Newly diagnosed family member looking for support
My 51 year old mother-in-law after having a colonoscopy was told that she had a large tumor in her colon. A CAT scan also showed that it spread to her liver and lymph nodes. The tumor was removed this week. Surgery showed several mets on both sides of her liver. The initial oncologist she saw told her she has 2-3 years to…
Update and more thanks
Well, my dad went to the doctor today and we have good news. The PET scan was clear, as was the CT scan last week. The doctor even said that the spots on his liver that she had been concerned about are gone now. She said that the camptosar worked better than she had hoped. She said he is in REMISSION! What a beautiful…
End of C & R pain effects for rectal Ca
I am finishng up with my 28th day of neoadjevant treatment for rectal ca today. Over the past week and a half I have been in increadible pain with my bowel movements. This pain is so intense it wipes me out for about an hour and a half to recover. I currenlty have been prescribed Vicodin and Ativan to help with the pain,…
New to this, Surgery on May 4th
I'm also a new comer to all of this. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer about a month ago,It's very early stages, it's not in the nodes and doesn't look to be fingering out through the walls, we are not doing chemo or radiation at this time, but doing surgery. They are going to do whats called a Transrectal Surgery. Where…
stage III rectal cancer
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site. My husband was diagnosed with stage III rectal cancer in Aug 2003. He had chemo/radiation treatment for 6 weeks, then had a colon resection with a temporary ileostomy. After surgery the dr told us that the tumor had shrunk down to the size of a ulcer. Everything looked really good. Then…
port problems
I had a port put in to make my chemo easier. But I keep getting blood clots. They say it is from the port. Now I have to go get a needle in the belly every day for 10 days to deslove the blood clots. Anyone have the same problems? Jud
I've been reading some replys and have been seeing negative comments about sugar. What's wrong with sugar,brownies or cola's? By the way I have colon cancer, the colon resection in June of 2001 and now have a met to liver and will be in surgery April 23rd. This is a great discussion group. Everybody keep up the fight. Mike
Hi- My dad is being treated for metestatic colon cancer, failing leucovorin, 5-FU, c-platin. Anyone else on this treatment? Outcomes? Side effects?
Another Thank You from me
Thanks so much everyone. I printed out your responses and took them to my dad last night. He didn't read them while I was there, but my mom told me this morning that they read them together last night and that they lifted his spirits tremendously. He is now agreeing to get a 2nd opinion. I'm suggesting both the University…
Thanks for the positive comments on the poem. Of course, Kerry, you may copy it. I continue to pray daily for all of my Semi-colon friends. Hugs, Kay
Hi everyone, Just wanted to catch everyone up to date. I have finished my chemo and radiation. Yippee!! I still have the port in. Does anyone know if they leave it until after surgery, or will I get this sucker out??? Doesn't really bother me, but I would love to take a long hot shower. I'm sure you all know the feeling.…
Went to the Oncologist today
First of all I'd like to thank EVERYONE who has been replying to me. Your support means the WORLD to me. Today I went to the oncologist and he told me BASICALLY that the tumor they took out of my colon had properties of being both a carcinoid AND a carcinoma. He said that further tests would be required to determine what…
A New Road to Travel
Hello everyone. Haven't posted in a few days as once again, I needed a cancer break and couldn't really talk about all the things that have been going through my mind. Tried to answer a few posts today and thought I'd fill everyone in real quickly (LOL...as if I could ever do that) on what's been happening with my mom. I…
To Lisa Rose
Hiya Lisa--I tried to reply to your mail but the puta wouldn't do it! Tks for the welcome back--had a great trip but was tiring as we did over 7,000ks in all and it sure is a long way to do on a motor bike. Jen is ok --just really gets pissed off with the "hot flushes" as she is sure you are aware of them.We both hope you…
Just A Note!!
I just want to thank everyone that answered my messages in the past. It helped me keep peace of mind even though things were getting difficult to deal with. My aunt after all did not win her battle, but she faught until the end. Many of you, survivors, I have a better understanding to what you went through or what you are…
aloe vera juice, zyflamend, maitake
Hello! Has anyone used any of these along with their conventional treatments? My husband heard from a friend that the aloe vera juice is supposed to have something in it to shrink the tumor, and the other 2 are vitamins that work with the chemo. I am going to discuss these with my onc this week. He is very conventional in…
Thanks to those who answered - I have another question (please!)
