Elevated Liver Enzymes
Hello Everyone, I am a daily reader, but seldom post. I feel like I'm not always as articulate as everyone else, but I keep you all in my prayers and wish each and everyone of you the strength to continue our battle. I am stage 3 with 3 out of 31 lymph nodes positive, but no bowel involvement. I have received 9 out of 12…
I'm reading posts by folks who are in the middle of their chemo protocol, and getting both CT and PET scans..I'm not sure what the difference is, but my Onc reluctantly OK'd a CT scan after four treatments, and says that PET results would be skewed by the chemo..(?) Can anyone address this seeming contradiction? Bud
Did anyone else notice? The colon cancer banner on the front page came down a day EARLY! The colon cancer awareness month banner fell before April 1st. Jose jipped us out of a day. Jose, I feel compelled to warn you about the dangers of dissing a bunch of chronic flatulaters. We may just send you a Flatu-Gram to your…
Hi there, Just wanted to know if anyone out there has been going through menopause early because of chemo? If so what advise can you give me about this. Judy
Blood pressure
Has anyone experienced an increase in B/P during chemo? My blood pressure has increased from a usual 120/60 to 168/90...this along with high cholesterol has me concerned..the Onc hasen't said anything about it though.. Bud
Katie Couric and Colon Cancer
Did anyone besides me get a chance to watch some of Katie Couric's excellent series on Colon Cancer last week on the Today Show? I thought she did a great job with the exception of one thing -- she forgets to tell people that colon cancer isn't just something that happens to people over 50. I was 29 when diagnosed and I…
CT results
this message may post twice, as I am having difficulty with posting & e-mail. CT results show some spots gone and others reduced. Some light at the end of this long dark tunnel.. Bud
Halfway through and feeling blue
Hi all, I know this is going to be a major whining post, but I need to get some of this stuff off my chest, and you guys are the only folks I know who are going through this...so forgive me... Just finished round 2 of 5FU/Leuco, and despite the first 11 treatments going well, I feel like #12 treatment sent me into a whole…
scheduled to start chemo, totally confused
Hi, I'm new to this, so bear with me. Got diagnosed on 1-30-04, had surgery on 2-6-04 and am scheduled to start chemo on 2-25-04. At least I have an appointment with the oncologist on that date. People tell me it's too early to start chemo, of course i don't know what to expect. I would like to hear from some of you that…
Help me understand!
Hello! My name is Sue. I am new to this site as of 2 weeks ago. I have been reading everything I can.I have been afraid to start a topic as to not be taken seriously. My husband has been diagnoisied with colon rectal cancer with 60%liver involvement. He has been undergoing chemo since Nov.2003. He has had 4 CT Scan and the…
New tumor
I have a very dear friend who is like a father to me, who was diagnosed with colon cancer nearly 2 years ago. He had 5 out of 10 lymph nodes come back positive and had chemo/radiation and was cancer free for about a year. Now he has a tumor in his shoulder. They did not remove it, just biopsied it and will begin treatment…
Another update
Hi all, I'll try to make this short. I appreciate all the answers I got about the sister-in-law problem and I realize she is just trying to find someone to listen to her whining. Well, today my daughter called and they put my 5 yr old grandson in the hospital. He has pneumonia. Well, while I was on the phone telling my…
Test Results In and Read
Well, as some of you may recall reading my postings, my hubby Hunt, stage 4 colon cancer has had treatments for one year now. CT scan last week, those 55 continuous hours of chemo " nothing" except (Praise the Lord) the cancer did not progress, but the spot (very larger) is still on the liver, the small spots have…
Thanks for all the support.
Thank you to all who replied. It helps so much to realize one is not alone. I appreciate all the positive feedback. 4 weeks ago I thought Colon cancer was something that happened rarely, and certainty not to me.. Boy have I learned allot in the past weeks. Thanks again for the support.
Lymph nodes and Xeloda
Hi everyone. I have two more questions for you guys if its okay. We went to see my husbands chemo oncologist today for his five week post op check up to schedule his adj chemo treatments. He is going to let my husband take Xeloda again since his results the first time were so good. We took him the report showing clear…
"puta thief!"
