CEA Levels
Hi again, Thanks so much for all your responses to my question about my tests. I went to the onc on Friday. He is not concerned with the jump from 1.5 to 1.7. My CEA level was 1.4 when I was first diagnosed. Also as we looked over my history, it was went up and down several times, but never above 1.9. I did ask about the…
Length of treatments
Hello all. My husband was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer in late September and had two nodes involved. He had 6 weeks of radiation every day and 6 weeks of 5FU continuously. 3 weeks later he had surgery to remove the tumor and 12 inches of colon and a temporary ileostomy. 4 weeks after that he started Folfox…
Prayers please
One of my friends from my local support group is having surgery today. Hopefully it will remove the remainder of her pancreatic cancer. She was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer a few years ago. It had spread to her ovaries. That was removed. That's when they found out it was pancreatic cancer. She has since spend 3…
Advice re: Folfox
I am starting on a 6 month course of Folfox after Easter. The oncologist told me that my chances would be improved by 10% if I had just 5-FU/Leucovorin and by 15% if Oxaliplatin was included, so somewhat reluctantly I have agreed to the more toxic package. The Oxaliplatin and Leucovorin will be administered over two hours…
Help celebrate Lisa Rose's 5 year CANCERFREE mark!
Hi everyone, Lisa Rose (aka Baby Lisa) celebrates her 5th year cancer free anniversary in a few hours and I welcome you all to join her, her loving husband Andy, and handsome son Andrew in this wonderous celebration. Baby Lisa, you know I love you and thank you for helping me to get to where I am today. I'm not sure I…
Hi, everyone - Sorry I have been AWOL. I am at the Coast Guard Academy attending Prospective Commanding Officer School. I have been without "real" connectivity for over a week (working on my Treo just doesn't cut it!). WOW! Baby Lisa (Lisa Rose) forwarded me all of the replies to her post about me achieving my 5-year mark.…
Hi everyone I am doinjg well. I had my colon reconnection surgery on 27 Feb 07 and was released from the hospital on 7 March 07. While in the hospital I developed a small PE in the right lung and began the shots while in the hospital and currently taking Warafin 5mg for a period of 6-9 months. I also have a small wound…
Back from Boulder....Again!
Hi Everyone, Well, we are back from Boulder, and my mom was able to finish all 6 of her cyber knife treatments. All did not go well, and it was a very hard week for her. She was having significant pain in her back from the tumor on her left adrenal gland, and was given pain meds before each treatment. The treatments…
Clarifying CEA question
Questioning whether or not I can expect my CEA to keep dropping even though chemo stopped last month? I'm happy that it's still going down and is 1.8 but would like to see it drop further as it was only 4.8 with 5cmm tumor and 16 positive nodes. During the last 2 months it did drop by.1. Has anyone had the number continue…
Just wondering
Does anyone know,for how long the CEA continues to move after your tx's end? (Assuming your one of those ,who's CEA is a fairly good indicator).
Hi All, It has been a while since I posted but I try to read and keep up with you all. I went this week for bloodwork and go tomorrow to visit the oncologist. My liver panels, CMP etc. were all normal, however, my CEA went from 1.5 to 1.7 in the 6 months since my last appointment. I go to the gasto dr at the end of April…
update and need prayers
hello everyone, just wanted to updated you all, started chemo again and it was a rough round. ive been held for the last round due to low counts, however just from one round of chemo my cea has went from 87 to 57.4, so the chemo is deffinetly working. praise god for that, so now all i need is your prayers. love to you all…
Free Patient/Caregiver Seminar
Conversations about Colorectal Cancer: Finding HOPE (Healing. Options. Peer Support. Education.) in your Community presented by the Colon Cancer Alliance are free one day seminars intended for colorectal cancer survivors and caregivers. These seminars will offer information about the latest treatment advances and give…
Time Issue
Thought I would ask your advice on chemo. I had surgery on 2/15. My onc appoinment is 3/27. I'm trying to get another app't with another dr. but it will be 2 works longer, making it approximately 2 months after surgery. Does that sound too long to wait to start the chemo treatments? Thanks.
Sharing my good news!!!
