new here
Hi all. It's 5 am and I can't sleep. What else is new? I am 42 married 19yrs, have 3 great little girls and was recently diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer. Had 6 weeks chemo/rad., surgery and am getting ready to start a 6 month round of chemo ( just to make sure :) . Anyone have advice on how to keep your blood counts…
Hi Everyone, I haven't been here since March when my husband was put on a more aggressive chemo regimen (Avastin + FOLFOX) when the cancer advanced in spite of the first round of chemo after his surgery. A month ago he had his CT scans and this week the oncologist told us the tumors in the mesentary have not grown (maybe…
Do you worry forever?
My husband is on his next to last l4 days of Xeloda. He was dx w/rectal cancer 10/03, chemo/rad, surgery 02/04. Path report clean margins. Only problem since started post op chemo, tired a lot and 2 hard bm's produced a little blood on the tissue. We hope that was just a hemorroid or he tore himself alittle. Anyway, we are…
Not far from my heart
Hi Everyone!!!!! I just sifted through about 12 pages of posts! How I've missed yall! The last few months have been crazy! Too long and convoluted to get into all the details, but I haven't had lung surgery yet. Back in May, that was the plan, but we couldn't pin down a surgeon, then my tumor markers were rising, then my…
Great news !
Hi everyone - I know it is uplifting to sometimes hear other survivor's check-up results, so I thought I would share - My mom (diagnosed Jan 03stage III, local recurrence Feb 04) just had her follow-up CAT scan and everything was clear !!! No evidence of disease ! We are very uplifted by this news (and, I am sure as…
Colon Cancer Polyp
Is it possible to inject chemo drugs for killing colon cancer directly into the polyp during a colonoscopy? Has this been tried? Anyone know?
hi all wanted to say thanks for all the kind words and prayers since i posted about my surgery. i had a tumor removed from my rectum. i was in the hospital for 8 days. the surgeon dr.khoo (who is wonderful) says he got it all. I didnt have to have a colostemy bag as i thought i would ..was even marked for one a couple of…
PET and CT Scans
Thank you everyone who replied to my message. It's especially good to hear that other things have lit up on a PET scan. I had FUDR pumped into my liver for six months after my resection, so the last place I expected to see anything was my liver--after waiting for over a year to have the resection and never seeing any new…
need advice
Hi everyone, I hope that you are doing well. I need some advice. I had surgery 6 weeks ago for rectal cancer and have a permanent colostomy. I have finally started to feel human again, though not quite 100%. I started xeloda last week, 5 pills in the morning and 5 at night, 2 weeks on, 1 week off, for 6 months. So far, I…
New to network
Hi everyone, My name is Doug I am a Firfighter in California. I am a one year survivor. I was diagnosed with stage 2 rectal cancer on May 1 '03. I recieved 25 Radiation treatments and declined Chemo. I then had surgery to take out the tumor and recieved a permenent colostomy Aug 6 '03. I had my colonoscopy last month and…
Hi, everybody - Greetings from Mississippi. Stacy told me to post again. Sorry I haven't been here in a while, been dealing with something of a peronal crisis (not cancer-related, relationship-related [is "relationship-related" a retetitive redundancy?]) Anyway, it is yet to be resolved (in my opinion, the answer is clear,…
jaw pain on oxciplatin (SP)
Hi all. Just started my oxy,5FU and leukovoran this afternoon. I seem to be having some jaw pain when I eat. Usually only the first couple of bites, then it goes away. Anyone have this or heard of it? I'm going to tell my oncology nurse in the morning. See what she says. I've never had jaw problems before, so I really…
thanks so much
i just wanted to say thank to all who posted to my question last week about the results of my ct. scans(which weren't very good) your words of encouragement mean more to me than you will ever know.i start my chemo this friday(5fu and oxy)and i know i can do this.after reading your posts,i've decided that i will never give…
steved & kelly?
has anyone heard from steve or kelly?
cancer cure????
Hiya all--the website I give here might be of some interest to all.It was aired on a current affairs program here in OZ.The program interviewed several people with many different cancers and was for me and Jen very touching. If the truth be known one wonders whether govt's/ the pharmaceutical companies and other medical…
Update - and Gratitude!
