When did you start ED therapy?

bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
I am sure there are several threads out there but help a brother out…. I am 15 days out from surgery with an appointment to see my urologist on Friday (tomorrow). I have decided to start with ED drugs (and my doc said he would have given me these the day he removed my cath at my home and recommended 20mg Cialis 3x week) but I wanted to discuss this in his office in some length (no pun there)… I will for sure try the injections in week 4 if I do not get any results from these ED drugs ( as suggested by Dr. Catalona as the best therapy 2x week until natural erection occurs….just do not know about the needle in my penis…)
So my question is- When did you start your therapy what product(s), treatment and dosage did you use and how successful has it been? Many Thanks


  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member
    I think you know my story...I started the day I got the cath out...then I ordered from India and continued with about a 10 day void of the drugs...the Viagra 100mg was cut into 4 equal pieces (buy a pill cutter - much easier than trying to cut with a knife) on every 7th day you take a full 100mg pill. I almost had a full errection on the first full pill I took. Then I think the second full pill was a useable errection. I now continue with 1/4 pill per night and then just pop a 100mg when we have the urge/time...lol I was also using the pump I bought from erecade and that just works to fill the organ with blood. I have no worries now on day 79 post surgery.
  • chorton581
    chorton581 Member Posts: 15
    15 days
    I started 15 days after surgery. I had cath for 1 week.
    I cut a 100mg viagra into 1/3 and take on m w f
    I also had my family dr give me 2mg Cialis and i take them at bed time.
    I get full erection with 1/3 viagra.
  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
    ...there is no ED therapy for those on hormone shots.
  • zakpaga
    zakpaga Member Posts: 69

    I think you know my story...I started the day I got the cath out...then I ordered from India and continued with about a 10 day void of the drugs...the Viagra 100mg was cut into 4 equal pieces (buy a pill cutter - much easier than trying to cut with a knife) on every 7th day you take a full 100mg pill. I almost had a full errection on the first full pill I took. Then I think the second full pill was a useable errection. I now continue with 1/4 pill per night and then just pop a 100mg when we have the urge/time...lol I was also using the pump I bought from erecade and that just works to fill the organ with blood. I have no worries now on day 79 post surgery.

    I just had my surgery on Monday 3/15 (birthday of my son who turns 20) with Dr. Samadi. The surgery went well but I still have to get the pathology report. I have an appointment on Monday 3/22 to have the cathether removed.

    Randy, I am quite interested in your experience with ED. It is one of those success stories which made me decide for the surgery. The surgeon told me that he spared both my erection nerves. I will see when I start taking the pills.

    Thank you all for your support

  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010
    Trew said:

    ...there is no ED therapy for those on hormone shots.

    The penile injections can
    The penile injections can not be given along with Hormone? Just curious.

  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
    lewvino said:

    The penile injections can
    The penile injections can not be given along with Hormone? Just curious.


    What Would be the Purpose?
    Is anyone on the hormone shots also getting ED therapy? I don't think the two are compatible. If one has not had hormone therapy it is difficult to imagine the impact The Shot has on a man. The hormone shot causes a complete and total shutdown of all things sexual among other things.

    If you are not on hormone shots- look up Eligard and note the many side effects. And then give thanks daily you don't have to go that route in treatment.
  • erisian
    erisian Member Posts: 107
    Trew said:

    What Would be the Purpose?
    Is anyone on the hormone shots also getting ED therapy? I don't think the two are compatible. If one has not had hormone therapy it is difficult to imagine the impact The Shot has on a man. The hormone shot causes a complete and total shutdown of all things sexual among other things.

    If you are not on hormone shots- look up Eligard and note the many side effects. And then give thanks daily you don't have to go that route in treatment.

    I don't think it would be contraindicated in the medical sense, since the ED meds aren't testosterone pills, but I don't know much about them. I haven't asked my doctor about them. If I had any desire left, I might ask, but I don't, so I haven't. Then there would be the question of expense, but maybe one could get them covered if the Doc would say that they were medically necessary to prevent atrophy.
  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
    erisian said:

    I don't think it would be contraindicated in the medical sense, since the ED meds aren't testosterone pills, but I don't know much about them. I haven't asked my doctor about them. If I had any desire left, I might ask, but I don't, so I haven't. Then there would be the question of expense, but maybe one could get them covered if the Doc would say that they were medically necessary to prevent atrophy.

    Erisian, has your doctor discussed atrophy with you at all? My doctor's PA- all I ever see any more- hasn't mentioned atrophy to me. I am discussing what happens after hormone treatment with a friend who is now off the shot almost two years- no surgery, just rad and shots- and he is getting very little response back yet. The testicles are starting to produce, the desire is returning, but he can not get the equipment to work again except for a very partial erection that has no strength to it. He is very discouraged with what he is going through after 2 years on the hormone shots. It is rather frigthening to ponder.

