Clinical Trial and Insurance?
My father's liver Mets are progressing quickly after one liver surgery and the first-line treatment (FOLOX) and he might be a candidate for a clinical trial only if the next treatment doesn't work for him (FOLFIRI + bevacizumab ). The Clinical trial is at MSKCC, when I initially tried to make an appointment with MSKCC when…
Introduction, Sharing experience and some help
Hello All, I've recently come across the CSN and Finally gathered the courage to share the story of my Father. I hope that this will provide me strength and help others dealing with the situations if there they ever come across as we were. I am writing all the details so it will be a long story. It all started right after…
Treatment decision
I'm struggling right now to make a treatment decision. My back story: Diagnosed Feb. 2018 with colon cancer and had right hemi-colectomy right away. Stage 3 - 1 of 22 lymph nodes. Xeloda as clean-up. Then 6 months later scans show mets to the liver. Folfiri + Avastin (6) then resection surgery for 3 mets. 2 mets were deep…
Joan M & Butt- any news
Last on the forum July - Butt and Joan in August. Anyone heard any new from either of our lovely forum members? Tru
Eyes hurt
I have had a new symptom lately. When I wake up sometimes, it feels like my eyelashes are stuck on my eyeball, and oprning my eyes feels like ripping a bandaid off. It then kind of hurts all day. Anyone ever experience that?
Update on my wife's scan
My wife had a follow-up CT scan this past Wednesday and she got the results yesterday. NED. My wife was diagnosed at 39 yrs old with stage 4 colon cancer with liver mets. Who knows that the future brings but for those in a similar position, just know that there are good stories out there. We've never felt anxiety like we…
Vectibix---Has anyone taken or on this Targeted Drug?
i am about to start this medication and I am concerned about the side effects! I have metastatic rectal Cancer and I am about to begin this targeted drug and I was wondering if anyone out there is either on it or as tried it and how were the side effects? Was the drug effective? Thank you!
Another liver met & resection
Richard had his check up at MD Anderson last week. Back towards the end of August a couple lymp nodes in the portacaval area of the liver was detected on the CT. We did not get to meet with the liver surgeon on that trip. Richard met with him on Friday. The area can be resected! We were certain it could not be based on the…
The all deciding talk UPDATE PET scan
Hello guys, I hope wherever you are that you feel good and safe. I have more or less online classes. Practical classes are a mess. One day you have it, the next day the ward is closed due to covid and you think "did I see this patient?" I like practical classes bit atm it is safer for a med student to not see them. So, for…
Mets to Retroperitoneal Adominal wall and Gluteus Maximus
So about a week ago my dad's pet scan showed possiable mets to the adominal wall and butt muscles . Now we are waiting for biospy on dec 7 . And we are left with alot of questions about mets since we have only been dealing with it in one spot for almost two years . So is this a bad place to have mets ? Is there worse…
Life & Legacy of September Cheng
My mom has recently passed on Nov 1, 2020. I was next to her when she took her last breath. I know she's in a better place now. Thank you for all the years of support that I've gotten on here. Now I will be busy with closing her accounts and such which is harder and stressful than you could imaging. I wish you luck for…
Happy Thanksgiving Hugs To Everyone!!
Just want to say I wish each and everyone of you a day filled with love and running over!! I'm so grateful for this board and all of you who lift, support, and listen no matter who or what....Biggest of hugs!!....M
Trubrit sick
trubrit posted on facebook that she is real sick (does not say from what). Please offer up your get well wishes, prayers and good vibes for her. Marie who loves kitties
Kras Mutation /Methionine and Glycine
I am Kras positive...if there is anything odd, I will be the one to get it..lol. Anyway, I read and research a lot on diet, genetics, and everything under the sun related to this $!*&% of a disease. The corrolation between these two things in someone with a typical cancer vs someone with a Kras mutation is interesting and…
Cancer Grade
Can a cancer graded as a slow spreading cancer change ? I have been looking for this info and can find it no where. -I also just came across ascites and remembered my dad had some fluid in his admonial area . And that there was hypermetabolic activity around it . Anyone had any info on acites does that mean the cancer has…
Sauerkraut juice.
