Anyone interested??
Check this out!! http://www.h2hwalk.com/participants.html Sorry, I don't know how to do a hyperlink on this site, so you'll have to cut and paste! But it's well worth it. I am considering participating in this venture, possibly as a guide! It would be a great way to learn about nutrition while doing something healthy, fun,…
Thanks to all My Port is OUT!
Hi All, Just wanted to thank everyone to my post last weekend about my Port Removal. I had it done today, with just a local.. and it wasn't too bad. I had a lot of scar tissue around it, since it was in there for 3 years and 2 mos. So other than the pressure it wasn't too bad. I have stitches that will come out in a week,…
Let's all take five
Here's a little smiley: Applying for a Job at the CIA A few months ago, there was an opening with the CIA for an assassin. These highly classified positions are hard to fill, and there's a lot of testing and background checks involved before you can even be considered for the position. After sending some applicants through…
A good day!
Hi everyone, I posted awhile ago stating spouse was to have biopsy for 1 pelvic node. Well he went today and CT showed it shrunk! They'll re-check in a month. Surgeon believes it was just an "infected" node and primary still believes it is cancerous and shrinking due to chemo.... well we're happy either way:) Besides it's…
Recovery from colon resection
Hi. I had a colon resection with about 12 or so inches removed in the sigmoid area two weeks ago and am now recovering. There is a constant feeling that I need to have a bowel movement but little actually happens. Do the bowel movements become solid again and slow down to a few a day? I am on leave from teaching and need…
just updating on my plateles
Hi everyone,thanks for all your respnses from my last post, I went to get my chemo on Monday but my platelets count where still low, so I was re-schedule for yesterday, while awaiting for the lab work results, I was so anxious, that sent my blood pressure to 150,I wanted to have my chemo so badly, that went they told that…
Wow - let's all be nice
Hi all - I think there is a "Communications" thesis topic in here somewhere regarding the latest chemo debate. I'm pretty sure we are all nice people and we sure all have a common enemy. Things are getting a tad out of hand, however, - which is so easy to do with electronic media. I don't think there is any point in…
Non Profit Orgs.
Hello all, I have been seriously thinking about starting a Non Profit Org and was wondering if anyone out there has any experience with this? I would love to pick someones brain about it. Thanks everyone!!
my two cents
You know..I have seen some very antagonistic threads lately (colonpalooza as well as whether or not to do chemo) and have had some mean spirited emails (and sent some too)but really what I have come to realize is that we are a family in this cancer battle and like a family we strike out at those we feel most comfortable…
Thank You All, Mom's PET Scan Was Great!!!
First, let me say thanks to all of you for the prayers, well wishes, good vibes, and advise. Today was the big day-PET Scan results and they were great!!!! 5 out of 6 of my mom's tumors are gone. The only one left is the one around her left adrenal gland. Onc said this was amazing. We are only 2 1/2 months into the…
Hi, I'm another female Kerry -- Mark's (Sunriver) girlfriend and caregiver. We went to have his pump taken off today and they were quite worried about blood not returning through the port. They have administered Activase to dissolve what they suspect are clots within it. Tomorrow we go back and they syringe out the…
KathiM Spotting reported!
http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/local/article/0,1299,DRMN_15_5109362,00.html "Naked frivolity heats up the night It was hard to gauge what was more frightening to watch on the Pearl Street Mall on Halloween night - some of the outlandish and ghoulish costumes, or the dozens of naked men and women who took part in the…
what a WONDERFUL day!!
