemo? Rad ended jan 15 and since I have had a difficult time with scrambled or fried eggs a few other foods. For a few months my appetite was greatly surpressed and I didn't have much interest in a lot of foods and…
active surveillance/watchful waiting
Watchful Waiting / Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer Leonard S. Marks, M.D. Medical Director, USRF Clinical Professor of Urology, UCLA Kattan Nomogram to Evaluate Risk of Treatment Deferral Dall'Era Review of Current Literature February, 2008---Many cases of prostate cancer do not need treatment, because they are…
Information regarding pending robotic surgery
Hi All, It has been a while since I have been here. Briefly...diagnosed with PC in Dec 09, 1 core hot out of 12 and a gleason 6. Had bone scan and all was great ...a cat scan and a small superficial tumor was discovered on my bladder. Had it removed in February and just checked again this week. So far, so good. Doc is…
The FDA has approved the cancer drug Provenge for use in men with advanced prostate cancer
It is offical...Provenge has been approved for use in patients with advanced prostate cancer by the FDA. It is the first of several promising immunotherapeutic agents to make it to the clinic.
Wishing fathersson well -surgery today
Frank, good luck on the surgery today! Hoping for a speedy recovery, clear margins, and many zeros in your future. Joe
So What Happend to Going Blind??
Masturbation and Prostate Cancer Risk Masturbation Frequency Linked to Prostate Risk in 20s, Protection in 50s By Daniel J. DeNoon WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Louise Chang, MDJan. 27, 2009 -- Frequent masturbation in young men is linked to higher risk of early prostate cancer, but it lowers prostate cancer risk for men in…
Surgery scheduled---do I go to hospital for testing prior to surgery date
I have my surgery scheduled for June 1st. I was just reviewing all the instructions that were mailed to me a couple of weeks ago and there is a handwritten note at the bottom of the bowel cleansing instructions that says: "Please call 913-676-XXXX if you have not heard from nurses at hospital by 5/19/10 for pre-testing…
survived with these numbers?
I was just diagnosed March 19. Got 4+3=7Gleason cancer in 6 out of 9 cores PSA 26 Clean CT and bone Scan PERINEURAL INVASION PRESENT When one reads tables the outlook is pretty grim. I am wondering if anyone had similar numbers and what they chose for treatment.
Swelling of face after surgery
May seem like a silly question but my anestesiologist called and discussed my surgery. During the conversation he said expect some facial swelling...to the point sometimes the relatives may not recognize you for a day or so... Anyone? Is this painful?
I have just been diagnosed with Pca. in March. PSA went from 6.6 to 18.3 in six months. Biopsy of 12 cores shows 11 neg. and 1 pos. Gleason 3+4=7 CT scan...Bone Scan...MRI of pelvis...Ultrasound & DRE all negative. I am considering CyberKnife treatment.... I'd like to hear from any of you as to the pros & cons of that…
Erection "UP"date
At day 122 from Robotic I am almost usably "UP" with no viagra now! I actually like the Viagra...and with only 1/4 pill there are no detectable side affects...only got a headache one time in the very beginning of use....Using a generic from India at a fraction of the cost the US prices branded product. I figure I may just…
Jesse has clear margins! WOO HOO! Will get complete pathology report on Thursday. Don't know how much of the gland was cancerous. Gleason remained 3 + 3 for 6. I know, I know, gonna hear from some of you that he could have waited. This was HIS decision and he wanted it OUT! So, begone prostate cancer, and never come back!!