From Vinny1
It says Ginny5 but actually I'm Vinny1, for some reason I have not been able to log on with my old name and password. My husband had his operation for rectal cancer Dec. 7th. Things could not have gone better. The illiac enlarged lymph node that I worried about for 4 months was benign. Just waiting for pathology to come…
ct results
Well..like I mentioned before, they are "stable" Dr. said that it doesnt mean that they are dying.he said that its been only 2 months.. but the good news is that my cea it's at 4.8 now..a dropped from 7.5...so I am happy... God bless u all Ileana
Yee haw!
Hi Everyone- I thought I'd share our good news today. On Monday my husband had his first CT scan since diagnosis. We got great news today - all of the tumors have shrunk! We are very excited, needless to say. He's stage IV with more than 5 mets to the liver (one biggie and several smaller ones, plus some tiny ones on his…
thanks to all of you for your continued support. I saw my oncoligist this morning. He keeps an eye out on my blood count because of this anemia issue. I now developed over night a type of phlebtiis on the top of my foot. Just what I need. I thought it was a blood clot. Oncoligist says no, its from just not being able to…
"Open Your Mind to Receive"
Hello you awesome Semi-colons! I recently found this stashed in my Alternative Medicine file and thought I would share it with y'all after reading FRANTIC's thread. I know I benefit from reminding myself from time to time..... From Catherine Ponder's book "Open Your Mind to Receive": You must be careful what you notice,…
nutrition etc info
A few days ago Nudgie posted about an article regarding foods for cancer prevention and survival. The website that it is on has alot of useful information and I highly recommend it. The website is www.CancerProject.org ****
Study: Fast Colonoscopies Miss Growths
Saw this article and thought you guys would find it interesting: Tell your doctor to take his time during your next colonoscopy. Those who spent less than the recommended six minutes on the crucial part of the exam found one-fourth as many precancerous growths than those who lingered longer with the scope, a study found.…
Colon Prep Question
I know this was discussed and posted awhile ago, but I guess I am too lazy to look back, but yesterday I saw my surgeon to discuss the dates for my pre-op colonoscopy and CT Scan along with the date for reconnecting my colon. Tentatively scheduled my colonoscopy for 29 Dec, but can't due to schedule conflicts, but wanted…
sad news today
This evening I found out my friend lost her battle with colon cancer. She was diagnosed in Oct 2005 with colon cancer that had spread to the liver. (Her and my father were diagnosed two months apart with CC liver mets.) She was on and off several chemos since then and never did they find one that helped. She then tried the…
Thyroid Cancer forum
Hi all, I just noticed that a post has gone unresponded to in the thyroid cancer forum since 12/7. Do any of you know anything about thyroid cancer. I feel bad about this post not getting any replies, although i do not know what to say to them because I do not know anything about it. Please help if you can, Susan H.
I cannot shake this fear of multiple enlarged lymph nodes in the retroperitioneal area. I am overwhelmed w/ exhaustion. first w/the back issues and now with the lymphnodes. I cannot calm down no matter what I do. I am confined to the house due to my back. I like to sleep all the time to escape. I spoke to my oncoligist…
Need prayers for a small guy
I recently joined a "Mom and Tot's" group after moving to a new town. I was added to the email list recently. Today I was passed an email that was written by the woman who grooms my dog. I think this little guy can use all of our support and prayers. Thanks, Patricia Sadie, Our Noah is an inpatient at The Children's…
I am finally back from Mexico
Now I gotta tell ya, I love Mexico and go there often, but I have never been so happy to be home and hug my partner and kids. What a positive experience but....God I missed life, and it is great to be back. Hope all is well with everyone. I have learned quite a bit and also have more hope than when I left. Spiritually, I…
prayers needed
Well, my dad will have his bowel obstruction surgery today. The drs are worried he might be too weak. Please keep him in your prayers. Jessie
this system sucks...can't read or reply....
Hello everyone - I was wondering whether it would be possible to provide a link for a 'prayer line'. This would be something we could use at times of need such as surgery, hospitalization, testing, etc. Or we could call it 'spiritual guidance' so that people who are not religious can also be part of this group. There is a…
where are you from??