Hello to all, well I do not post a great deal lately, bud read very faithfully EVERY day, and share each of your hardaches, tears, and joys. I am sitting here today thinking how great it is to be celebrating Halloween with my husband this year. You see, last year we had just been giving the dreadfull news that he had…
Hello everybody, Been a while since I was on here last. My husband Donnie had to have his voice box removed a month ago. (The cancer came back in his throat after chemo and radation) He is doing wonderful. I finished my last chemo treatment 9/27 and took the shot to boost your white count 9/30 that is suppose to last for 3…
allergic reaction to chemo
Hi Everyone, I hope you're doing well. Today I had my second session of chemo since having surgery. I had an allergic reaction to Oxilaplatin(sp?). I got itchy and the palms of my hands got all red and blotchy. This was really strange considering this was the 14th time that I had this drug. I also have high blood pressure…
life after sigmoid/rectal resection
I wrote a few monthes ago, my husband seemed to have made a little progress but has now lost ground. He still has extreme pain during his prolonged trips to the bathroom, accompanied with rectal bleeding. I'm trying to convince him to get this checked out in case there is a problem. Any suggestions? Really appreciate your…
to Ron50 and pepperdog
Hi guys.Sorry I missed your posts but better late than never. I am so sorry for both of you.I was just telling Jen(my angel) about both your situations and we are both so very sad for you.To have suffered such trauma and for each of you to have battled in different ways....as a survivor and as a carer....it is tragic that…
thanks for the speedy response
I think I will try to get him to see his doc, he has been pretty discouraged lately and has kinda "shut down" so maybe some action needs to be taken.
To quote a movie: 'Everyone should have a porn name"....
So, I watched the movie about a breast cancer mastectomy survivor, and, during her conversations in the treatment room, she met a gal that stated that 'Everyone should have a porn name! It should be the name of your first pet, and the street you live on'...so, here goes.... Mine would be "Zippy Baseline".... How about…
low plaletes, again
Today I went for my sith treatment but was sent home because my plaletes were under 100 I was re-schedule for next Wedsnday,hopefully I will be fine, I had my Dr. appt, last Friday and he told me that it my be necessary if this become a pattern to lower my dose, I asked him if that will be dangerous for the treatment but…
Duey is thinking about stopping
The chemo and radiation, He has been thinking about that for a little while. Now with me reading some of the post to him from here he's almost sure he wants to stop. He want's quality over quantity He feels great only a fews days out of the month and he says it's just not worth it. I'm so confused. I'm not sure what he…
First Infusion Yesterday
I posted on here last week when I had my port inserted. I was diagnosed in August 2006, had a resection and was staged at 2a. After a brief hiccup due to a lower bowel blockage which sent me back to the hospital for a week and an introduction to the NG tube very special experience), my recovery has been very good. I do not…
Huge tumor in Dad
I'm new here and this is my first posting. My father was just diagnosed with colon cancer. He had a colonoscopy on Thursday. The tumor was so large and low, they were unable to do the colonoscopy. They think he can be reattached without a colostomy. Dad lost over half the blood in his body and had to have a blood…
re: Procrit for fatigue
Has anyone tried Procrit? A breast cancer survivor friend suggested it for my rectal cancer friend who spends most days in bed due to the chemo fatigue. Would love to hear from others about this annoying side effect.
I know this is Yings thing...
But I had to post these funnies... You know you are too old to Trick or Treat when: 10. You get winded from knocking on the door. 9. You have to have another kid chew the candy for you. 8. You ask for high fiber candy only. 7. When someone drops a candy bar in your bag, you lose your balance and fall over. 6. People say:…
Hi Susan, If I remember correctly, you were due for testing at MD Anderson while we were in Halifax at CP4. Any news???????? Just checking up on you. Let us know, we miss you. Your friend in battle, Lisa P.
I've lost the love of my life
Dear friends: It's been many weeks since I've visited this site. I've spent the past 5 weeks in the hospital with my sweet husband who passed away on Friday, Oct. 20th. We were married only 3 years, and they were the happiest of my life. I am 55 years old, he reached his 56th birthday on Oct. 11th. The heartbreaker is,…
end of chemo.....need opinions please!
I have been on chemo, 5FU/Leuc. since April. Once a week for six weeks on, two weeks off, for a total of 20 treatments, the plan was to have 24. I was doing fairly well with it until the last 3 or 4, and now it's really tearing up my stomach and making me feel awful! My chemo nurses tell me it's the "cumalative effect".…
disuse colitiis/ what do to now??
Hello everyone. Even though I do not post as often I do read the messages. I feel as though everyone here is family and my heart goes out to each and everyone of you. To briefly update I was dx. with CA/COLON AUG. 2003. 8/20 lymph nodes positive. Right colon and terminal ileum removed left with an illeostomy on the right…