City Of Hope
An excellent summary on the diagnosis, treatment, stages, research, etc. of colon cancer: http://www.cityofhope.org/ccc/db/cancer.asp?c=CDR0000062954
Bone Scan versus Pet Scan
I would like to get the opinions of you all on the following... My mom has the stage 4 cancer that is in the liver and peritoneum. She has had a PET scan and it has shown to be in those 2 areas as the CAT scan did. She has lots of pain in her hip and back and has had this long before the cancer. She has had an x-ray 2…
How 'bout Vegas!
Alrighty kiddies! Time for another "YOU KNOW WHAT" from "YOU KNOW WHO"! What: Semi-Annual-Semi-Colon Convention (a.k.a. COLON PALOOZA) Where: Las Vegas, NV When: Oct 25th to 28th, 2005. Details: Reserve your room at the Aladdin Hotel & Casino by calling 877-333-9474. Tell them you're with the group "G COLON" and you'll be…
51 yrs met to liver..
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site. Just looking for positive support. I was diagnosed last Jan. 2004. Had surgery in March, started chemo in April (Oxaliplatin for injection & Xeloda) every other week. I've had a lot of side effects. Today I still have numb hands and feet. I'm told this does go away after chemo is stopped…
Jerri's pet scan results
Much needed good news!!! Jerri's pet scan last week came back clean. Guess I can stop drinking the Maalox now. She had her third (of six) Folfiri treatment yesterday...this stuff is just really kicking her butt. She's asking me why she has to keep doing this if the pet scans have both come back clear. The first scan was…
Stage IV long term survivor
Hey all, Just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. I was diagnosed with stage IV rectal sigmoid cancer with a met to the liver in Aug. 1998 at the age of 31. Within 24 hours of diagnosis through a C-scope (totally unexpected), I was in the hospital and operated on - resection of colon and liver. I "did" 8 months of…
Question for Stage 3 survivors
Hello, my name is Linda. I was diag.Stage 3 colon cancer with 1 pos lymph node. Had colon resection and 6 mos. folfox chemo. Also had a colonoscopy that was clear. So - what is next? I have read that many times recurrence is in the lungs or liver or does it show elsewhere? What type of ongoing tests should I be requesting?…
Mediastinum Metastasis
Hi everyone, Hope you are all doing great today. I am a little mixed. I'm going to post separately my good news...but here's my worry of the week. Sponge-Bob commented that the more we know...the more questions this creates. Arggh...prime example this week. I double-checked with nurses about the probablity of brain…
Chemo seems to be working
Hi again, I have a little good news. After only 2 treatments of chemo (5-FU, oxaplaitin, leuco, and avastin), I had had several days of no rectal bleeding and cramping. This is great news for me. I had had about a year of almost daily bleeding and cramping. (My symptoms were misdaignosed as hemmorhoids and IBS for several…
PET results-- suggestions for diet while on chemo?
I had my first PET before starting chemo soon. My diagnosis was 3 weeks ago-- after surgery-to remove part of my transverse colon showed stage 3 and 21 lymph nodes positive! The good news of the PET is that the cancer is not in the liver or anywhere else. Praise God!!! With that many lymph nodes I sure was worried.…
How bad should pain be at this poin
I haven't been able to do chemo since middle of February. Counts still down last time, I go to doctor April 7th, to see if I can do chemo the 12th. Should I be having severe pain at this point? My bottom is so sore that I can't sit down, but when I take the morphine for it, all I want to do is sleep. I don't want to be at…
Yawkey in Boston
Hi All, I hope the day finds you all with a positive experience. I'm a 43 yo stage 3 rectal with 10 of 15 positive. I have completed my 6 mo. of irinotecan and started to live life again. Problem is the follow up CT then MRI showed two < 1cm leisions on my liver. Had a PET scan Friday and don't know the results for sure…
Started Avastin,5FU and CPT 11 March 14--had chemo March 14 and March 21 and now have found that my ovary was swelled to the 16-18 cm and am now waiting to have them removed--blood counts have been too low for surgery or chemo. Hope that the chemo will work--has anyone here had good results with the above drugs?
More Eye Troubles
Hello all! I feel kinda guilty posting something that may seem so trivial in the midst of other peoples suffering, but since this is the "place to vent" here goes....As some of you know, I have been off chemo for 1 1/2 years but have had continuing "Epiphora" - tearing from the eyes due to 5-FU and Xeloda (2 rounds of…
how long till your pants fit???