Hi again guys-'tis me! Hullo to Monika/Bert, Bud,Bob,Emily,Kris,Judy,Andrea,Aspaysia,Kerry-and to all those my chemo brain eludes me.Also a big hi and welcome to all our new friends here. Can't stay long again as I have begged/borrowed, stolen this puta for a minute--he he! Am now in sunny Queensland and loving the…
new to this site also
I am also new to this site as of last week. I have stage 2/3 cancer. No lymphatic or vascular invasion and the margins were clear. Currently I am waiting to meet with an oncologist to discuss Chemo/ no Chemo options. My surgeon says no reason for chemo (it doesnt change the odds with my stage of cancer) I am 43 and am in…
Thanks to everyone
Thanks everyone for wishing me a happy 50th. It was great, as I said earlier. But...you always have to have one bad apple. Let me explain how this person is, first of all. She's my sister in law, married to my husband's brother. She makes jokes about metally impaired people and tells these to me, since I have bipolar…
Stage 111 on 5FU/leuko
I should be grateful for anyone who has come through this nightmare having had stage 111 with lymph node involvement and who was treated with 5FU and leukovorin. My husband has had 3 cycles where treatment was given every day for five days, then two weeks off and then 1 cycle of treatment once a week while he was receiving…
stage 11
I am new to this chat room but I would love to hear about your experiences with colon cancer. I was diagnosed last October. I had Stage 1/11. No lymph node involvement and the surgical margins were clear. The doctors did not recommend chemo at this time and so far I am feeling great. I go and have CEA tests every 3 months.…
Showing my sensitive side here, I wanted to share this with all of you. http://www.theinterviewwithgod.com (click on "View Presentation"). It's sad to say, but for many of us - myself especially - it took this disease for the words you will see at this site to mean something. Be well, my friends... - SpongeBob
50th birthday, YIPPEE!
Hi all, Well, I celebrated my 50th birthday yesterday. When I found out last July that I had cancer, I found myself asking if I would live to see 50. Dumb, huh??? Never realized what a fighter I was till then. Anyhow, I had a WONDERFUL birthday. Got to see all my family, either Sunday or yesterday. It was great. Feeling…
Has anyone heard of/had experience with the company antigenics? This company makes oncophage, which is apparantly a personalized cancer vaccine treatment. This has been suggested to my mom by a few people. (she has Stage III, no distant mets, but has had 2 local recurrences.) Any advice on this versus traditional treatment…
I've been holding my breath for ya since the 25th (and I'm starting to turn blue!)... how did everything come out? No, not with the prep (we ALL know how that comes out); with the colonoscopy! Inquiring minds want to know! - SpongeBob
questions about chemo and radiation
Hi all, I forgot to ask these questions when I posted earlier about the big 5-0!!! Getting forgetful already. LOL. I am in my 5th week of radiation and 5FU continous pump, Monday morn through Sat morning. After I have radiation, I come home and sleep for about 4 hours. Is this normal to feel so zapped of energy? I've also…
This past week I have been getting more and more depressed. And crying alot. My doctors do not want me feeling this way and have recommended I take something. So far I thought I was okay and could handle it, but now it seems I am not doing so well with this. I was wondering if anyone has taken any medication for…
Vaginal Polyps
It's me again. I hope that no one is tired of me but you guys seem to be the only ones with the advise for me. My family doctor has now found vaginal polyps. I have never hear of these. What are they?? These things are starting to scare me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chemo Question
I started my chemo last Friday (5-FU, Camptosar, Leucovorin and Avastin). On this for 3 weeks then one week off and will do this for 6 months. So far so good, no side effects. Does chemo build up over time and do side effects worsen? If so, when did your symptoms start?
update on spots
i recently told you guys about spots on the liver that the doctor wasn't too concerned about. Well, here's another one. Last Friday I found a two inch lump just above my pelvic bone and the doctor ran no tests just poked around and said that it could be a small hernia starting. What else should I do? Do you think that I…
Please email me your story
Hi there, My name is Julie. My mom has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer. Its been a rough three weeks waiting for all the first doctor's appt's. We met with the surgeon and the oncologist. Friday March 26th is her CT scan & liver scan. She'll be having an MRI done within 2 weeks. So far the plan seems to be wait…