Friendinpenn Here! Anyone just using 5fu with leucovorin only? (first time writer...).
I had a bad reaction to the oxiplitan yesterday only about a half hour into the treatment....I had the full FOLFOX and FILFIRI in the past and never had this type of severe reaction...it was really bad and scary yesterday... I'm now off the oxiplatin and will be seeing my oncologist next week for consultation... By the…
Scans without a port for meds
So I had an appointment with my Onc yesterday. He gave me the green light to get my port removed. Today I recalled the nurse from my last scan saying how much she loved utilizing the port for the med that makes you feel all warm inside (forgive me I forget the name). She was talking to another nurse at the time and I think…
Question on Pet Scans
Okay, so I had my Pet Scan today, they told me they were doing this to see my tumors better. My last scan was a CT Scan in August, where they said they could barely see the tumors in my liver, etc., except for my colon and that had shrunk too. Today, after my pet scan I'm in the gyn cancer oncologist's office to make sure…
good luck at the doctor today mag
Happy Naked Dance or Naked Happy Dance?
I don't really care which it is - I'm just doing it! Great reports from my onc and my onc surgeon today. They couldn't have been more encouraging! Every time I see them, the news gets better. Dancing...... Alice
I had a brain scan this morning
Well my cyber friends, I had a problem this week. Monday and Tuesday I had episodes of being mentally out of it for about 5 minutes. One each day. I had a brain scan this morning and I now have a cancer tumor in the brain that is 2cm X 2cm. I don’t know yet if it is operable. The scary old woman just left to pick up some…
The comfort of a Mother
Tomorrow I leave my mother (I hope I see her again this Thanksgiving, hoping to go back up before surgery)been trying to convince her, she won't die from too much talking on the phone, or going down her steps to go outdoors and enjoy her flowers. The child has become the parent, the parent the trying child. I realize I'm…
oxaliplatin rare side effect frustration
I am on my second cycle of oxaliplatin/capecitabine(xeloda).On the evening of the second infusion of oxaliplatin I experienced a wierd feeling in my tongue, including a slurring when I spoke, and which lasted around 15 minutes. As advised I called the hospital to report this and ended up as having had a suspected TIA. My…
Back Home
Got back home this morning, so glad to have computer access full time again. Heading to Stanford for my first PET Scan and then to the gyn cancer person there. Came home and found another appt with radiologist? Is that what the radiation people are called? Meet with him/her on Wednesday next week. Next Friday is appt with…
FOLFOX #2 , Charlie Chaplin, Orville Redenbacher, Eric Clapton and dead baby chickens
I'm channeling Charlie Chaplan, sound like Orville Redenbacher, listening to Eric Clapton and it tastes like dead baby chickens. Just to start things out right, I will report that I did again have a reaction to the oxy eventhough pre-meded. Only this time, it got noon o’clock and everyone comes over to me and checks on me.…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck!!!!! RIDDLE: I can build a building, or tear it down. I can make you blind, or help you see. I am bigger than all the oceans, but I can fit in the palm of your hand. What am I?
Thought of the Day
“Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.” ~ Jack Johnson
Update-1st post surgery CT scan and colonoscopy
Hi dear all, I want to share some good news:the oncologist used the word "NED" to describe ct scan results and the surgeon used "normal" for colonoscopy. My husband got his ct scan done in Sep,after that,we never got a phone call from oncologist,so we knew it was a good sign.Finally we visited oncologist at the end of…
problems from alcohol ablation
Hi all, On Oct 21st my husband has a RFA done on his chest cavity (2nd one) & a alcohol ablation done to a lymph node. The lymph node was located close to the aorta. In order to get to the lymph node the radiologist inserted a needle into his hip & up into his body to the lymph node. He did a biopsy of the node & then…
new photo.....haha there she is the old cancer bag is back
just in case you think I have discovered the fountain of youth....fear not!!! I am still an old cancer bag. this is a picture of my daughter and her fiancee taken at the wedding of friends of theirs last weekend in Toronto. It was a beautiful wedding....all so young and hopeful. Everything was great until after dinner when…
looking through my work emails....