Okay, it's been only 2 weeks since my surgery, but for kicks and grins I tried to put on a pair of my jeans today. I couldn't wear them if I wanted to because of some problems w/my incision, but I was curious...how long did you "veterens" have to wait until you were able to wear your pants again?!? The cartoon character,…
Update on Jerri
Hey guys...hope all's well for everyone. I haven't posted anything specific about Jerri (my wife) for awhile; it's been a little rougher than usual lately and she's fried. I'm fried. The kids are fried. Put a little gravy on us and call us chicken fried steak. (It's a Texas thang.) She's had two Folfiri treatments after…
Lot of pain
Hi all, Say a litle prayer for me. Where my tumor is growing, I can hardly sit down, even with a cushion now. It makes it hard to even go anywhere. I am so miserable. They said to either take the morphine and it will help the pain, or to deal with the pain. So.....I am taking the morphine round the clock. I hate it, but…
I'M CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Everyone!!!! You guys are family to me and you are the FIRST to know. I just got off the phone with the Dr. and he said that all the polps were negative!!!!!! I am so relieved!!!!! After she looked at all the other test results they are pretty sure that all the pain I have ben having is from IBS - Irritable Bowel…
My sister
Hello Everyone! I haven't posted in a couple of weeks b/c my sister was hospitalized again and we have had a lot of family in town. I wanted to ask if any of you know about any other chemo drug or an experimental treatment that my sister can try. I am sending a letter to several cancer centers...I am attaching part of the…
Party pictures
Go to my personal web page and go to expression gallery and look at the pic. You can tell we had a great time. I'm so glad that God has granted me another birthday. I feel so blessed to have more time with my family. And thanks to all you for the birthday wishes. Love and prayers, Judy(grandma047)
Semi-Colons, Please join me in welcoming back our friend Sea_Detail. Chris has been away for a while busily fighting (and beating) the dragon. He forgot his sign-in and password. He says chemo brain, I say old age. Thanks to Jose for hooking him up with his long-forgotten info. Cheers, Chris. Welcome back. - Sponge
reaction and blood
Hi been a while seems I only get on when I am having problems. am doing fol fox, oxi, leukovorin, every 2 weeks for 48 hours last week has reaction to oxi rash, and itchy they gave me allergy stuff for it, but I know I won't be on it anymore. Anyhow else have this problem this is my 2nd round of it, 11th session total,…
eye tearing - aftermath of 5-FU
I was just wondering if any of you have had persistant eye tearing as a result of being on 5-FU or Xeloda. I had two rounds of chemo - the last one ended 1 1/2 years ago, but I am still having problems w/ my eye. I am scheduled to undergo a procedure to possibly have a small tube inserted in my tear duct on Tuesday. Has…
Weekly Reminder...
Alrighty guys... You're going to get these weekly reminders since we tend to chat a lot on this discussion board, and the messages get flipped to page 2 rather quickly... Semi-Colon Reunion in Vegas! From Oct 25th to 28th, Tuesday to Friday. Can go earlier, can stay later. Rooms set aside at Aladdin Hotel & Casino for $ 99…
Happy Birthday Grandma( 07 )
Hi Semi Colons, March 29,2005... Grandma(07)turns 51 Please raise your glass with me everyone, in wishing Judy a very Happy Birthday and many, many, more... God Bless Have A Wonderful Day ! ! ! Lisa
Hi, I am sorry I guess I should be more clear when I said I had blood in stool that only happened one time to me after doing the chemo fol fox, oxi,leuk I did have that reaction to oxiplatnum rash and itchiness, that was my 11th session 2nd round of course. I am sorry if I mislead and meant bleeding all the time it only…
How do I put pictures on here?
How do I put several pictures on here? Is there a way??? I'm pretty dumb when it comes to computers. I'd like to put pictures of my birthday and my beautiful grandchildren with me. Let me know if there is a way. Love and prayers, Judy
Results from Round #2
Hello Everyone!!!!! I know that I promised I would let you guys know yesterday how things went. I was out of it most of the day. When they said they were going to knock meout they were right. When I got home around 3:oopm I went to sleep and sleep most of the night. It has been the most I have slept in over 1 1/2 years.…
Thanks to everyone for birthday wishes!!
I had a wonderful birthday. I gave my testimony at church on Sunday, the day before my birthday. Then, after the service, They had me a birthday party. It was a big surprise and it was great. Almost all my family and friends were there. Then on my birthday, me and my family went to Cracker Barrel. It was great. i ate more…
Hi all - I have been reading the message board since May but this is the first time writing. My husband was diagnoised with stage IV colon cancer in May 2004. He has treated with F5u, oxiplatin, leukavorin (pardon my spelling) for 8 months and with Avastin for the past 7 months. We just found out this past week that the…