Looking for Answers in Virginia
These discussion boards are very informative! I found out the dreaded news over the cell phone during my son's soccer coach meeting. Because I didn't really grasp the reality of the situation, amazingly, I told the doc...he need to call me back because I was in the middle of a meeting! After the reality soaked in (10…
ZERO.ZERO ONE yahooooooooooooo Today
yep yahoooooooooo 0.01 I love it got my first PSA results today after 3 months wait ,from a georgeous young Female Indian Dr . She was so helpfull and very possitive finnally got the answers I wanted to here .She told me they had saved both nerve bundles and things will keep improving . ED issues starting to improve with…
Just Got Home
I had my robotic 2 days ago. I'm surprised by the amount of pain I'm experiencing. The gas pain is also a special treat. Is this pain to be expected?
Any success with compassionate use of Abiraterone?
I was wondering if anyone has had success with obtaining Abiraterone by way of the Compassionate Use expanded access program?
My uncle has low psa but still has cancer
Hi, Has some one same experinced prostate cancer. He has 2.1 psa test and still suspicous of cancer. Her prostate was 35 g.. HE HAS MASSIVE BACK PAIN AND WEIGHT LOSS... pLEASE SHARE YOUR STORY WITH ME. tHANKS kuMAR
Relaxing & smile
A little humor for our forum: I found from another forum to give us some stress realease Grandma and Grandpa were visiting their kids overnight. When Grandpa found a bottle of Viagra in his son's medicine cabinet, he asked about using one of the pills. The son said, "I don't think you should take one Dad; they're very…
A million overdiagnosed—and counting
That's the title of the article... "Since the late 1980s, for every one man helped by the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test, about 20 men have been unnecessarily diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer. And that's an optimistic estimate. The real ratio is probably closer to 50 to 1. These are some of the conclusions…
Enlarged Prostate Normal PSA
New to the board. My dad who is 56, visited the urologist last week, judging from the Ultrasound, the urologist thinks my Dad has an enlarged prostate. The urine sample showed no blood. A PSA test was done the same day, and the psa test came back at 0.2. My dad is somewhat obese, don't know if that would influence a psa…
to 'the wife'
Hi, I do hope that your husbands HIFU goes very well, and I hope that you will document your experiences on this board. I wish you all the very best. We heard just too much controversy to be comfortable, and of course the exorbitant price (for us) was way too much. I do have a point to share with you. Here's what you have…
I Sure do Miss the Chat room!
It has been down for several days now. : (
Open RP vs RT + Hormones for high volume PCa
First, thank you to all the courageous men and women on this CSN PCa forum for sharing your stories and helping us newbies learn from your experience. My husband, PJD, was dx’d Feb 11, 2010. I’ve been following your entries since then and sharing them with him. We are dealing with this together as a team. Since his dx, we…
Hello again
I wrote on the board about 2 weeks ago, the heading I believe was "Husband" I was fearful of his robotic surgery on April 10th at Kaiser west LA. Well he did have the surgery to remove the prostate and pelvic lymph nodes, all went well, no complications Thank GOD. Tomorrow he is having the cath removed and the Dr is going…
Psa down;-)
Just got PSA results......0.1 YAHOOOOOOOO! After surgery last May & radiation (37) that finished in late Dec. I got GOOD news! Think I'll go have a glass of red...or 2. Cheers...
