probiotics to help with diarrhea and immune function

pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
I found this paper today by accident, but its a good co-incidence.
I have actually embark on intensive probiotic rebuild and having very results in many areas. bowel motions are the best in as long as i can remember. I also have plenty of energy and am sleeping well. And my positive spirit is more positive.

that documented on my blog

the paper below is from researcher i respect. PROBIOTICS.pdf
its only bullet points, but the clinical study summary is immpressive.

The doctor who wrote the paper, is running a clinical trial on IV vitamin C and colorectal. I am trying to get more details and admission onto it. but i will document more and post a separate thread when i have details.

the key point for me, is i remember how well i responded during chemo to probiotics at the time, i used the best i was recommended, the probiotics i am using now seem far better again.
Its been explained to me that our responses to probiotc therapy, and i thinks its fair to call it that is very individual. it depends on the state of your gut, if its deficient then its likely to be of significant benefit.

for me really good probiotics, not the cheapest = improved bowel habits + energy + balance + peripheral circulation. yes all these areas i have noticed an improvement.

given most of us have chemo, then surgery antibiotcs, loose a portion of our intestines etc.
so we are probiotic challenged as a group of patients.

one day our onc's may advise this, they did not for me.

any until its in clinical practice and i suspect one day it will be a standard part of the chemo regime.

this paper is an interesting summary, even though a bit dated, for me its compelling justification/explanation of the benefits i am personally experiencing.

if you delve into probiotics in detail, you end up with really difficult questions.

like why are we as a population so deficient ?
the simple answer is our food! sorry but diet again to me can help here as well.

no fights wanted, just thought i'd put this out here.



  • Lifeisajourney
    Lifeisajourney Member Posts: 216
    I have been fighting bowel issues since dx 12/08. My husband convinced me to try probiotic pill and I am now a believer. Bowels have been great...routine:juice fruit/vegetables am. Take probiotic, 1 dicyclamine, milk thistle, ativan and watch my diet, eat less more often. Two month so far so good. Was in hospital in January for divticuli and the doctor and pharmacist said to take probiotics with antibiotics..oh, forgot prune juice, 1 glass a day. Whatever, bowels have been normal every day.....hope I don't jinx myself. FYI Pat P.S. I was diagnosed Stage 4 in March, met to liver, failed resect in June, declined chemo, etc. still here. This is my journey, but probiotics, yes.....
  • tommycat
    tommycat Member Posts: 790 Member
    Thanks Pete---you are a
    Thanks Pete---you are a wealth of knowledge and always open to try new things.
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member

    I have been fighting bowel issues since dx 12/08. My husband convinced me to try probiotic pill and I am now a believer. Bowels have been great...routine:juice fruit/vegetables am. Take probiotic, 1 dicyclamine, milk thistle, ativan and watch my diet, eat less more often. Two month so far so good. Was in hospital in January for divticuli and the doctor and pharmacist said to take probiotics with antibiotics..oh, forgot prune juice, 1 glass a day. Whatever, bowels have been normal every day.....hope I don't jinx myself. FYI Pat P.S. I was diagnosed Stage 4 in March, met to liver, failed resect in June, declined chemo, etc. still here. This is my journey, but probiotics, yes.....

    thanks lifeisajourney
    i am glad you have had success with probiotics.

    some people respond, some don't. i guess we are lucky to have our deficiency fixed. thats my guess.

  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    tommycat said:

    Thanks Pete---you are a
    Thanks Pete---you are a wealth of knowledge and always open to try new things.

    thanks tommy
    this mcrc is a difficult foe,

    maybe together we can outsmart it,
    its a nice dream to think what we do makes a difference, i do.

    the doctor who wrote the probiotics paper, is also running an iv c trial for colorectal.
    he is an inspiration in the integrsative and functional medicine circles.

    i called him friday arvo, spoke with his associate and begged with passion for a call back to discuss his protocol. no point stuffing around at this point.

    everyday is precious.
