mouth sores and chemo
Hi everyone, Hope you all had a great holiday. My dad had his CAT scan on Monday. We won't get the results until this Monday. Thank you for all of your prayers. I ask that you please keep praying for him. Anyway, I haven't really read too much on this site about mouth sores during chemo. My dad has some pretty bad ones and…
My dad has colon cancer with liver mets.He is on FOLFOX + Avastin for 1 year now. He just finished his 24th treatment. His white and red blood cells are pretty low and they are looking into giving him just Avastin for a while. Did anybody experienced something similar? Do you know of anything that can boost his immune…
Hello. I hope all is well with everyone. My mother is battling advanced stage vaginal cancer. It has spread to her lungs and liver. Her days are numbered now. I was wondering if anyone has used the Essiac Tea treatment for cancer. If so, how was your experience? Please respond as soon as possible. Thank you for listening.…
Ileostomy reversal & barium enema
My husband will ultimately undergo an ileostomy reversal. We were told that he would have a barium enema before the procedure. Can anyone tell me what is the purpose of this test and exactly what does it tell the doctor ? (He had a resection due to rectal cancer.) Thanks!
interesting info on metastasis...
Jefferson Scientists Reveal New Mechanism That Causes Spread of Colorectal Cancer Researchers have known for years that the enzyme MMP-9 plays a key role in the spread of colorectal cancer. Now, scientists at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia have found out how the enzyme helps initiate the process, known as…
PET results all clear: NED
Hi All. I want to share with you my joyous news. I got the results of my PET today: all clear!!!! Phew (to put it politely). For those who don't know my story, I was treated for Stage III rectal cancer in 2003. In April 2005 I was diagnosed with a solitary met in my lung. Had surgery, followed by chemo. It has now been…
Just wanted to update what is going on. I had my petscan done yesterday. Thank God that is over with. Actually the test is not bad I got to doze a little in the scan and the chair from all this stress. I met with my GI DR. also yesterday who is very baffled about my high numbers on the pancreatic enzymes. My lipase is now…
Eeek! My surgery is on Thursday... THIS Thursday!
My doc called this morning to tell me the surgeon on my case had a cancellation and I was an ideal candidate to take the slot. Eager to get this out of the way I said sure, sent out my email to alert co-workers of my absence until further notice, and went to the hospital for my scheduled CT scans. That was fun. Next time I…
sun sensitivity
Hi. Hope someone can help with this. I finished 5FU/Leu about 2 years. During treatment I experienced severely dry skin at the beginning and then sported a lovely tan. Now, no tan, but despite being a sunblock maniac, my face becomes very sore when I am outside for any prolonged time (longer than 20 minutes). I wear a hat…
Does the diarrhea ever go away
It's been over three years since my colon surgery and I still have emergency runs o the bathroom 2-3 times a week. Has anyone tried that new yoghurt Activia. It is supposed to help regulate intestinal problems. Any tips or advice would be helpful. Thanks, Arlene
My Dad's At Peace
Hi Everyone, I want to thank everyone for all their support over the last year. My dad passed away this morning at 12:55. I didnt make it there to be with him but I am at peace with that. The funny thing is my mom told him at 12:45 that I could not be there I was home taking care of the baby and he passed on at 12:55. I…
Digestive Issues?
So, theres been talk here to the new folks about how we will talk about anything, including the color of poop. SO, that has inspired me to ask the following (and its not really about the color, by the way.) Prior to my diagnosis in May 2005, I had been having digestive problems where big or fancy restaurant meals (or…
Adjuvant Chemo
Hi, Been reading the thread about FOLFOX. I was clinically dx as Stage III (T3, N1, M0) in Apr 06 based on the initial CT and MRI following the colonoscopy. I finished chemo/radiation in Jun 06 and had a LAR on Jul 25. Path report showed a T1 tumor with no evidnece of lymph node involvement. Based on that, the onc is…
CAT vs. PET in early diagnosis?
Hi all. I am going in for a chest, abdomen and pelvic CT scan this afternoon based on a mass found in the sigmoid colon last Thursday during colonoscopy. I understand the differences (I think) between CT and PET scans but it seems to me that if the docs are looking for "hot spots" they would go right to the PET scan, do…
Pray for me - surgery tomorrow
I go into tomorrow for my surgery to remove my tumor. Please say a prayer for me!