Proton Newsletter for LLU "Grads"
This is how this month's letter from Robert Marckini begins to those who are on the "BOB" (LLU Graduates): "Dear Members, It is now almost 10 years since my proton treatment at Loma Linda. Last week I had my PSA checked and the number is in the same range it's been since it reached nadir seven years ago. Each time I…
Post Surgery, Foods and Leaking
RRMCJIM mentioned in a posting that certain foods- he mentioned pizza, caffine, OJ, and a few others- seem to affact his bladder and may be connected to leaking. I was wondering what foos, if any, you can conect to leaking? Are we doomed to eating dry creakers and water? Anyway, I am looking for a discussion on foods that…
Hi all, 2nd post op psa <0.03 This is at 5 months post surgery. Surgeon pleased and so am I! Cheers Mike
Joined the club April 7
Hi all. These sites are wonderful to those of us dealing with this issue. I had Da Vinci robot radical prostatectomy on April 7. Catheter came out 4 days ago on 14th. I had virtually no pain after surgery - just some discomfort - I have a moderate tolerance for pain. Anyway, walked with cath, still walking lots each day.…
Spotting Blood
OK, I had surgery 1 year ago on March 23. Since then, I have had some spotting on my pad off and on. Never a lot- and maybe its a week or two between spots, but sometimes I am spotting some blood 2 or 3 days in a row- then it stops for a few days, a week, then there it is again. Never much, just a few nice red spots,…
Six month checkup
Just had my six month checkup post davinci. PSA is still zero, but before I get too giddy, my Uro told me about a guy that did his checkups for a year and then after all zeros, quit getting PSA tests. Then 8 years later he returned with bone cancer and died. Lesson - don't skip the checkups until your Dr releases you from…
Post Surgery 4 weeks PSA test is undetectable big fat 0, zero, nothing….
Got the call for my results on my first PSA test 4 weeks after surgery from (which was last week) Dr. Catalona office at Northwestern. My Urologist will give me one at 6 weeks then 12 weeks… I was walking down the beach at my mobile rang I saw the doctors office calling me assuming with the results for my first PSA test…
Coloplast Virtue sling out / American Medical System AdVance sling in. Now 100% dry for the first t
Last July I was implanted with a Coloplast Virtue sling without my consent. I had consented to American Medical System's AdVance sling or an identical design if it existed. After suffering approximately one month with continuous and horrific pain, following implant surgery, I was horrified to learn that I had not been…
Herbal Viagra from http://www.generic4all.com
Has anyone tried the herbal viagra they advertise it better then normal with no side affects anyone used it yet. http://www.generic4all.com here is a site that sells viagra etc at good prices and I have been told vary reliable I ordered a mixed pack viagra cialas and somthing else cant remember recently 30 tabs $89…
Thank You to All!! (Surgery date in two weeks!!!!)
Hello everyone, Well I haven't been here in awhile, but I'm back now no new changes other than PSA dropped from 7.2 to 6.3 last month, not much difference but down is better than up I would say. April 30th is my judgement day...scared as all get out but SOMETIMES YOU GOTTA DO, WHATCHA GOTTA DO!!! :-) I got married over the…
Waiting for Surgery
I was diagnosed yesterday with prostate cancer and scheduled robotic surgery on June 22nd (first available date). I am concerned about the ten week wait. Does the cancer grow that slowly that waiting is not a problem? My brother recently passed away from prostate cancer that metastasized to his bones, so I am very…
Budwig Diet
Hi again Re hubby with the Gleason 9 he is now off the oral hormone treatment as it was not working for him .He had a hormone injection 2 weeks ago and it is a three month treatment. We live in Northern Ireland so we have to use the National Health Service. He was using the Budwig diet for a while last year as I had read…
Eligard, Lupron and bone pain
Hi everyone. I am 60 years old, had robotic prostetectomy in Jan 2008, had 35 sessions of radiation, and was put on Lupron, Eligard and Casodex for a year. Last shot was a 3-monther in Nov of 2009. My first 2 shots were Lupron in the buttocks. My second 2 shots were Eligard in my stomach fat. Casosdex was discontinued…
Prostate cancer drug boosts heart disease risk..
A common prostate cancer cancer treatment may significantly increase men's risk of heart problems, according to a study conducted by researchers from King's College London and presented at a joint meeting of the European Cancer Organization and the European Society for Medical Oncology in Berlin.…
Well guys, something happened tonight that even before my operation I tought might never happen again, and afterwards I really thought would never happen again. I mentioned in a few posts after surgery that one of the things that was really important to me was to get back to bowling in our Monday League with my wife. I…
Eligard and Viagra
Hello Everyone, Its me again, can anyone tell me where I can get discounted or generic Eligard or Viagra, my surgery is in the next 2 weeks and I want to start getting my meds now. Also does anyone know where I can get a good pump without paying an arm or a leg. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks, TonyJr
The prostate
Got home late late night from out in Vegas where my wife was taking a nursing class. While there we went to see an exhibit called 'bodies' where they have specimens of the entire Human body in various modes of disection. It was very interesting to me to see an actual prostate and where it is in the body. It gave me a new…