I'm going to try to convince my dad to get a 2nd opinion, but how do I find the best doctor/clinic/hospital to refer him to? We live in Des Moines, Iowa. I want to be able to give him not only nformation about who to call, but also a good reason for doing so. My dad is a stubborn man, and I need to be able to convince him…
Good News/Bad News????!?!
My dad was diagnosed 16 months ago with stage 3 colorectal cancer. He had surgery to remove the mass as well as 12 lymph nodes, of which 4 were positive. He had radiation and chemo, after which the cancer returned. He had another round of chemo (Camptosar, this time) and got a clean CT scan 2 months ago. Last week he went…
Greetings all Semi-Colons, Pollywogs, Damsals and Scalawags! I'm taking to the bounding main today in search of pirates, ner'do-wells, skalawags, and brutes. Those of ye who sent me yer e-mail address will soon to be gettin' an electronic post card fraught with tall tales, yarns, lore, and pictures o' the good ship n' crew…
Welcome Jeff!
Your first post has so many responses, which should tell you something about everyone here. I decided to start a new one for my reply. First....Welcome! Glad to hear you are keeping positive, that is very important. Also glad to hear how well you are recovering from surgery. My cancer was also found in the cecum, but not…
My virgin message to my fellow semi-colons
After a perforated colon last November that then went into severe peronitis, I finally found out that you can not always trust your doctor will know best. The end of February I found out I had a rectal tumor. I then changed doctors ...the UNC School of Medicine. After the usual pin cushion tests, they found liver mets and…
First Anniversary
Hi All. I'm an occasional poster on this site, and I have found the site very informative and supportive. Today is the anniversary of my surgery! I'm celebrating. My brief story: diagnosed with rectal tumour Christmas 2002 (age 43, healthy and fit, no family history). I had 5-6 weeks of chemoradiation, a rest period,…
Hiya guys-well--back from our great holiday-just got home and the first thing I did tonight was come see you guys!!!!! You must excuse me for not readin all the topics in the last 4 weeks--hey guys-fair go--I'll read every one of them! Just gunna take a while is all! Great to hear Bert's colonoscopy(I call it anal…
4 Ron
Hey Ron--good to see another Ozzie in the room.Beat tha demon did yah--great news mate--very happy 4 yu.Was wonderin what yer ailment was? I could tell yu mine here but that would get the others goin yada yada --"betcha they are readin this!"Nup---yu can read it on my profile mate--basically some doc. got his rocks off…
Happy Easter!!!
Hi To All The Semi- Colons! Just stopping by to wish each and everyone of you a Happy Easter. Enjoy your weekend with family and friends, and for God sakes don't eat to much chocolate or you'll have to answer to " Emily " Love to All, Lisa
I know I have brought this up before looking for remedies, but I am just curious if a lot of you are plagued with constant fever. It has been an ongoing issue for me since early December, and I am getting really frustrated with it. I almost never go a day without it. My doctor calls it tumor-induced fever. Is this very…
Bert's Colonoscopy :o)
I guess my happy face in the heading gives it away, doesn't it...but that's okay. Bert is clean. Nothing. Not even a polyp. Results have already been sent to Bert's oncologist who ordered this unscheduled exam. The surgeon who did the colonoscopy was recommended by the onc...he's his colleague and this doc was the doc who…
mom's treatment plan
hi everyone, i hope all is well. the docs have set up the action plan for my mom. on april 19th, she'll be starting 5 wks of radiation & chemo then a rest period then surgery sometime in july then follow up chemo. knowing she's starting treatment may ease my mind a bit. the battle to beat the cancer will soon begin and i'm…
Colonoscopy While Still On Chemo
Hi Guys and Gals! From what I've been reading, glad to see most of you are all doing fine. Bud, hang in there. I know you've been having a rough time, but I think it has been worth it considering some nodules in your lungs are gone and others are shrinking. Judith, about the same time as you, Bert's 5fu/leuc starting…
The Long Goodbye...
Hey, y'all. Check out my tribute to our favorite character (cartoon or otherwise)at following page: He has a hard time staying out of trouble. http://au.geocities.com/aspaysia/Orchidfever.html