Round Two Chemo Question

dadecat Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello, I am writing to get some info for my sister who was diagnosed with colon cancer and met to liver and lungs in early May 2009. She has just undergone 12 weeks of chemo. There was significant reduction in colon tumor and lung "spots", but NO change at all to rather large liver tumor. During discussions with the onc last week to review the results it was discussed that she could undergo another 12 weeks of chemo. My sister's question is whether or not the side effects of the chemo are cumulative and she will feel even worse after this 2nd round, or whether she will feel basically the same as she did under the first round. The onc told her that they could reduce the dosage by about 20% if she wanted; he also said that if she started feeling too bad that she could "skip a treatment".

If anyone can enlighten us on this question it will be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!