Hi everyone! just to let you know that today I received a call from my uncologist office and was a nurse to tell me that the ct didn't show any cancer, I asked her to repeat, it twice, that it was clear,as some of you might remember my pet scan was fine too, and during my recent colonoscopy they found a polyp but was…
read it yesterday.... Fighting Cancer With Mind, Body And Heart March 12, 2007 LIMA, Ohio -- The Greek word for Earth is "geo." And, in Greek, when you put an "a" or "alpha" in front of a word, the prefix turns it to the negative, Darrel Linder, a student of the language explained. The Greek word "ageos" literally means…
Low Blood Counts
Hi guys - today was the first time in over a year of chemo that my blood counts were too low to allow a chemo treatment. I know that low blood counts are common with Folfiri. Can anyone tell me if one of the symptoms of a low blood count is extreme tiredness. Lately I seem to be tired and in tears half of the time, and the…
To Ron50
I know that your last post told us you are leaving us due to your marriage breakup and having to move. I know that you may not get back here to read this mate and I am sorry I was not here to say goodbye. We have been talking here for a long time my friend throughout good times and bad. I think we have helped each other…
Palooza Time, Baby!
Alrighty folks!!! It's THAT time again! Time to be reminded of the PARTY OF THE YEAR!!!! September 12-16, 2007 we will be CELEBRATING LIFE in NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE!!! Everyone from caregiver, to survivor, to family member is invited to join us. We will be staying at the Hilton Hotel, downtown Nashville. There are only a…
Hi Jana....I wanted to post especially for you. With so many posts here nowadays I sometimes miss whats happening if I have been away and am too late to reply before posts fade off the page. I wanted to congratulate you on your progress and tell you that you are still in our thoughts....always. Jen and I have often…
Insurance questions
I don't know if anyone has any advice on insurance but I really have to vent. I went to my GP Dr in Oct and told them that I had seen blood in my stool so she scheduled me for a colonoscopy. In Nov I saw that Dr with my insurance and we scheduled the colonoscopy in Jan. Well my husband changed jobs and we switched to his…
Predicting Colon Cancer
Hi All you Awesome Semi-Colons! Here's an interesting article in keeping with Colon Cancer Prevention Month. peace, emily Does Inflammation Predict Colon Cancer? A study conducted over an 11-year period showed that people with higher levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in their blood were more likely to develop colorectal…
SpongeBob ~ 5 Years Cancer Free Today
Hi Semi-Colons, Lets all join together and Congratulate SpongeBob on his 5 year anniversary Cancer Free today March 12th. All the best Bob. . . Lisa & Andy
Calling on all stage 3 :)
I really like reading about how well the 4's were doing, it's so encouraging! Now let's hear from the all stage 3's! Tell us if you were a 3 - A,B,or C. I am a 3c, dx'd 7/06 had sigmoid with 18 inches removed, folllowed by folfox 6. Could only tolerate 8 of 12 tx's the last 4 were at 25% but CEA is 1.7 and CT was NEDin Feb…
In Recess
Hi to everybody, Happy birthday kanga (how do you manage to get a holiday). I'm basically posting to say that I don't know when I will talk to you again. The day I have been dreading has finally arrived. I am moving out of my home into a little two bedroom flat. I still have no idea why my wife has ended our marriage but I…
An Irish Blessing or Two!
To all my friends here. Happy St Patrick's Day. An old Irish Blessing: "May the Best day of your past be the worse day of your future" and (my personal favorite) "As you slide down the banister of life, May the splinters never point in the wrong direction!" I wish you all a Happy St. Patrick's Day and May God Bless you all…
Friday Giggles
Hi Guys, Yet more medical jokes to ring in the weekend. If you bust out laughing next time you see your doctor or nurse, I am NOT responsible :-) Have a great weekend! Ying ================= Doctor Vs. Mechanic Morris was removing some engine valves from a car on the lift when he spotted the famous heart surgeon Dr.…
Happy Birthday Kangatoo
Happy Birthday to Kanga "Ross" Jones from Southern Australia! We used to be neighbors with Ross and Jenn before we moved to the United States. Now that we moved back here to Canada we just wanted Ross to know that we are thinking of him on his special day!!! We will hoist a 4x to you mate! Cheers, Andy & Lisa
has anyone used accupuncture for neuropathy caused by oxaliplatin? Thanks Bev