Mom's Update
Hello All, We got my mom's patho report and her treatment plan. Her cancer involved the right ovary and fallopian tube and the omentum. It is poorly differentiated papillary serous carcinoma. The good news (if there is any is that) it's stage 3 instead of stage 4, which we were told prior to the patho report. It has not…
Cramps and gas
I am new to all this. Just had my first treatment two weeks ago. HAve been trying to manage my bowels by using pills etc that the doctor recommended but have been getting lots of cramps?? Is this normal? Also how long before the hair starts coming out? As I said I am new to all this. Not much fun is it?
CT results
I am not a nurse but I have been a medical assistant for 25 years. I have given patient results and know a little bit about terminology of reports and so forth. I asked for a copy of my first CT, that was done before first chemo. They said "No obvious tumor" which is good. But a concern is it also said "shotty nodes in the…
WOW...am i bummed out
i went to one of the top rated gyn/onc in pittsburgh today to get a second opinion. i was diagnosed stage IV in aug of 2010...did 6 rounds of carbo/taxol....ned for at least 6 months...ca125 started climbing so did tamoxifen for 2 months...disease progression and high ca125 so did 2 rounds of topotecan...still progression…
Cancer sucks rotten eggs!
I am so angry I can't see straight. My sister may have OVC or some sort of cancer. She is in shock. OK I get that, but she is not moving. She has no health insurance, so I found one. There is no GYN Oncologist so I have been looking all over the state for the closest one to her. She is focused on the side effects of her…
Hair watch 2012
I'm 3 weeks out from my final chemo treatment and I am anxiously awaiting the first sprout of hair. Every morning, I very carefully examine my head, legs, and pits for any sign of hair. I figure my leg hairs will come back first as my legs were the last hold out when my hair fell out. How long did you take for hair to grow…
Cancer cells in urine
So my wife has been having blood in her urine. They tested and found found a UTI. After 2 rounds of antibiotics she was still having problems so they tested for it again and it came back negative for a UTI but positive for ovarian cancer cells. Prior to these findings her Dr had already decided she should see a urologist…
We have had a lot of talk about CA125. Here is some info from the ACS link...http://www.cancer.org/Cancer/OvarianCancer/OverviewGuide/ovarian-cancer-overview-new-research "Tumor markers Some women with epithelial ovarian cancer have normal levels of the tumor marker CA-125. In these women, the only way to tell whether…
blue toes
Do any of you deal with your toes turning blue mine do all the time. I wiggle the and get the color back but last night I was sleeping and my mom noticed that half my foot was blue I was sleeping so well for the first time in several days she did not want to wake me. Once I woke up and started moving my toes then the color…
On Avastin
So, I've had two treatments now with Avastin, 15 mg. (per kilogram of body weight) every three weeks. Haven't had any side effects, except my body is a little achy (knees, hips, shoulders). Sometimes it's difficult to pull a shirt over my head. However, my onc. said that was due more to the effects of Taxol (my treatments…
So much admiration
I just wanted to take a minute to let you all know what an inspiration you are to me. I do not have cancer, but I've had other female issues that led me to this board and after reading what all you go thru....I'm in awe!!! I would probably lay down and just cry all the time, but y'all seem to handle it all with such grace…
The T-Cell Army - Immunological Approach to Fighting Cancer
I just read such a hopeful article in the current (Apr 23, 2012)issue of The New Yorker magazine. Unfortunately, it's not available online except to subscribers, but the abstract is here: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012/04/23/120423fa_fact_groopman You may be able to find more info from using key words in the…
Cancer treatment alternatives website
Ladies, check this website, it is great!!! cancerfightingstrategies.com and also bryomed.com
clinical trials
since I am new I don't understand a lot of things. My Dr is suggesting clinical trials. Can someone explain what this means? I am the one disappointed in my onc, and he simply mentioned it and left the room. Later it occurred to me what he said.
