cancer vs. sugar
hello to all.i hope that all is going well with everyone.i want to ask for opinions from some of you.i've seen articles on the internet and read posts here about sugar intake and how it can affect the growth of tumors.i'm a kaiser member and have been treated by my oncologist since 2001.he has 26 years of experience in the…
side effects after fulfox tx.
Hi all, everything is going well in my life but my best friend diagnosed in June stage 3 is on Fulfox and having symptoms my hubby did not have. After each treatment when she is getting ready to disconnect on Fridays she starts to swell up, just hands and face but it is significant swelling. Couldn't make a fist for two…
1 year ago today
1 year ago today at about the same exact time (1:20 eastern time) my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer which we later found out on July 30 (surgery) turned out to be stage 3 with 5 positive lymph nodes. Today, luckily and with the grace of our good God, he is cancer free and once again living a wonderful and fulfilling…
brother needs hospice care
Hello everyone, I have not been here in a long time....Jesper, my brother (I don't know if anyone remembers him) has not been able to beat this small cell in the colon.... diagnosed in Jan 2005... Drs. tells us there is nothing more than can do.It has spread all over, kidney shows cancer cells in urine, liver shows multi…
1 year anniversary
Hi Everyone, Happy 4th of July! Diagnosed March 2004 with rectal cancer. Had radiation and chemo(xeloda), surgery June 28 with permanent colostomy, followed by 6 months of xeloda. I have been cancer free for 1 year, but I never got a chance to celebrate. My father unexpectedly passed away on that day. I just wanted…
Need some advice
Hi guys, Well as most of you know, I am on Xeloda and have been for 7 months. Now I am suffering side effects that are awful - these side effects effect my hands and feet. Especially my BIG toes. I am experiencing pain, pussing and loss of contact of my nail with nail bed. It is driving me CRAZY! My doctor has taken me off…
Vitamin Supplements- one more time for the dummies!!
Vitamin Supplements - do you take them? Well the oncologists say they 'just dont know if they are of any benefit', the surgeons say 'they are a waste of money'. BUT the nutritionists say that they may reduce the risk of recurrence ?!?!?!? We have found a book called ' HEal Cancer' by R. Cilento - she advocates a number of…
need some uplifting
hello all. well i went to see my onc yesterday and i still have this cough which is worse some days than others. anyway while he was examining me he was listening to my heart and while doing that he kept his hand in my liver area for quite a while which i not like him. he sd that he wants a ct right away so you can…
A new Lance link
For those interested: By Outside Mag. http://outside.away.com/outside/tour-de-france-2005.html Lance is in 1st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Barb ( who did interval sprinting on the 4th. I can't even walk now.) ( But, it feel so good)
From the Comedy Cures Foundation web site: http://www.comedycures.org/ A grasshopper walks into a bar and sits down. The bartender says, "you know we have a drink named after you?" And the grasshopper says " you have a drink named steve?"
Total Colectomy questions
I have noticed on the message boards that many people have had partial colon resections or ostomies, or sometimes jpouches, but I don't seem to see many people who have had total colectomies. As a stage IV colon cancer patient with mets to the liver, I recently had this surgery (May 23) and would love to compare notes with…
Treatment Options
After reading a stage IV cc patient's summary of his efforts to "cure" his cancer with conventional and experimental options, and the research, travel, misinformation, time wasted and frustrations encountered by this person, it became clear that a section or forum dealing with conventional, experimental and alternative…
Hi all. Like so many here..i dont post often but read weekly and often more. Last year I found this site just about this time... was 41 and dx with rectal cancer..marked for a bag..surgery wasnt sure what i would wake up with. Didnt end up with a bag.. but was in hospital for 8 days and 32 staples later. Healed up and had…
to Reini
Hiya....please excuse my ignorance. Trying to catch up here. My good buddy Sponger alerted me to our new ozzie friend here Welcome to the "family". I say that with much affection as that is exactly how things are on here. I have been coming here for 2 years and you will certainly find that this site has much to offer. I am…
Has anyone Heard of.........
Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone has heard of Oasis of Hope....in Mexico.....I've heard some great things lately from people that have actually went and stayed for the 3wk program, and have been doing great ever since.....am looking for any info.....good or bad.....Thanks Beci
Bag tips
Hi all, Just thought I would give a couple of tips that I learned whenever I had my colostomy. This may sound a little gross but it really works. Spray your new bag on the inside with a little Pam cooking spray. (A can a bought particually for this purpose) Just fold up the bottom, because if you get it too close to the…
To Emily
Sorry for takig up space her guys n gals....me n Em's got a thing goin'....jest kiddin. Em...my emails to you ain't making tha journey gal..don't know why. You have my email addy so send me an email then I can refresh your addy. You might like to send me a personal here with your addy too....I will send mine again so check…
NED Again
Hi Everyone, I just returned from MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas and my CT Scan came back with good results. NED!! It is always so nerve wracking to go through the scans, tests and then wait for the results, but I made it again. I am scheduled for my next scan in 9 weeks. I was so fortunate to meet another…
walking, hi i am new to site
my name is claudia and i am 34 and was recently diagnosed with rectal cancer. i am in my 4th week of chemo radiation with oral xeloda that i have had to be off of twice already because of low white blood cell counts. i hate being off of it as i do not want to give the tumor a chance but am being told if my WBC are low,…
Hello Everybody! Newbie with some questions,help!
I am in remission from Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and just recently my Mom was diagnosed with somewhat early stage colon cancer and had a large tumor removed. She will begin FOLFOX Tx July 15 for six months and I am wondering how bad it is. My chemo tx was very rough. I am wondering how much care she will need and how the…
X-C for CC
Why not see if Lance will lead a coast to coast cross-country relay ride (including Alaska, of course) for semi-colons?
Let me introduce Moondragon, a long time friend and semi-colon. She has been NED for a long time now, but will probably show up here soon.. Nanuk
CSN Admin Discussion
no replies on this forum since June 28..Where are you CSN?
Cushiony Gel Seats
Shame on you Barb..what would lance say..cush seats are for sissys. Lance would tell you that the most comfortable seat in the long run is the old purist hard leather skinny seat-(really) if you can tuff out the initial sore butt, the pro seat will support the essential pubic bones and minimize friction every place else.…
Cycling Tip O' The Day
In honor of Lance, here is a cycling tip for all you gear heads: PUSH THE CLIMBS Conventional wisdom is to take it easy on the climbs and then make up time on the downhills, but if you can push to your anaerobic limits, the absolute time in minutes you'll save on the climbs (climbing at 12 mph instead of 10 for example)…
Officially a semi-colon
Hi everybody,I havn't been on in quite a while.I had my surgery on June 14th and was released from the hospital on June 19th. I feel suprisingly good.They took out 16 inches of colon & rectum 38 lymph nodes with only one showing evidence of cancer.But the radiation had done its job.THANK GOD!!! I have an Illiostomy for 6…
The Golden Asspys
OK Em, your five minutes are up! Time to share the spotlight with us lesser mortals. I am applauding these folks just for being themselves: 1. Sugar and spice: Kerry. Don't melt in the rain. 2. Cute when she's mad: Stacy 3. Even cuter when she is mad: Scouty. She wears scary socks. 4. Don't ever make her mad: Sue. No BS…
Hey Semi-colons! Today is the start of the Tour de France. Lance is going for his SEVENTH Tour!! WOOHOO!! We can do this y'all--we can rise to our challenges and come out VICTORIOUS!! So wear yellow and cheer us ALL on for the ride of our lives. We are ALL winners!! peace, emily who has been glued to the TV since 7:30am
Radiation Burns
Here's something that might help. It's a little unconventional and might offend some, but here it is anyway. I stumbled across something that has helped me enormously with cuts and scrapes and just general all around healing. It does much better than neosporin on cuts and such. I'm allergic to some of the chemicals that…