Toricel - side effects
I have been on Toricel quite awhile and have many good things to say about it - mostly because for me it is working. My question is about side -effects (hey if its got them- I get them) My major ones now are diabetes, swelling, and minor skin rash (you can throw in fatigue but not much you can do there) I am currently on…
Complete incontinence
Hi all; My partner has been undergoing radiation for stage 4 renal carcinoma that has metastisized in his brain. He has 2 treatments left before he starts chemo, and he has complete urinary and bowel incontinence. Aside from his complete humiliation regarding this experience I am wondering will this go away in time or ?
Wisdom and Experience please
About 7 weeks age I had may right kidney removed (T1a 2.2 cm cancer in lower lobe). In the first month or so the pain dissipated around the 5 inch incision (horizontal to rt of belly button)and by the small lapro incisions. Over the past week as I have gotten more active (cautiously)I have gotten a lot of pain in the back…
Torisel for treating Stage-1 kidney cancer
Hi All, my father (73) a few weeks ago began treatment on Torisel for a stage 1 kidney cancer (he had one kidney removed, but a year later other growths had appeared) and I was wondering if there are any statistics on remission rates for this type of cancer and medication. Thank you all. Regards.
5 Years Cancer Free
I went on Thursday to have my MRI and Chest X ray. The Urologist that I have been with the whole time said all looks good and that 5 years is a good mark. He also said that starting next year I will just have a chest x ray and the following year an MRI and chest x ray. Does anyone know the protocol for follow up after 5…
Sutent and anger
Hello, I am just curious to hear about other people's experience with Sutent and anger. I know that depression is a side effect of the drug, but has anyone experienced anger. I know that anger is a natural reaction to cancer, and it may be hard to differentiate anger related to a drug and anger related to the cancer. My…
having surgery tomorrow very anxious
Hi all, Unfortuanatly I am not new to cancer. I had a right upper lobectomy 2 years ago. They found the Kidney cancer during my routine 2year CT scan. No biopsy, so I won't know what kind, or if it is lung cancer or primary till tomorrow. My question is: any of you who are still up, is I keep reading about the pain…
Tired of hearing "you have cancer"
Wanted to intraduce myself. I'm 62 yr. old female with diabeties who has been told 3 times in the last 5 yrs. that I have cancer. 2004 1st.time,rare breast cancer--mastectomy. Jan.2009 2nd. time, DCIS breast cancer--mastectomy. No treatment either time. Now on the 7th of this month I was told that I have renal cell…
Recently diagnosed
I was diagnosed with two masses on my left Kidney two weeks ago. I am pretty much a workaholic and since diagnosis have been home awaiting surgery. I dont talk much to the people that are close to me and have found myself sleeping the days away. My surgery is early in August and I have had good and badd days. I have yet to…
Pain killers
My husband has had a recurrence of kidney cancer which has been diagnosed as stage 4 metastasized cancer. We were completely blind sided by this recurrence as we had been told 4 years ago that it was very unlikely to recur since the cancer was completely encapsulated in the kidney and the kidney was successfully removed.…
Summer 09 issue of Cure
If you have never seen a issue of Cure, or read it online, here is your chance for more info. My copy arrived on Thursday and there is finally a full article on Kidney Cancer and the drugs that are available. For over 2 years, I have read the mag and bemoaned the fact that just about every other type of cancer was written…
Dear Readers, My uncle is going through renal cell carcinoma cancer.The illness is come to know very late.in October 2008 he got problems like blood in urin and pain during the urination.Then the urologist suggested to go for prostate but before prostate he suggested to see a cardiaclogist for through checkup.But…
Does the size of the tumor matter?
Hello, My wife was diagnosed last May 2008 with a very large tumor which turned out to be kidney cancer. It turned out to be 22 cm in length, 8 cm in width and weighed in at 5 pounds. According to the surgeon - this is a "remarkable" tumor. Because of the size of the tumor, it was declared a stage 3. The cancer had broken…
New to this network
Hey - I received word on 2-19-2009 that I had a tumor in my left kidney - I had a radical nephrectomy on 3-16-2009 - I was back to work on 4-16-2009! I feel really well, but I have soreness in my belly, along with numbness like a tingling sensation when I touch my belly - some days it's not too bad - but if I do alot of…
blood tests
i had my surgery almost 3 yrs ago...i had renal cell carconoma stage 1 inclosed in its own bag yet. they removed the tumor which was at the top of my kidney and sitting right against my lung on the left side. i went for my reg checkup in feb.2008 as uausal said i was fine but did blood work. dr called 2 days ago and said…
3 mths post surgery, Still sore and achy?
