My wonderful man passed away Thanksgiving night.
My husband passed away on Thanksgiving night with his family and loved ones by his side. He had gotten fluid build up in his lungs in Sept and had a pluredisis in Oct. the fluid was malignant. He had over 6.5 litres drained off in the course of 2 weeks. We had went to the have his maintence chemo Alitma, when I had asked…
For your information
Two friends of mine with stage 4 lung and ovarian cancer went to Utopia in Oldsmar Florida . There are five such clinics in the US. They both were cured. Ovarian in 6 weeks, Lung in 9 weeks. It is 1200 a week but the PET is covered by insurance and read by your own Onc. I am in remission from NHL and I wanted to share this…
Grandma refusing Dr. Appts.
My grandmother had Lung Cancer in 04 and is in remission I believe is the term. But now she has another health issue. She has been DX with Severe Pulmonary Hypertension. Dr. says it will lead to heart failure (she is 76) and though there is a density in her lungs (they believe it is scarring or infection) that the new PH…
Has anyone used Alimta or PEMETREXED as a second line
Has anyone used Alimta or pemetreded as a second line chemotherapy drug? If so, how did you do with it?
Results of my husband's 6 mth scan
We met with the radiologist today and learned that the cancer has spread. There is a new tumor in the right lung and in the hilar lymph node. The cancer at the original site is still active. The radiologist says they have increased his stage from 3B to 4 and they plan to move to palliative treatments ... so no more…
Happy New Year
Just before Christmas I was told I had lung cancer. I have not been staged yet, only told T3 and this past week I had the mediastoncopy done and as per the surgeon it went well and looks good. I am going to be very positive while I am on this new journey of my life. I learned a lot during the past 3 years as I am a breast…
DAD diagnosised with STAGE 4 NSCLC (Bronchioalveolar Carcinoma)
Hi, I am new to these posts. My Dad 63 yrs (chain smoker), was recently Diagnosed with Stage 4 NSCLC after being mistreated almost 1 yr for Pneumonia. His Cancer is confined to Lungs. However, it has spread to both the lungs. Doctors say that surgery is not an option and he has started with Chemo, just completed 1 round.…
Spot Seen on Husband's Chest Exray
My husband's doctor said there is a spot on my husband's lungs, and they are going to watch it to see if it grows. There is still a chance this ISN"T lung cancer right? He is a LONG time smoker. I am so worried. Thank you to anyone listening.
Port a Cath
Yesterday I had a Bard Power Port installed. Does anyone else have one of these installed and if so, have you had any problems? I was reading on them and found a page online that people have had lots of problems with them breaking apart and not being able to access them. I know I should not believe everyting I read, but…
About to lose my mother
Hi everyone, I am 24 years old. My father died when I was 5. I am now about to lose my mother. She went into the hospital with shortness of breath on October 15th 2009. She has not been home since. Turns out she had lung cancer, stage 3b. They tried chemo with bad results and about a month of radiation. Now she is in…
Just had Lung surgery and told I have lung cancer T3
Three years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, stage 2. I completed surgery and radiation treatment and opt out of chemo. Was told 9 months later I had no cancer. That was the saying until I complained that I was hurting under my left armpit (left side - same side I had breast cancer). My doctor ordered a chest x-ray.…
Someone Help me with This
Can someone please help me understand. My sister was diaginosed Sept 2010 with lung cancer and 2/14/11 she had half of her lung removed and then chemo and radiation and in Sept of 2011 she was told her cancer is in remission. Now we were out of town for a funeral and i find out that she is smoking again!!!!!!!!!! I asked…
Hi Everyone, Hoping this holiday season finds you all in good spirits, wishing I could say the same for myself, I'm wondering if there are any of you out here who have thought perhaps that there "Remission status" changed before having it confirmed by their Dr. I am curious to know what symptoms or new sensations you…
Merry Christmas
I hope everyone had a very Merry and Blessed Christmas. I wish you all a Happy, Peaceful and Healthy New Year. c
Looking for Hope
I have recently found out that my mom has been told she has stage 4 lung cancer and doesn't have long to live. I live in a different country than her and have recently had a baby. All I want is to be able to be there for my mom but with a new baby it's hard to be there when I can't physically be there. I know nothing about…
chemoembolization - now what
My father has been battling carcinoid tumors in his liver. He visited a research clinic in which they are pushing him to have the Sir-spheres procedure done. Not knowing if he will be able to tolerate this much radiation I am against the procedure. I am fighting for life, and am fearful that this procedure will only…
Grandma's visit
My grandma had her Lung cancer DX 4/04 at the age of 69 and radiation for treatment. She was diagnosed with COPD in 2005 and given the all clear in 2009 or 2010 by her oncologist. She has had labored breathing for quite some time but her PCP sent her by ambulance last week to the hospital for "change in mental faculty" and…
6 mth PET scan on Friday
Hi All, My husband goes in for his 6 month PET scan on Friday. He is very nervous as his cough is getting almost as bad as it was in the beginning when I took him to the ER. He is easily fatigued, has increasing shortness of breath, on occasion has low grade temperatures, bloody noses, he is cold most of the time, and in…
short of breath & hip pain
I am 6 months out from chemo (Cisplatin/Taxotere)and seem to be getting more shortness of breath. One flight of stairs and I am pretty short of breath. At times when I bend over I get very short of breath. My CT in July was clear and my chest xray in October was clear. I've also been having hip pain for months. I have had…
What were your symptoms of lung cancer?