Packed With Probiotics Sauerkraut juice, due to the fermentation process, is rich in natural lactic acid, which inhibits the growth of undesired intestinal bacteria and encourages the growth of good bacteria. This makes sauerkraut juice an excellent choice for treating sluggish bowels and poor digestion. Drinking this tart…
Lynch Syndrome -
Good Morning, Happy Sunday! Just wondering anyone on this site, dx with colon cancer, related to Lynch Syndrome? I recently posted about symptoms...however, I really looking for any Lynchies...on here... If so, what were you symptoms? Treatment options. I have lost a lot weight, and mainly constantly tired. PMS2 gene…
Rang the Bell
Hi everyone! I haven't visited for a long time but wanted to let everyone know that I rang the bell after 12 years fighting Stage 4 colon cancer. No more scans or doctors visits. I am done! As the Greatful Dead put it "what a long strange trip its been." One positive is that i have been living super healthy to prevent…
Looking for the stage 4's
So just got the news that the pet scan showed my dad is stage 4 sucks to even be typing that . It showed spread to his butt muscles and his admonial lining . So my family is once again crushed I just wanted to ask all you stage 4's . Is there different chemo's for stage 4's then stage 3's ? Do you have any tips to helping…
Documentary link
I have just finished watching a documentary about how to talk to Cancer patients about dying. It is very thought provking, very intense, and definitely not for every one to watch. As a Stage IV patient with an Oncologist who is has always been down to earth and straighforward, I am still in two minds where I stand. I…
Neuropathy issues
So originally I was a stage 3 - after my cholectomy it showed up in a bunch of lymph nodes which I took to mean 3C. I have completed 6 months of chemo with Folfox. My CT showed something hinky on my liver and MRI confirmed a 1.2 cm mass. Wasn't there on pretreatment scans. Now they are trying to schedule a biopsy. Along…
It’s been a while
Hello everyone ~ I’m a 8 year Stage IV Colon Cancer Survivor!!! I haven’t been on here much since 2012-2013 when I was in treatment. Cancer was the focus of my life for many years, now it’s not an everyday thing. I was diagnosed at age 49 Stage IV, 12 positive lymph nodes and Mets to liver. 4 children including twins that…
Request for prayers and good vibes for Phil64
Our forum friend, Phil (phil64) has contacted COVID and along with that, is battling Pneumonia. He has battled the beast, Stage IV Cancer, and is winning that battle; but the COVID has bought him down, and he needs the prayers and vibes of his friends. I figured as many people who know about it and care about him, that can…
Curious what the board thinks
So my dad has microscopic amounts of cancer left on his sacrum after his 2nd cancer surgery . We will be going into more treatment for it radiation and chemo after a pet scan . So my dad is clearly having anixety about the whole thing . Today my step mom brings up that we need to find a affortable place to live so when my…
Good Morning wishing everyone a happy tuesday... I will be having my EGD and colonoscopy next week. Anyone dx , just on a random finding because of the scope and not due to symptoms? If so, what stage?
Someone who knows alot about pet scans please help
So my dads new pet scan/ct scan can in today and it appears to be another gut punch for us . There is a increase in hypermetabolic activity in retroperitoneal fat and in the soft tissue where his bladder was . And 3 hypermetabloic soft tissue masses the biggest 3 cm . One of those 3 in the adominal wall and another is in…
Colorectal Cancer in Lungs
Hello all, I'm reaching out to this community to provide support and to share the story of my girlfriend, Heather. We live in the central PA area. Heather is 44 and was initially diagnosed with early stage 2 C/R cancer in February 2020. The cancer seemed limited to a single, small tumor in the colon, but the surgeon…
hoping you all can help me
I survived uterine cancer, but I just found a dear friend of mine who stood by me through it all was dx with rectal cancer. She told me they found a tumor but will treat with chemo and/or radiation before she has surgery. (she had a surgeon consult but chemo/radiation docs are in the upcoming weeks) I know uterine cancer,…
Joan M
Has anyone heard any news on Joan M. She was having a terrible time late summer. I've been thinking about her. k
Happy Birthday, KAZENMAX
I know time just flies by, but we're here to remember another year celebrated. Have a wonderful day! Tru