Hello everyone... I was wondering if people would let everyone know where they are from...I find it very interesting when reading people's messages and learning where they lay there heads.. I now live in Virgina, orginally from upstate NY... Karen
Caretaker Intro
Hi everyone. I've stopped in the chats a few times but this is my first post. My 53 yr old sister was diagnosed in Nov 06 with stage IV CRC with multiple mets to the liver, and spots on the lungs. Surgery is not a current option. The cell type in the liver is not consistent with the CRC, indicating there might be a…
Diagnosed Three weeks ago
Thanks to all of you for your strength. I'm so relieved to have found this site. My favorite person on the planet (my sister) has just been diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer. She has metastasis to the lymph and peritonium. Her colon has been removed and she has an ileostomy. Does anyone have any suggestions for helping…
City of Hope, anyone been there?
Contemplating City of Hope for Mark although he has to go through exetensive screening and must "qualify" before even getting an appointment. Isn't being sick as hell enough of a qualification? Mark has no insurance other than the crappy County Hospital Ins. so this is coming out of his/my own pocket. Wouldn't mind if…
Stupid Question
Finished chemo on 3 Nov 06. Began eating cold foods and liquids about 1 month later, 3/4 Dec with no problems and started to eat a lot more salads at lunchtime. The last couple of days 4 or 5 I have been having really loose bowel movements (colomsoty) and thought maybe it was from eating the salads and yogurt again. What…
Dad's Brain Tumors
We saw the radiation oncologist on Friday and he showed us the 2 spots that are on my Dad's brain. He said this type of spread is highly unusual. He feels that my Dad is in remarkable condition physically and mentally after all he has been through and he feels he is a perfect candidate for stereotactic radiosurgery. Next…
Some Good News
Hi Everyone, Just wanted to let you all know that on Friday, my oldest son, my mom's oldest Grandson, will graduate from college. In May when my mom was diagnosed, our lives were literally turned up side down. My mom is an extremely active, hands on kind of mother, grandmother, and wife. Because of the diagnosis and severe…
re: Envita Clinic
Has anyone heard of or know of someone who's been to Envita? It is an alternative treatment center that costs a fortune but claims they put cancer in remission. Would love to hear from anyone who has info. Thanks!
do we have any hope?
Things are moving way too fast. Last Monday we found out my dad's cancer was back in the lungs and abdomen. August PET was clear. He went in the hospital on wednesday for the port but was admitted b/c his kidneys were failing. Now his kidney's are good but he has a bowel obstruction. He now has a NG tube. The drs are now…
Hi everyone sorry to be the pest. I decided to keep my appt. for that petscan on Dec.15th and take extra pain meds to lay down on that table to find out if those enlarged lymph nodes light up. If they do I was told a biopsy is next. Oh my God what else could happen. I am not as strong as all you people on this site. I hope…
"stable" need feedback and advice
Hi !!! Got my ct scan results today (first one after 2 months of chemo ). Nurse told me over the phone that my to spots on the lymph nodes are "stable" not bigger, not smaller...Have Dr. appt on Wed. Any of you have been on this situationn ? What did your Dr. adviced ?Can they start getting smaller later on the treatment?…
I have stage iv colon cancer. 4 yrs ago I had 1/2 of my colon removed and went thru 5fu/lecov. Last Dec after a cat scan there are spots on the outside of both of my lungs. Went thru 5fu/lecov/avast/oxiplat and did great. At end of treatment my cea was 33. 3 mths later it jumped to 200. Now I'm doing 5fu/lecov/camptosar.…
Chemo and cramping
My Dad had his first chemo session last Tuesday and he is actually doing really well except he has terrible cramping in his lower abdomen. Is this a typical side-effect of chemo (5fu, oxypalatin, leucovorin)? He said he has had cramping at the bottom of his incision from his surgery and now cramping lower when he urinates.…
lung surgery on Friday - stressy
I haven't posted for a while but have been getting comfort from reading posts. Some of you may recall I have been following a questionable spot on my lung. Given my history (I had a solitary lung met last April -- removed surgically followed by chemo), we decided this new spot has to come out. So, I'm having surgery on…