Wound Infection Update - Surgery
Saw my surgeon yesterday (29 Mar) and my post-op wound infection is not healing properly even with antibotics and flushing the wound, so I will be in the hospital on Friday to re-opem 2-3" of my incision to properly drain the infection. He also stated that the re-opening area would remain open to heal. Meaning the wound…
Good news/bad news
Hello to all...for some reason I had tried to post this message last night but it did not go through. I wanted to first share the great news with everyone that Mike had his first colonoscopy since dx. in Sept 05 and all is great!!Still NED!!! Now for the bad news. In Nov. 06 my mom was dx. with bladder cancer, they removed…
Scans are good ~
Good morning all and what a beautiful day it is.......... Well I got my call yesterday my CT scans were all good. Thank you GOD. Bloodwork CEA was 1.4 and its been 2 years January 07 since my liver resection. I pray this is a good sign. Praying for the rest of you with up coming tests. Doreen.... doing the happy dance…
have you ever heard anything like this?
I am a stage 3 colon cancer survivor. I went for my one year anniversary colonoscopy in March, and they found one polyp, which they removed. (I don't remember the name of the type, but it was the one that would have turned into cancer if left there, but it was benign now). Anyway, I wondered what you all think about that.…
Xeloda Regimen
Good Morning, Can someone tell me how the xeloda regimen works? My Dad started it a few weeks ago. He just finished 14 days on it and we are already scheduled to see the Dr. today. How long do you typically take it before scans are done to see if it is working? Why would the Dr. want to see him already? How have you done…
Need Comfort? The old standby...
I once again visited the site that long ago SpongeBob shared with us....there are so many new faces, I thought I would share my dad's site again: http://www.thesurvivormovie.com/ For anyone who knows someone fighting the beast...or someone who has found the beast... Hugs, Kathi
Great News/awful news : (
Hello everyone, Well, first off I would like to say that my husband Mike had his first colonoscopy since dx. Sept. 05...STILL NED!!!! Now, on a sadder note, I REALLY need some help. Everyone here is so wonderful and smart, so hopefully I can get some information. My mom was dx. in Nov. with bladder cancer, they removed one…
Friday Giggles - Happy April Fools' Day
Hi Guys and Gals, May your weekend be filled with gags and pranks and laughters! For this one weekend only, we can all act our shoe sizes and not our age! Ha! On being foolish, the great Peter Ustinov said it the best "The point of living and of being an optimist, is to be foolish enough to believe the best is yet to…
Get Your Rear in Gear!
Since I began my affair with NED on March 7th, 2007, I am trying to get back into walking/running and doing all the things I have enjoyed pre-chemo days. As cancer patients and survivors we are trying to bring awareness to Colon Cancer to the general public. The Colon Cancer Coalition and Colon Cancer Alliance are helping…
daughter update
Hullo dear friends. I will try to get involved asap in the board again but for this morning I wanted to post before I need to go out again. Thank you all so much for your kind words and prayers. The CT and EEG went well yesterday I am so relieved to say. My daughter, Mieka(pretty name, don't yah think?) came thru with no…
Need Some Positive Thoughts and Prayers
First let me thank each one of you. I have spent the better part of the last 2 days going over the prior posts and tried to educate myself about this disease for my Father. We found out on Tuesday that he has adenocarinoma and yesterday we got the news that the cancer on his tongue was gone. He had a follow-up surgery last…
Need Survivor Stories
My Dad was just diagnosed with colon cancer yesterday. He is having a very difficult time with this as he is also battling tongue cancer. I was hoping to get a bunch of survivors to tell me about their stage at dx and how long they have been cancer free /or battling this disese. I need him to see that this is not a death…
I don't know who you are; I've never seen a post from you on this site. There must be a reason why you are lurking around. Yes, my life is hectic, but I am by no means complaining. If you would have read my post thoroughly, you would have caught the part where I said that we have been blessed. I wouldn't give up what I…
To: Katefm - cea question
Hello: You mentioned in a response to me that your husband's cea level rose slightly like my dads and you found out that his largest tumor was liquefying. How did your doctor determine this? If you do not mind me asking. Did his cea level go down later on? What treatment are you on? My dad is on avastin with 5 flu. Thanks…
How long to wait
My Father was just dx'ed with adenocarcinoma yesterday. He needs to have a CT scan to determine if the cancer has spread beyond the colon. He has already had a chest x-ray that was negative. The dr said that he would be 4-6 weeks before the surgery and then 5 days in hospital. Then chemo and radiation regardless of the…
Why a 2nd opinion?