To all semi-colons: Have a wonderful 4th of July. There are so many new posts it is hard to keep up sometimes. I just want everyone new to know that you can beat this disease. I am a 7 and one-half year survivor of stage 3 rectal cancer. I endured all of the treatments and, for years, all of the after-effects of having…
re: Bilirubin out of whack
Mark's liver function is abnormal he has just been informed. That was a few hours after some good news that his tumors have shrunk. His doctor called immediatly after the results to tell him to stop the Xeloda until the levels are normalized. Anyone had trouble with bilirubin with Xeloda? His hands are feeling so much…
for Mindy10
Hi Mindy. I am sorry that I was unable to reply to you when you lost your dear dad. I would like to say that your presence here has been a gift to those who we call family here. Such a traumatic time you have endured but you had the courage to share your pain and while doing so support others. I am so sorry you have had to…
where is Kanga???
Hi everyone, Is Ross OK ? I haven't seen a post from him for ages . Hope that nothing has happened that I did not see. Ron.
Hi everybody. I had my MRI of the abdomen done on WED.nite to determine why my pancreatic enzymes continue to rise since May 30th. My oncoligist stated all was clear in that there were no focal lesions in the pancreas, liver, adrenals or kidneys. THANK GOD. How ever the lipase which is a pancreatic enzyme continues to rise…
Does survivorship cause OCD?
Do any of you feel like you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? I just had my scans/bloodwork done 1 year and 8 months NED. I had clear scans but when I asked the results of my CEA I was told it was 0.5/perfect! Well, one year ago I was told my CEA was "less than" 0.5. So I am like "What, it isn't below 0.5???" The nurse…
In Love with NED!!!!
Hi all - Your good vibes, prayers, wishes, hugs etc. must have done the trick. My PET and CT scans from yesterday are NEGATIVE!!!! The radiologist (one of the few who will talk to patients) actually called me because my oncologist is on vacation today. He told me about the great results and then asked how my treatments…
Need help after sphincter-sparing surgery
My brother age 51 had sphincter-sparing surgery 2 months ago for resection of a Stage 2 rectal cancer, his nodes are negative, all margins clear thankfully. The board certified colo-rectal surgeons were unable to do a J-pouch because of his narrow pelvis, they did a colo-anal anastomosis. He developed a rectal/pelvic…
More in the news....
FDA Grants Priority Review Of Panitumumab For Treatment Of Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer THOUSAND OAKS, Calif., Jun 12, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Amgen (Nasdaq:AMGN), the world's largest biotechnology company, today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accepted the Biologic License…
I'm back...
Hi everyone, I had to take a short break. Things have been a bit crazy in my life for the past couple of weeks. As most of you know, my mom had a heart attack and was in the hospital for a week. I was there with her everyday practically all day. Then, this week we had another scare and thought she had another heart attack,…
Trying again!
On Wednesday they are going to try me on Folfox again. Last time I had a reaction and spiked a high temperature. I've been given a prescription for Dexatheasone (corticosteroid) and will take 20mg x 2 on the day before I'm to be infused. Anyone used this and had good results in being able to take Folfox.
Happy 4th of July
I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July. I walk with a group of 4 women in the evening and tonight one of the women had 4th of july hats, with the top being the flag, and stars around the brim, it was a hard plastic had with glitter, some of the comments were, that we should have had bags of candy with us and…
Not so great PET results
I do not post very often, but read all posts daily. My husband originally dx 09/02 then mets to lungs 05/05 went today for his PET results. The mets are adapting to the current meds 5fu/leucovorin/camptosar with Avastin. Was on Oxiplatin (sp) for about 3-months after mets dx, side effect pretty bad so changed to Camptosar…
Post-op pain
After completing my treatments and surgery, I have suffered severe pain in my hips. I have a permanant colostomy. Does anyone else have this problem? My pelvic muscles do not work, and suffer from incontinence. I believe it was caused by the radiation.
New Here :(
Hi all. Just checking in to see what I can find out about this "crappy" disease. Pun intended. I had a colonoscopy yesterday after enduring seven years of on-again-off-again diahhrea that my doctor called Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The gastroenterologist found something he highly suspects (to the tune of 80% certainty) to…