Upcoming colonoscopy and CAT scan...
Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while, but I read your posts everyday. Hope you are all doing well. My dad is going for his first follow-up colonoscopy on Thursday and then for his CAT scan on Monday. We won't get the results from the CAT scan until the following Monday. I have been very anxious because of these…
Hi all, Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I started posting on Cancer compass and thought it was hooked up to this board some how! You can tell I am new to these message boards! Anyways... Kurt my husband had his surgery on the 17 of Novemeber. All went well. Got the path report back and they classified it at pT4b. It…
Stacy and bsrules(Sue)
First of all....HAPPY BIRTHDAY Stacy!Sorry I missed yah gal.....been awol again. Sue....good to hear from you and I guess with youe computor problems my odd mail didn't get to you.Anyway, been thinkin of yah and hope that things improve on the home front....chin up sweetie. Things so busy here I even need an appt. just to…
Follow up colonoscopies
Waiting for a conference with my gastroenterologist, I leafed through a GI mag in his office and found an article recommending yearly screening colonoscopies for those over 50. When he showed up and told me I should get another colonoscopy in 3 years, I asked him why not one year? He said doctors had recommended one every…
ACS ~ Triumph Magazine
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to share with you all that Stacy's story is in this month's edition of Triumph Magazine. The photo on the cover of the magazine was taken in Las Vegas in October 2005 at Colon Palooza 2 Cover Of The Triumph Magazine http://www.cancer.org/common/images/DON_Triumph_Fall-Winter_2006.jpg Friends You…
Mom's CT scan results
Well, my mom is not NED, yet. BUT WE DO PLAN ON GETTING THERE!!! Visit with onc today was very encouraging. The mass on my mom's left adrenal gland is still the same size, but does show that the tumor has low attenuation, likely necrotic or cystic. Onc says this means the tumor is dying!!! YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!!! My mom is on…
Dad remains NED!
Well my good folks, after being diagnosed stage 3 with 5 bad lymph nodes in July of 04, my dearest dad, with the help of our good God, remains NED. It has been a hellish week leading up to the results today but again we were blessed with good news. Thank you so much for all the prayers and I will continue to keep everyone…
xeloda this time
Does anyone know why chemo protocols start out with the 2 day infusion of 5 FU and then go to Xeloda later? My husband has just started a new protocol--Xeloda and Oxaliplatin after being on both Folfox and Folfuri? Latest CTscan showed some small progression in both colon and liver mets. How does the 5Fu differ between the…
Now I am really scared. The oncoligist states he is grasping at straws. He wants to do another pet/scan/cat scan. Most recent one was July 06. I just beared thru another MRI yesterday of the lumbar area. Awaiting results. They are trying to determine why these compression fractures. I hope to God the cancer is not back. I…
Something interesting I read
Celecoxib Significantly Reduces the Risk of Precancerous Colorectal Polyps http://www.cancer.gov/clinicaltrials/results/celecoxib0906
Cancer Options
hey all you awesome semi-colons! In looking up some info on an alternative treatment used by Steve McQueen (whose cancer was cured by the way--he died after having surgery to remove the dead tumor tissue)(but they--the media-- don't tell you that). Anyway, the book I pulled out is really a good one for exploring…
I found this site about three weeks ago and am so happy to have this amazing source of information and understanding people. I feel like an imposter reading all the posts and conversations, so I wanted to introduce myself and hopefully I can be of some help to some of you down the road. I will try to give a quick synopsis…
Show Your Doctor Thanks
If a doctor has made a difference for you or your loved ones, you can show them how much their efforts are appreciated at Hero.MD. The site lets patients and caregivers publicly thank doctors who have gone the extra mile. Log onto www.hero.md to thank your doctor for all they have done or see what others are saying about…
dad's cancer is back, need support
Well, here is the update. Last wednesday my dad went for his first three month cea test since ending treatment in August for stage II rectal cancer. His cea was up and they did a pet. Today we found out that it is back and there are spots on the lungs, abdomen, and some lymphnodes. The dr wants to start xeloda again next…
Postcard from China
Saddened by Terri's passing, I just cannot get myself to giggle this Friday. Instead of the usual Friday Giggles, I want to tell you about my recent trip to China, specifically, my meetings with many cancer survivors there, and the supplemental treatments they take. I say supplemental because everyone I have talked to have…
So who is the mystery woman.....