Hi all, I thought I would post an update on me and give a thank you to you. Had I not found this site, and read the stories of other survivors such as myself I know my road would have been a much harder one to hoe - THANK YOU EVERYONE! We are all the strongest people we will ever meet, without doubt. I am now half way…
I found out how to get in the chat room
found this on the Administrators board: 07-27-2004 07:38 PM EDT Re: error for chat room All you need to do is disable your firewall before loging into the the site. Once you enter the chat room, you can re-enable the firewall. To disable the firewall, fine the icon in your system tray that looks like the globe. Right click…
Hi semi-colons! I celebrated my three year anniversary of survival on Friday. I am alive and thankful. I warn all the newbies to not be surprised that the anniversary becomes a huge milestone each year for you but may pass unnoticed by those around you. As for my hubby he would much prefer to forget that I was ever…
High Blood Pressure/Chemo
Hi again, A quick question for anyone who experienced high blood pressure during and after chemo. My pressure has been treated and controlled for the last 10 years, but had gone nuts during chemo and is still not in good range. We had to change my meds during chemo because I was (and still am) not keeping my potassium…
ct. scan results
i would like to express my sincere thanks to all who replied to my post last week about my cancer coming back.thanks for each and every prayer.my results are in and i'm sorry to say that cancer has spread to lymph nodes in my lower back and a few on one of my kidney's.i am so devastated and cannot even think straight.i…
AWOL--"got a note"
Sorry guys--bin offline for a time.Got a bit of bad news--well--put it this way--it's kind of botherin me. I had a lot of pain under my right ribs and was thinkin that it might be to do with my stomach muscles still healing(surgery was 12 months ago) I had been shifting quite a bit of material here in the garden to make a…
Stage 4- not new to site, just back
I have been away from this site for a while, trying to sort things out. Just a refresher, in March 2003, my hubby Hunt was dx with st4 colon cancer, 17 out of 18 lymphnodes infected and mets to the liver. After all the chemo, approx 15 months, cat scan, pet scan, and another high tech scan that I can not think of the name,…
Genetic Testing
Hi. I'm a 37 year old colon cancer survivor. I have almost a year in of being cancer free. Because I have a storng family history of breast and ovarian cancer, I am on Tamoxifen. (The 5 year plan) Tuesday I go to the doctor to do the BRCA-1 and 2 test. (Maybe) So, I'm starting to obsess about getting cancer again. I wonder…
Another hurdle cleared
Hi all, It's now 1 week since an uneventful surgery to remove my thyroid, which was so enlarged that I was to have it all out last fall, but that was prior to the colon cancer diagnosis. Things went very well, with just a little scare with a nodule the surgeon found and sent out for immediate frozen sample biopsy during…
colostomy still not working???
Well the doctor prescribed 2 tblsp. Milk of Magnesia last night. I thought for sure I would have some bm last night, but no. It's been 5 days. Home health came out today and says she can hear bowel sounds. I don't understand why it's not working again. I called the doctor again and they say to get magnesium citrate…
Two Blessings in a Row!
Hello "extended family." I always have to remind myself that is is a colon cancer board, not a lung cancer board. But since I've always talked about my mom since I began posting a little over a year ago when Bert (hubby) was diagnosed stage III colon cancer, I feel like updates are warrented on her as well...even if it is…
CT and PET scans
Hi everyone, Has anyone had the experience of having areas light up on a PET scan that are not cancer? I know it happens with cysts on CT scans. I've had a very unsettling experience lately and would appreciate any input on this. It's been over two years since my stage IV dx. Before my last surgery (liver resection in…
I am still around
Sorry Ive been so quiet.. its been a long recovery for Ben. He still hadnt started chemo and still is having wound care issue do to diabetes. I am having surgery myself on Monday the 9th for my cervical neck.. this is my 2nd surgery on it.. Been having back trouble now for 3 years.It will be at Georgetown in Washington DC.…
The Waiting is Over Again - Update on Bert
Well folks, I've read and re-read both the Cat and Pet Scans that were done on Bert August 5 and I'm so extremely happy to say, and I quote here, the Pet "Impression: Negative whole body Pet scintigraphy for reccurent/metastatic disease." Hip, Hip Hurray!!!! Rah, Rah, sis boom bah!!!! Doing the happy dance. However, I will…
can't get into the chat room
I'm new,so does anyone have a trick to getting into the chat room. I am logged into this site, but everytime I click on any of the chat room links, I get an error message and it won't let me in. I e-mailed the webmaster, but haven't heard back. Thanks for your help. Barb