Good morning, everyone - Just a quick note before I head off to start cooking. I hope each of you has an absolutely wonderful Thanksgiving. You know, Christmas has a wonderful story about family and togetherness associated with it ("You'll shoot your eye out!" - for my international friends, it's a line from an American…
hello again everyone
hope everyone is ok and hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving. i know i have so much to be thankful for, and having all of you to talk to is definately one of them. god bless you all!!!
Thank you
I really don't post that much cause I'm not that good at giving advice....but God !!! do I listen to all of you and Do you people realize how good you are ? Its been a 2 year journey...and you have all helped so much....It took me this long to really believe that we can make it....( I just need to work on my diet ) hahahah…
Cat scan results - advice please.
Findings: There is unchanged ill defined soft tissue stranding in the presacral space,presumably post surgical or post radiation in nature, No abnormal mass is noted in the anatomotic region at the sigmoid/rectum region. No lymphadenopathy detected throughout. Unchanged hepatic cysts. No new hepatic lesions. There is a non…
marriage troubles
my husband asked for a divorce on Monday then said he didn't mean it. I am devastated. We have been through so much . I will be 3 years cancer free this year. I think he blames me for getting cancer. He always reminds me of how hard my illness was on him. We have 3 kids ages 3,10,and 13.I feel worthless. Is this normal?…
Problem with Quillan book
I opened up my copy of Quillan's book determined to keep an open mind. This book bothered me when I got it a few months ago. I know it has helped many people on this board and I am so happy they are doing well. My gripes (to be followed by questions so please read all): 1) To me, the diet is not strict enough. He…
Thanksgiving Post from Last Year
Good morning everyone!!! I posted the following on Thanksgiving Day last year, and thought some of the newbies would benefit from it, too. Majority of you know that today is Thanksgiving here in the US of A. Regardless of your location, take a minute to think about the things you appreciate in life. Go ahead, I'll…
Happy Thanksgiving
Now that Lisa and I are living back here in Canada we miss this special holiday celebration. Happy Turkey Day to all of our American friends here on the CSN. May nothing but health and happiness find you and yours on this special day. Andy & Lisa
Miralax caution
I saw my gastroenterologist today about my upcoming colonoscopy and asked about Miralax (which has been mentioned here) for prep. He said no, because Miralax in the concentration required to clear the colon has been found to be slightly toxic, causing neuropathy. I asked for a reference, and he said the research had been…
Anyone read Dr. Vladimir Lange's book ?
Just wondering if this is worth reading. It's called something like Colorectal cancer survivors guide....
i just wanted to say to everyone, have a wonderful thanksgiving...i feel i have so much to be thankful for this year. my diagnosis came as a shock but once everything cleared i was able to put things in the right perspective. i am so thankful for my family and friends and my drs. i couldn't have done this without the love,…
Update: Next Steps
Saw my Onc Doc yesterday, 21 Nov 06 to discuss next steps. He indicated that he would get with my surgeon to discuss a pre-op colonoscopy (sp?), then the 2nd surgery to reconnect my colon, and then another colonoscopy 6 months after surgery. I will have a CT Scan either before surgery or after surgery and then 3-6 mons…
Toast for Thanksgiving!
Hi Everyone, My job sent out an e-mail to get people to write back something to them that was a blessing in disguise. I of course wrote about my dx of colon cancer. When I was dx, I ,like all of us, was devastated. Thinking back on that now I realize that I probably would not have changed my diet habits and other life…
E7820 or ABX-EGF. Anyone on this?