After 2 years of not attending any parties, my beau and I went to the medical staff holiday party for the hospital where I worked for 11 years, and he on staff for 15 years... I was sporting my 'new do'...and am at least 15 pounds lighter than I was, BOTH courtesy of the beast!!! We had great fun, all night, playing the…
Where we are.
My husand was diagnosed with colon cancer in May 2006 after an operation to remove what was thought to be an abscess caused by diverticulitis. His surgeon found (and removed) a large tumor and subsequent tests found colon cancer in three lymph nodes. His first petscan showed no spread of the disease. He was given Xeloda…
Stage IV - CEA Level/Liver Mets
For those of you who have had liver mets, can you give me information about the number of mets and your cea level at the time? Right now, my dad's cea level is extremely high for the first time and I just want to get a sense of what others have gone through. Thanks!!
Hi everyone. Sorry I have not gotten back in a while. I am still in terrible pain. I now have another compression fracture at L1 which is extremely painful. The orthopedic spinal surgeon who I just met while I was in the hospital states he now wants me to have a biopsy of the L1 as opposed to the T8 compression fracture. I…
Dad starts chemo next week
Dad has been doing good since his surgery and gained alittle weight. He had a PICC line placed in his arm on Thursday and will start chemo Tuesday. He will have 5FU, Oxapilatin and leucovorin. PET scan will be on Monday, personal physician visit on Wed. The oncologist said his main concern is if Dad develops tingling or…
Standard follow-up for Stage II
Hi all. I skipped my chemo yesterday and will be talking to my oncs next Friday about quitting altogether. When I asked my onc what the follow-up care would be, I half expected he would recommend a colonoscopy and Cat scan in January, which would be six months after my diagnosis and surgery. But he said, no, those tests…
lung embolism
I got mixed results from my last CT Scan at Stanford. Tumor in liver has shrunken from 2.9 to 2.3 cm. That's the good news. Bad news is that they saw a pulmonary embolism in my right lung lobe. Thye did a deep leg ultrasound and found no other clots.I was hospitalized for 3 days and am now on a blood thinner called…
There is life after CA
I am soo sorry that I have not kept up with you guys! You were all so kind to me. I'd like to return the favor..... There is life after CA... I was diagnosed Feb 2005--- stage 3 colon Ca with 27 nodes affected! After a hemicolectomy and 6 mo chemo-- CA was found in more colon and had a total colectomy. Was restaged to…
hepatic pump
I am new to this site andI think it is a wonderfull site.My husband is going to surgery on the 15th, he did chemo and the shrinkage was unbelievable - from 10, after 4 months he has 1 tumoer left , to be resected. They will inplant the hepatic pump also - Dr. Kemeny orders. Can anyone tell me if the side effects are less…
Happy Birthday Stacy
Hi Everyone, Let's all join together and wish this wonderful lady and my very good friend a very Happy 39th Birthday. . . Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday, dear Stacy...... Happy Birthday to you ! And many more. Have A Wonderful Day Stacy Love, Lisa & Andy Also if anyone would like to see some…
Hello! Sorry for being AWOL!
Hello Everyone!! I'm terribly sorry for not keeping in touch. I have read the posts off and on as IO have been wyself worried about all of you! Things for me haven't been the greatest. I couldn't get myself upbeat enough to post anything. I haven't given up but I just am having a hard time. I thought that the first year…
Chemo Shown to Affect Brain Cells
The following blurb was in today's Kansas City Star: Cancer chemotherapy can damage the brain, killing crucial brain cells and causing key parts of the brain to shrink, according to two studies released this week in the journal Cancer and the Journal of Biology. Scientists are calling for research on shielding the brain…
Hi! Is anyone taking or has taken the dietary supplement Avemar. Any feed back would help. Thinking of starting it but a little expensive. Wondering if its worth it. Thanks
cea levels and kidney failiure after treatment???
My dad was diagnosed with stage II rectal last nov. He had chemo/rad for 1 month, then surgery, then 5 months of chemo ending in August. He then was unable to get a good night of sleep due to urinating every hour. The dr. determined enlarged prostate. A couple weeks later he ended up in the hospital with kidney failure and…
Anyone been treated in Mexico?
Been doing some research on other treatment options in Mexico. Anyone been/known anyone who's been treated there? Where? What happened? Worth the cost and trouble of travel? Thanks.