Does lung cancer spread to colon?
I'm asking this for 2 of my best friends. Their mom has lung cancer, chemo, surgery 3 weeks ago, developed MRSA and gas from surgery wasn't abating. Doctor put her in a coma (still) and did a colonoscopy a few weeks later to relieve the gas. A leision/ ulcer was discovered but not dealt with due to the circumstances. My…
Exposure to radiation
I was a navy diver and while doing a small job i got 89 millirems in approximately 10 minutes. My dive partner received 0. Radiation control does a sweep prior to the dive, during the dive and after the dive. Back the the federal weekly limit was 100 millirems per week. They never did any blood work or any physical. I have…
My Mum
Hi My mum has non small cell lung cancer, I believe they refer to her tumour as T4 so it's fairly serious. She has small deposits in her left lung and a large tumour in her right as well as deposits in her chest and pelvic bone. She has just been told her 1st 2 chemo treatments have made no difference to the tumour and she…
So my mom hasn't had any treatment since last September, her last round of chemo hospitalized her for over a week. We have been just keeping her comfortable and treating any symptoms that arise on her request. I was very surprised when she asked my yesterday about trying some form of treatment again, she said she doesn't…
Stage 4 Lung Cancer with Brain Mets.
My Mother Was recently diagnosed w Stage 4 lung cancer/brain mets. She has 6 Brain tumors, two of them measuring at about a cm each. She is having radiation daily. I believe they will go for 15 rounds, she also had chemo on Tuesday. I am desperatly searching for anyone who has survived this stage of cancer or has at least…
Mum is starting Erlotinib. Anyone had good results?
Hi, my Mum is starting Tarceva Monday after previous chemo was unsuccessful. She's very weak & breathing is getting worse. She was only diagnosed Nov but the change in her in huge. She had radiotherapy on a lump on her side last week but feels this has made no difference. Her confidence has been shattered by lack of…
Stage 3B lung cancer
My husband saw some very up setting news on tv today. They said they have just found out radiation does not help stage 3 lung cancer. Since he has just finished 35 treatments of radiation along with chemo he is not happy with these results.Have any of you herd anything about this ? We see the doctor on Tuesday and will see…
I am Back !
Hello Family! I am back from a one month jag in Florida and it was just what the doctor ordered! I feel great ! Stage IV, RUL tumor, lymphs, and brain mets----Had chemo, chest/back rads, brain surgery, and gamma-knife (a couple times) all that stuff!..but...All NED as we speak. Full body pet/ct and mri scans in about two…
Worried and wondering about symptom
My mom was diagnosed with kidney cancer 2½ years ago. They removed the kidney and the adrenal gland and said it hadn't spread to the lymphnoids. She has had a couple of good checkups but last time she went they noticed some enlarged nodes on the lung lobe. They are watching them and will be doing another ct at the 6 month…
New development?
So husband and I have been asking about testing of the cancer to determine if it's EGFR, etc in the hopes of finding the best treatment, doctor resists each time we ask. Today I was downloading the explanation of benefits from our insurance company and discovered one to a place called NeoGenomics, which we had never heard…
survived the surgery
Well here it is Sat. Morning and I have survived the removal of the left upper lope with all connecting tissue and lymph nodes. Took a good 3 hours, but all went well. Out of ICU and IMC now in a regular room. Hoping to head home today or tomorrow, just not sure when. Six days ago and this pain really sucks! No matter what…
Husband (almost) 1 yr NED
I don't post often, more a lurker about I suppose, but wanted to let people know that almost 1 year after a bilateral lobectomy, RUL in Jan 2011 and LLL March 2011 husband's CT scans continue to be free and clear. When we started the onco docs could never decide if it was IIIb or IV and in the end they decided it was II,…
hearing loss and chemo drugs
Dad has stage iv nsclc & his ONC asked him about his hearing before he starts chemo. He told her that certain tones he can't hear, but I think its worse than that. I read that cisplatin &/or carboplatin can cause hearing loss. Before he starts any chemo, shouldn't he be very up front w/the dr. as to the extent of his…
Pain in left side of my chest below my rib cage
I'm a smoker and I can't visit a doctor this month. In late December I started to get a pain in left side of my chest below my rib cage. The pain get more severe at the top and bottom of each breath. On a scale of 1-5 the pain being a constant 2-3 with a 4 at the top of each breath. I was short of breath and could only…
stage 4 lung cancer and brain please help me!