More bad news for Mark yesterday. Tumors in his lungs have grown on the Irinotecan alone. Yesterday the doctor had few options - continue on the Irinotecan to see if it suddenly works (don't sound good) or go on Erbitux with the Irinotecan. That way he'll have no hair and acne on top of it. Sorry I'm getting cynical but…
Hi all! I am bound for the NYC area for Thanksgiving and wanted to wish everyone here a happy thanksgiving! I can remember barely being able to eat turkey seven years ago when I was int he home stretch of 6 months of post-op chemotherapy! Now my biggest challenge is figuring out where I am going to run on thanksgiving…
Doctor Declares Cure
Hey all you awesome semi-colons!! Well, yesterday was my 5 year colonoscopy and nary a polyp was found and the surgeon declared me CURED! I didn't post right away because I had to allow that to sink in for one, and for another, do we EVER really believe that we are cured and that it won't come back? Even if posting this I…
to all ostomates
a while ago i read somewhere that people who have ilestomy's should recieve a vitamin b12 shot.. I cannot remember where i read this (chemo brain). Has anyone else heard this or am i making this up..Also, i have been having severe vision issues.. my optomologist put me on drops for dry eyes and according to the doc i have…
Dealing with long term treatment
Hello all....my happiness from being told I am officially in remission faded quickly with the doctor telling me that my treatments will still be given as often and for an unspecified amount of time. She said that she cant tell me how long I will have to do treatments. I have to admit that i am a complete mess about this. I…
First bite question
After my second chemo infusion I had a significant increase in "first bite" pain. This is not a cold sensitivity just pain with the first few chews of anything. Several people here said they had the same thing. My question is which of the FOLFOX drugs is this a side effect of? Thanks in advance...Mark
Thoughts on changing diet?
Hi all, Curious if anyone has changed their diet as a result of diag. Heard something about cancer not surviving well in an alkaline body. Wondering if it would be beneficial to change hubbys diet (age 36 stage4 mets to liver)...thoughts?
Metastasizing to Brain?
Hello Everyone, My Dad got his latest scan results today and everything continues to look good after 2.5 years. Considering the Dr. gave him 6 months we are very encouraged and grateful. I have a question however. My Dad has been getting headaches lately and has been extremely irritable and easily agitated by very small…
I cried all the way home....
Nothing to do with the beast.... last night I dropped one of my first-born sons (they are twins) off at the airport. He is in the army reserve and was called up a couple of months ago. He had a four-day leave and he had to go back yesterday. I cried all the way home from dropping him off at the airport. Then he called…
Finding new doctors for a move
Hey all. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for me. In a few months I am going to be moving from pennsylvania to colorado. I will be done with treatment by then and I love all my doctors here but I want to make sure I find doctors just as good when I move. I have a list of doctors in my network out there but I…
chronic coughing
Has anyone with metastatic rectal cancer out there had an ongoing cough with lots of phelem? Mark has had a cough for awhile that has taken a turn for the worse. Any comments welcome. Thanks.
Update: Had last chemo treatment on 3 November and told my Onc Doc on 17 November that I had decided to stop my treatment. Had 6 out of 12 FLOFOX treatments for Stage IIa NO/MO colon cancer, due to side effects. On 18 November I went to the ER due to bad dizzy spells that woke me up while sleeping Saturday morning…
Article On Stem Cell Reseach
Colon cancer arises from stem cells: study finds Updated Mon. Nov. 20 2006 8:55 AM ET Canadian Press TORONTO -- Canadian scientists say they have evidence that shows colon cancer arises from stem cells specific to the tumour, a finding that could lead to more targeted treatments to prevent recurrence of the disease. The…
Update and question
Thanks so much to everyone who responded and gave me so much encouragement. It helped get me through a couple of really tough days. Update - I'm starting chemo on November 30th, bought a wig and having my hair shaved off on November 27th (I have a 1 year old who would have too much fun pulling off my 'loose' hair), and am…
Update on Chemo Treatment
I stopped my FLOFOX treatment on 17 November 06. I have had 6 treatments out of 12. In the beginning I was told that the treatment would be for insurance and precautionary measures since I was Stage IIa w/NO and MO. I would also like to say THANK YOU sooo much to everyone who responded to my questions regarding this…
To Radiate or Not to Radiate, That is Our Question...
My husband(age 36) has stage IV (colo)rectal cancer with liver mets. Officially, T2N2M1. He was misdianosed for at least 2 years, but that is another story. He has a colon resection on Oct. 21st, where they removed 8 inches of his colon and a golf ball section of his liver. They took out 45 nodes, 12 of which were…
Questions and update...
Hi all, I haven't written anything in a long time for many reasons - not least of which is the tumor pressing on the nerve making it painful to sit for long! Question (s)... Has anyone tried or have any opinion any of the following supplements... Beta-Glucan Ave or Avemar (depends on your country) Grape Seed Extract My…