I just wanted to let eveyone know (who remembers) that my mother who was found to have 2 large polyps (pre cancerous adenomas), back in January and was told that she needed a colectomy to get them out, just had a 2nd colonoscopy at MD Anderson. They were able to remove the polyps, where the other doctor could not, so she…
CEA information
Hi all. My husband just finished 2nd chemo IV treatment today and I asked about his CEA. Since I see posts from time to time questioning a slight rise in CEA , I just wanted to share with you what the oncologist told us. She told us that labs results and norms vary a bit from lab to lab, for one. She also told us that…
CT scan tomorrow ~
Good morning everyone I also need positive thoughts for my CT scan in the AM... I have to be there 6:45am tomorrow and I am a wreck already. Had bloodwork done Saturday morning and got the phone call Monday bloodwork was normal. I'm not sure what the CEA was just called this morning to ask them. I keep track of my CEA. I…
Tony Snow and Elizabeth Edwards...
Regarding the news of the return of the beast for these two fine folks:it sure bums me out. I know there is still hope for both of them (there is always hope, right?) but I can't help feeling blue for them and their families. I hate the beast in all of its forms. And hearing the news and all the chatter on these two…
Selenium question~
I was just wondering if any of you take selenium daily? I've been taking it since my surgery and my onocologist says its one of the best as far as antioxidants. I asked him about Vitamin E and he said to not take E except of course what is in the multi vitamin. I guess the studies show of all the antioxidants selenuim has…
Request positive thoughts
Hi all, Tomorrow I will be having the first CT since surgery for the recurrance and the subsequent chemo. I feel pretty good. Somewhat nervous as my initial diagnosis of rectal cancer was almost exactly 2 years ago and the subsequent recurrance 1 year ago. I feel like I am clear but would appreciate any positive thoughts…
Hi Semi-colons! I've been away from the boards because illness (besides cancer) has struck my house. Stomach flu has kept me busy changing diapers and...doing laundry. Luckily it hasn't struck Jim or me, just the kids. Tonight is my first night back on the computer in quite a while. Thanks for your messages. It made me…
worried...but not for me
Hiya all. We are being tested all over again. In a way revisiting the first time we were told I might have cancer.My 27 year old daughter collapsed at work yesterday and was found having a siezure. She was transported to hospital by ambulance. She was unconscious for 20 minutes. Her symptoms as dx'd showed the possible…
Avastin/5 Flu Treatment/cea level
My dad is currently on avastin/5 flu. He has been on treatment since november for recurrence in his liver. His cea went from 189 to 180 to 100 to 65 to 57. Now, it is 59. The doctor does not seem concerned. He says that we will continue with this treatment. He has another cea test in April. As of right now, he will stay on…
Nashville Party!!
Alright guys....we're now within the 6 month window of COLON PALOOZA 5!!! HAVE YOU BOOKED YOUR ROOM YET?!?!?!?!??????????? I know I sound like a broken record, but I don't want anyone to miss out on this opportunity to be part of the biggest bash of the year!! Our annual PALOOZA PARTY is set for SEPTEMBER 12 to 18, 2007.…
I couldn't have said it better.....
Hi all you groovy Semi-colons! Here's an article that I received from an email list I am on. peace, emily Dr. Mercola's Comment: Conventional medicine has consistently derided the use of essiac tea, a blend of herbs including burdock root, sheep's sorrel, slippery elm and Indian rhubarb root, as useless and even toxic in…
Really Nervous about upcoming appointment
I go to the Gastroenterologist on Wednesday, which I'm sure will lead to a colonoscopy. I have no other symptoms besides the bleeding and urgency, but the bleeding is pretty bad. It first started a few months ago and I had it for about 2 weeks. Then again about 2.5 weeks ago for about 10-14 days. Every BM I would have red…
Hi everyone, Just wanted to let you all know that I had a baby girl on March 14. Her name is Gabriella Noel. She was 6 lbs, 7 oz. We have been so blessed. She is very sweet and barely cries, except when she is hungry or wants to be held. Things are very hectic right now (especially since my 17 month old wants more…
mets to lungs
My wife started with colon cancer in 05/02 stage 3 In 03/04 spread to liver and had a liver resection. In 02/05 found mets in both lungs. ( 2 spots ) She has been on avastin and chemo most of the time. Has anybody had mets in the lungs that long or longer? The treatments seem to be less affected as time goes on.
Post-Op Infection
Just wondering if anyone has also had a post-op infection and what your doctor/surgeon recommended for healing. My infection is located within the incision area. A small opening that has a yellowish/brownish drainage. I have been on an antibotic since 9 March and are currently using a warm compress and saline flush twice…