February 24, 2012 - 4:27pm mother has stage 4 lung cancer and brain Hi, i am new here. I feel like it would help me and my family in dealing with my moms condition in joining here. I cry like evryday, I live here in Canada but my mom and 2 sisters were in the Philippines. Last Januar, my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung…
Mom needs Gammaknife
I know there is a good handful of peeps who have had Gamma knife, but I can't remember who and what it was like? Mom just took a blow yest. with the neurosurgeon that the monster appeared and its the size of a tic tac on the LT side of her Brain. They have been watching, but since the last MRI 3 mos. ago it has gotten a…
scan didn't go well
Our hearts broke yesterday... My husband (age 48) was dx with stage 3B NSLC 2/11. He had radiation and chemo (etopocide + cisplatin) and was NED until this last scan on 2/21/12. He has activity in lymph nodes again, but no signs of metastisis and there's no tumor except the scar tissue, which is not lighting up on the PET.…
My dad was diagnosed with sclc nearly 5 weeks ago He was told last week that he had to go and have a mri and the camera down his neck and has been told he has to wait a week for the results.How fast will the cancer have spread in five weeks and should he not have had treatment sooner.
Mouth sores from chemo Thank you for the responses!
Does anyone have suggestions on how to help the mouth sores from chemotherapy. My husband just had his third round of Alimta and he says everything he eats seems hot or spicy and feels like it's burning his tongue and mouth. Tonight I looked in his mouth and there are tiny blister like things coming out on his tongue and…
I Just don't know what to do Anymore
I came here looking for answers and looking for hope when I found out my mom had stage 4 lung cancer. I sadly lost my mother in her fight to cancer and I am struggling, I only found out about the cancer at the begining of December and she passed away the day after new years. One thing I have learned from all of this is…
I'm in a bit of a pickle...... really could use some advice
Hi to everyone. I have been posting for almost a year on the esophageal site, but now I find myself here. Bit of a back story, just to introduce myself. My husband passed away in November 2011 from stage ivb ec, and now I find myself as primary (sole) caregiver to my 83 year old mother in law. She has a fairly healthy…
non small cell lung cancer
Hi I'm new here. I have a lot of questions if that's ok. My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer about a month ago. She told me that it is inoperable, but did'nt tell me why. Last week she learned it is non small cell. We just found out today that the cancer is not in the lungs or on the lungs, but in the fluid around the…
Update on Surgery - Looking for others who have had VATS
Hello everyone, I have been posting on the head and neck boards but, unfortunately, I need to post over here as well. I'm the caretaker for my husband who has recently completed treatment for H&N cancer. His 6 month scan showed that he is clear from the neck up but a spot on his lung that they have been watching from the…
I'm Scared!! ;(
I went in the er for a cough and they kept me a day to monitor me, say that I have a mass on my lungs thats about 2 inches and 1/12 inches. Biospy on Monday just going thru a lot of emotional stuff not handling it to well, if any one out there and understand I can use all the support I need.
see ya'll later
I am on my way this morning for my surgery. Doing the thoracotmy LUL. It would be a lie if I said I wasn't scared...so I will not say that! LOL I know I shall be fine and as soon as I can get back home I will let you guys know how I did. So, be nice to each other and all the newcomers! Take care and everyone of you are…
Lymph nodes
I have been reading a lot of the stories and am amazed at how many of you had no lymph node involvement. I was feeling positive about my experience, but now, Im not so sure. I had a very small tumor, size of a dime, in the RML and had the lobe removed. All the docs were convinced this was a "snatch and grab"...no chemo, no…
Lung Nodules (new to me)
Hello newbie here. I mainly frequent the colorectal forum as was DX with rectal cancer in 5/10. Had to have rectum removed now with perm colostomy & have been doing fine. Had 6 out of 37 nodes involved which were also removed. Becuase of that had 12 rounds of Folfox/5fu which was completed in April. My question is after my…
My mum has adenocarcinoma - we're devastated
My mum was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma in November. She has a tumour in her right lung, deposits in her left, chest and pelvic bone. She started chemo in Jan, 3 weeks apart for 4 sessions, but after the 1st, found a lump on her side. She was told this may be taken care of with chemo but after her 2nd session and at her…
new spot
Just had another CT scan getting ready for removal of left upper lobe. The scan showed a new 9mm spot next to the operative site (wedge resection) I had on Dec 7. It also showed 2 lymph nodes that have slightly inlarged now. My onc is not too concerned about watching this spot due to the fact it will soon be removed with…