Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Of Tonsil

My husband had tonsillectomy last month due to a large growth. Tumor and tonsil were sent to pathology. The report stated that the tumor is 80% Diffuse Large B cell lymphoma and 20% Follicular lymphoma. We were then referred to oncology at Dalton Massey Cancer Center in Richmond VA with the understanding that CHEMO would be started after tests.  Several test were done. Yesterday he had his follow up with oncology as we anticipated R-CHOP preparation. However, the PET and BONE MARROW showed no sign of any tumors or cancer in marrow. The oncologist decided not to treat and have my husband return in 3 months for follow up. We of course are more then happy, delighted that the cancer had not spread. Is it possible for this case to be localized only to the tonsil and never to return again? 


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Anything is possible

    Great news so far. Simply watch very closely for any symptoms that are new or unusual. Lymphoma is a cancer that flows in the lymphatic system and the blood, thus it can travel anywhere in the body. As well, the threshhold of detection is about one million cells, so just be vigilant. Here is hoping that it is gone. 

  • hwalker67
    hwalker67 Member Posts: 3
    Great News

    My NHL was discovered in a growth on the base of my tongue and in a lymph node adjacent to it.  My bone marrow too was clean but we still did 6 rounds of RChop.  Blessed with remission at this point.  Good luck.