I get a newsletter from our pharmacy which in turn gets a newsletter from the Institute of Safe Medication Practices. With many of our drugs (not just chemo drugs) on backorder, I found this interesting and wanted to pass this along. I copied and pasted this from the newsletter regarding chemo drugs. Chemotherapy…
Today they said I had cancer. They patted my leg and I could feel their sorrow in delivering this news. Today I learned I was entering a new world, none of which I had ever dreamed of. Today my life changed forever. Today nothing will ever be simple or taken for granted. Today I start my life over, every moment a blessing.…
Amber...............We are looking for you out there..
You can't come in here and check in then not come back.....its, Hmm...UnAmerican, or Un Southern...LOL....Its Uh......Its Ok ...... Just messin with ya.........but, This bunch in here is missing their Southern Belle...You need to be in here...You need to find the answers in here...and they are in here, promise...This is a…
does anybody know anything about WinneyPooh?
Thank you!
Reading Room Article on lab created liver
Just wanted to post a link to an article that came out last week relating to livers being created in the lab at Wake Forrest. Does not look like it is quite ready for humans but certainly promising for the future. http://singularityhub.com/2010/11/02/wake-forest-creates-first-liver-in-lab-using-human-cells/
New to this board mom just diagnosed
I am new to this board but not to cancer I was dx this January with breast cancer. This board has been very helpful. My mom was just dx with colon cancer. I don't have much info as of yet. She had a colonoscopy a couple days ago they removed one polyp but the other one was to big to remove so they took a sample. From what…
Colostomy and colonoscopy
Has anyone had a colonoscopy since they had a colostomy? (Say that fast 5 times!). I have my fisrt one since my surgery last March scheduled for next Thursday and for some reason I am a little freaked out. Oh I dread the prep. UGH! But when I wake up will my stoma hurt? I can't compare it to my first one because they took…
Update on my Bro.....***Added Pic of Chuck in Expressions****
Hi Guys!!!! Dang.... I have missed you guys...Dang!!!! Thanks Beth for your post on me and CONGRATS on that wonderful scan...Party Naked!!!...oh wait... or is that Dance naked???....oh hell..let's party and dance naked!!! woohoo!!! I am feeling great and I ain't even had no scan!!! Bro Chuck is doing much much better.…
stage4 lurker here. want to talk a little
i am in stage4 rectal cancer. spred to lung for sure and mybe liver and possably bone. Im in 4th round of chemo now. rough nite lasy night pukeing but im better this am. my doc told me im doing fine cuz im getting out alot pay a little 9 hole golf course..he told me im in top 10% of patients but also said i would be on…
Scan Results ***DRUM ROLL PLEASE***
A Bit Frustrated
I’m a bit frustrated with the way things went at my onc appointment. There is good news and not so good news and I’m just kind of out of sorts while still processing it. Good news, all my counts are good, my oxy side effects are gone, and we made sure that I get pre-meds and a much slower infusion next time. The other ……
Its 2 years since diagnoses... does it get any easier!?
Its 2 years since diagnoses, primary in colon and secondary in liver! I had 13 months of treatment which I coped reasonably well with. I am happy and appreciate being a live but it’s tough and it does not seem to get any easier! Just joined the site in hope of some inspiration!!! Maybe I just need longer to accept all that…
Hepatic Embolization of the liver
My 35 yr old Fiance was diagnosed with Stage IV Parotid Gland cancer (a salvitory cancer) in August 2010. It has spread to his spine (6 tumors- C5, C6, C7, T1, T3, T10) and to his liver (10.6cm tumor). After a surgery to remove the primary tumor, radiation and two rounds of chemo (taxol and carbo-platin)they have pulled…
folfox club my #3 treatment
Well went in for treatment #3 of folfox today. Before #3 had a cbc and of course my platelets are down to 53000 way low but now my white blood cells are very low as well. They hudled for quite a while and decided to let me do treat #3 with the white cell shot for each time they unplug me. Nothing they can really do to…
I spoke today to high school students
in my high school that are doing a mini-course week on Cancer. They are focused on knitting and making hats for cancer patients. I don't work with these kids generally, but I do work and have with their teachers for years. So I had a chance to talk. And was surprised at how choked up I got at various places in my talk. All…