New to this site.....Diagnosed with 6cm tumor RCC in left kidney 10/08 and had radical nephrectomy,open surgery, along with removal of gall bladder. My incision runs across my abdomen from left to right. Never had surgery prior to this. I came on this site to search for any discussions regarding how I should be feeling 3…
Nexavar treatments
My husband is one month into a 12-month regimen of targeted therapy of Nexavar for renal cell carcinoma. He has had many side effects already, some of the quite severe. What can we expect over the next year?
Stage IV Renal Cell Cancer
My mother-in-law was recently diagnosed with stage IV renal cell cancer. She was not experiencing any pain at all. One day, she started getting a very bad headache, was taken to the hospital, and they performed a CT scan. At that time they found 5 tumors in her brain. After doing a bone scan, they stated that she had…
lost ,confused ,just need some one to talk to
Help 13 weeks ago my huspand was being treated for kindney stones he started hurting so bad I took him to emergency room. They diagnosed him with renal carcenomia , stage 4 It has already moved to his lungs and in his back they said there was no hope gave him months to live the drs called hospice in . they just gave up on…
RCC 4th Stage
My father was diagnosed with Stage 4 Kidney cancer that spread to his bones and one lung. He has been batteling it for over a year now. If anyone has any new knowledge of clinical trials going on that would great. We have been working with Sloan-Kettering and Johns-Hopkins. Also if there are any Stage 4 survivors out…
Clear Cell Kidney
Hi my name is Lori and I recently had my left kidney removed because of a 10.7 cm malignant mass stage 2 clear cell with nothing in my lymphnodes, vein or fatty tissue. I underwent a CAT scan on 04/17/09 to find out that I was having an appendicits and the mass on my kidney. AT the time of the CAT scan they said that all…
transitional cell carcinoma
Hi Everyone, My dad has transitional cell cancer which is very rare and uncurable but he is recieving treatment to give comfort. This is so new to us and we get very little info from the doc. His newest treatments has been chemo 2 wks on and 1 off. That has seemed to benefit him a lot rather than 1 every 3 weeks. Now he…
hi donna-lee and dawn, anybody else who may like to hear some good news. i spoke to the dr. today and my ct scan was fine, good, negative, normal...you know all the good stuff. i am so happy. i called the dr. office because my follow up appt, wasn't till next week and i couldn't wait any longer jumping every time the phone…
After Torisel
My husband has Stage 4 kidney cancer. Had his right kidney out three years ago. A year later they spotted specks in his chest cat-scan. Year of tests before they confirmed kidney cancer in his lungs and lymph nodes. Sutent had no effect. Torisel for four months and a 50% reduction. Hallelujah! He's been off the med since…
CT scan results
Donna-lee how'd it go today? you've been in my prayers. imbkuz
Ablation or chemo for RCC metastasis to pelvis and upper arm
I'm having trouble deciding upon the best mode of treatment. I was diagnosed with RCC in November of 2007 and in December 2008 found to have metastasis to the right pelvis and upper arm. My pelvis erosion has been cemented, my upper arm rodded and each have been radiated. I am still in remission, but my doctor wants to…
hi everybody, i have a question for ya. does everybody use this MUCOMYST when they have their scan. someone mentioned this on an earlier post about helping to flush the contrast out of your kidney if you have one kidney what else do you do to protect it when having the ct scan and contrast. thanks alot everybody.
RCC reaches liver?
Hi, my dad has RCC Stage IV. He was diagnosed on Nov 2005 and has been doing ok with Sorafenib. They performed a nephroectomy of his right kidney and of one of his vertebrae (L3).They also found many nodules on his lungs, which have been shrinking with the medication. Unfortunately they found many tumors on his liver a…
I'm back
65. Since 2003, after rapid unexplained wight loss (16 kg), I struggle my kidney cancer (RCC). May 2005 - partial nephrectomy in order to remove a 5 cm tumor. During operation - contamination under the liver(a cancer cell "ran away" probably with the "help" of an operation instrument). June 2008 - biopsy under CT…
hi everybody, i posted this question a few weeks ago and i was wondering if anybody else out there might have some info. i had stage 1 rcc diagnosed in nov 08. had a full nephrectomy on left kidney done laparoscopically in dec. 08. the tumor was 4cm. about the size of a walnut. both my urologist and my oncologist have…