Friends, Just asking, what symptoms did you have before you discovered you had lung cancer? Jackie
Loss of my Dad..
On December 4, 2011 we lost my dad to mesothelioma. He was 66 years young...He was diagnosed in May of 2009 and put up a tuff fight. I have posted on CSN before and just wanted to reach out...It is so hard for all of us...He was an exceptional Father, Husband, Grandfather and Friend. He will be terribly missed...
Mom just diagnosed with Stage IV non-small cell lung cancer. Questions.
Hi, my mom is 49 years old and had never smoked in her life, but she has just been diagnosed with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer and has a tumor (2.5 x 3 cm) in her left lung as well as malignant fluid in her pleural cavity in the same lung. The surgeon said surgery is not an option because of the fluid. They already…
Lung Cancer stage 4 finished chemo-radiation Whats next?
We are worried. He is still having severe fatigue. He has pain in the spine and extremities Comments as to remission possible?
How do you calculate survival time?
How does one calculate survival time - do you begin counting from date of diagnosis, or the end of first line of chemo?
scared- getting more out of breath by the day
I have stage IV rectal cancer, which has metastasized to both my liver and lungs. Currently, my worst problem is in my lungs. I have "used up" all chemos and stopped chemo in October (after being hospitalized with pneumonia and seeing on a scan that tumors grew some while on chemo). My onc said all the chemo I've had…
Hard time breathing, any suggestions??
Mom was ready to go to the hospital lastnight...can't breathe...had her 4th tx of navelibine on wed. had her 2nd lung blown with the talc proceedure 10/24 was oin just ok 02 was down to 3 and sometimes able to take it off now its on 24/7 and its up to 4 1/2 she is not on steroids. She said the ventolin puffer is useless…
Growning again?
My mom was dignosed in 2008 with NSCLC IV with mets to the brain and adrenal glands.She received her chemo and radiation with the DR stopping all treatment saying she was in remission less than a year later saying all brain tumors, scars ect were gone. Well, meanwhile we had some issues and was unable to carry insurance…
Stage 3A lung cancer after surgery??? Survival???
My mom (age 73 and in great health) was diagnosed in October, with lung cancer. She had surgery to remove the tumor over Thanksgiving. We were told, after her biopsy that it is stage 3A and has affected some of the lymph nodes close to the tumor but not the ones farther away. She is home now and doing very well. We have…
Still No Diagnosis
Hello All, I am desperate the help my mom. She has a mass on left lung and recurring pleural effusion on the right. In July on this year she had pulmonary embolus in both lungs. In the course of treatment, a small mass was seen on left lung via X-ray, CT scan and PET scan. Pleural effusion was drained twice via…
How do you cope?
Hi everyone! This is my first real post but I've been a lurker for sometime now and finally registered today. First off, let me say Thank you to all who participates! The information I've learned over the last couple of months has been invaluble!!! Ok so my story: 9/14/11 Wedge Resection LUL w/Biopsy of 1 mediastinum lymph…