OVCA linked to height
Risk of ovarian cancer greater for taller women: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/height-linked-to-ovarian-cancer-7618640 They should spend money researching what prevents OVCA.
New to cancer
Below is me when I first was digesting my new cancer diagnosis, and the diagnosis of ovarian cancer....Now is me 11 months later...The thought of cancer is still very overwhelming for me. I've been done with chemotherapy for 3 months. I have had MY FIRST OFFICIAL FOLLOW UP WITH MY ca125 and it was 6 the same as it was at…
initial results on Thursday
Tomorrow I return to see my surgeon/oncologist 2 weeks post my original surgery. It is the day that I get the full report on my pathology results. In my brain, I keep hoping for negative results, thinking this was all a mistake. However, I remember what my two surgeons said after surgery and they were preparing me to…
starting clinical trial rad001 with avastin
well, i finally switched doctors and am already feeling much more positive with it. my previous oncologist told me the latest petscan showed progression even though my ca125 went from 1384 to 750 in a 2 week period. i tried to make the argument that the gemzar ive been on since january must have been doing something for…
Great news!!!!!
I just camebakc from my country to see my doctors, and so far no sign of adhesions and cancer!!!! I went to see if they could help me with my pain (when cancer surgery was done, there was a nerve damage, of I have been in a lot of pain), but the iridiologyst and my docs gave me some medicines that they are working pretty…
It's gone...
I just made it thru another treatment of chemo....4 more to go. I also made it thru another step in the stage of this disease. My hair is gone!! It was the hardest day, and biggest step. But actually, now that it is gone, and not falling out all over the place like my dogs, it feels better. My daughter, who is a hair…
Worth sharing
"There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part…
Homemade Cereal?
Hi Ladies, Do any of you have any simple, inexpensive recipes for homemade cereals? Looking to make my own, healthier version of cereals. Thanks, Carla
Tummy troubles
I just had my second infusion about a week ago (I go in every 21 days) and for the past week I've had the most ridiculous stomach issues. Every hour or so, I will get the most painful stomach ache ever. Sometimes it goes away in a minute or so, sometimes it lingers. The pain is in my stomach area (under the ribs off to the…
treatment two, WOW
drugs were pushed faster today than my first treatment. And i feel symptoms already. Don't know what to expect now. From what I have read on here, some treatments are worse than others. So I guess this is a bad one. My ca-125 was 236 before first treatment and is now 119 on the draw they did before second treatment. A…
Th Cancer Fighting Kitchen
Has anyone every read this book and used the recipes? I have bought it and read some of it so far. It is scientifically based and translated via a chef. I think it can offer many things all of us can use and help us thru our journey.
Lost in translation
Some of you know I have moved from the US to Denmark. I have not been here a month. I am set up as a resident so I have access to the health system. I got referred to the gyn for cervical cancer....an error of course. The cervical cancer dept sent me a letter that referred me back to my doctor for labs confirming the…
Petscan nightmare I just sat there and cried
Once again my petscan did not happen, when I got there they went to take my stats and it showed my blood pressure down to 80/45 and we knew that was not right so she took it again it was 83/45 lol so she said it must be the cup so they gave me the medication I sat there without saying a word for one hour then back to the…
Has anyone got an opinion (or ever heard of)Nonnie Juice. I don't even know where the juice is from, but it is supposed to ursurp a lot of other supplements. Opinions anyone? Debrajo
alkaline phosphatase level increased during chemotherapy
Hi there, Would like to seek some advised if there are any medical expert or cancer survival out there. Mum was diagnosed with third stage Ovarian cancer and she is doin her chemotherapy. However, before she can continue with her third treatment of chemotherapy, the oncologist advised her to delay the chemo treatment for a…
I was doing so well
After I swallowed and digested my diagnosis, then decided to shave my head as a preemptive strike, had the port placed and took my first treatment I was doing so well. Emotionally. But this week I am falling apart. My next chemo is Friday and I am hoping I am no sicker than I was the first time. It was bad, but only lasted…