    I just called my friend and, yes, size does return over time. BTW, he was on Lupron. How Lupron compares to Eligard I"m not sure- I think they are just similar.
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    You are going to stick that needle in my what?…ouch!
    It is official I started ED Therapy 16 days from surgery…..I saw my urologist today and to my wife’s and my surprise he walked in with a syringe for a penile injection…He said it was my first lesson on how to injected my penis….Interesting concept :-) He used the tri mix and it burned like hell for about 30 minutes but gave me a “40%” erection (for about an hour)per the doc so he said he would use the bi mix for my second injection on Tuesday that would not burn….TO my surprise last night I woke up with a partial erection….He also gave me 120 pill sample of 5mg Cialis for daily use starting tomorrow… He said once I start getting erections with Cialis or on my own I can stop the injections….I am blessed to be his “pet” project….
    A separate matter-I did get my pathology report reviewed with him today and Dr. Catalona called me last night and went over it with my wife and I as well …. It did not have what I was hoping for but I will say my report has the good, bad and the ugly in it but I will post in a separate thread…and know I am still blessed…
    Best to all
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member

    15 days
    I started 15 days after surgery. I had cath for 1 week.
    I cut a 100mg viagra into 1/3 and take on m w f
    I also had my family dr give me 2mg Cialis and i take them at bed time.
    I get full erection with 1/3 viagra.

    why take at bed time?
    I forgot to ask my doc that question today but I have read that most guys take their ED drugs at night? Is there a reason? Is it better than taking in the morning? Thanks
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010
    bdhilton said:

    why take at bed time?
    I forgot to ask my doc that question today but I have read that most guys take their ED drugs at night? Is there a reason? Is it better than taking in the morning? Thanks

    I work 8 - 5 and my wife
    I work 8 - 5 and my wife works 7Am - 7PM so If we want to have sex then I plan on taking the pill about 1.5 hours before anticipated time that evening. I hate that it has to be 'planned' now but it beats not having sex!

    I've also noticed that if I take the pill a couple days in a row then it works better also.

  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    I am on a slippery slope
    I am on a slippery slope right now with having to probably get radiation in 90-120 days after surgery…but my surgeon was a master in what he does. He reconstructed and set my bladder “perfectly” back in place and I was dry the second my cath was pulled out and today 3 weeks one day after surgery I had sex and a very pleasurable orgasm (my surgeon was given credit for perfecting the nerve sparing process)… 15days after surgery I stated penile injections and 5 mg Cialis…
  • zakpaga
    zakpaga Member Posts: 69
    bdhilton said:

    I am on a slippery slope
    I am on a slippery slope right now with having to probably get radiation in 90-120 days after surgery…but my surgeon was a master in what he does. He reconstructed and set my bladder “perfectly” back in place and I was dry the second my cath was pulled out and today 3 weeks one day after surgery I had sex and a very pleasurable orgasm (my surgeon was given credit for perfecting the nerve sparing process)… 15days after surgery I stated penile injections and 5 mg Cialis…

    I am very happy for you


    I am very happy for you no matter what comes next. Continue to believe in God Almighty the ultimate Healer. It surely a good feeling to retrieve your "MOJO".

    The catheter was removed Monday, a week after my surgery and the nurse gave me two pills of Viagra and asked me to cut them in 2. But, she said that the purpose for taking Viagra at this point is to allow blood to flow in the penis and I should stop taking it as soon as I have an erection. They don't want me to have an erection too early because it will irritate the surgery site which is still healing.

  • LBlanks
    LBlanks Member Posts: 44
    MUSE vs Injections
    My Doc has perscribed MUSE which is the same ingredient as the injection stuff but is a suppository to be inserted into the euretha. Same results, no stick!
    I've not tried it yet... the perscription is nearly $30 a treatment.
    You can google MUSE and there's a website with an instructional pdf file.

  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    LBlanks said:

    MUSE vs Injections
    My Doc has perscribed MUSE which is the same ingredient as the injection stuff but is a suppository to be inserted into the euretha. Same results, no stick!
    I've not tried it yet... the perscription is nearly $30 a treatment.
    You can google MUSE and there's a website with an instructional pdf file.


    I’m actually getting good at the sticking
    Thanks...My insurance charges me $10 for 30 doses (including 30 syringes) …but I am getting use to the sticking and sounds cheaper than $30 a dose for the MUSE…plus it is only until I get an erections from 5mg of Cialis or naturally (pipe dream right now I know…)...Who knows I might try it...thanks again
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    zakpaga said:

    I am very happy for you


    I am very happy for you no matter what comes next. Continue to believe in God Almighty the ultimate Healer. It surely a good feeling to retrieve your "MOJO".

    The catheter was removed Monday, a week after my surgery and the nurse gave me two pills of Viagra and asked me to cut them in 2. But, she said that the purpose for taking Viagra at this point is to allow blood to flow in the penis and I should stop taking it as soon as I have an erection. They don't want me to have an erection too early because it will irritate the surgery site which is still healing.


    Zakpaga...it is a journey
    Zakpaga...it is a journey for all of us after we here those words "you have caner"...Yes I am spiritual and believe what will be will be and from my perspective the sooner you accept that the better your life will be… But I still plan on kicking this PCa ****…

    Funny the different ED treatments that these doctors do…Pick your poison…some have you taking ED drugs right after surgery other are having you wait 4-6 weeks…Mine had me wait to day 15/16 (3 days after cath removed) and I take 5mg Cialis daily plus penile injections 2-3X a week…I will tell you after 3 weeks 2 days (or 8 days after ED treatment started) my penis is not “hard” as it was the first 2 weeks it “softer” and I would believe this is from the penile injections getting that rush of 100% oxygenated blood into the penis for an hour or so …

    Best of luck to all in this department
  • Feb2010
    Feb2010 Member Posts: 51
    Trew said:

    What Would be the Purpose?
    Is anyone on the hormone shots also getting ED therapy? I don't think the two are compatible. If one has not had hormone therapy it is difficult to imagine the impact The Shot has on a man. The hormone shot causes a complete and total shutdown of all things sexual among other things.

    If you are not on hormone shots- look up Eligard and note the many side effects. And then give thanks daily you don't have to go that route in treatment.

    Pc has been tough on
    Pc has been tough on you.
    Stay strong and hang in there brother.
    You give us inspiration while we try to fight our own beasts.