Blocked ileo-cecal valve and tumor in cecum


First time poster so hope I am doing this right

Long story short, my sister has bc with mets throughout her body for the past 5 years.  Now she was dx with "hard friable ileo-cecal valve" and a cecum "carpeted" in malignant nodules.  On top of this, they could not advance the scope from the ileoecal valve into the terminal ileum.

Any ideas on timeline?  We are waiting on a call from the surgeon for days now and her onc says to wait for surgeons call.  I am worried she will be backed up and get sepsis or some other infections.  She is having some ab pain and taking stool softners but they aren't much help.  Just wondering how long she can go on like this as i doubt they will do colon surgery on her in her current condition.  I am filled with anxiety over what to expect and don't want her to be in pain.

Thanks for any help


  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 719 Member
    edited December 2020 #2
    Stop the waiting and call

    Stop the waiting and call surgeon office stat.

    Always always get a srcond opinion also.  Get that in the works too.  The 2nd opinion surgeon maybe turn out to be your first opinion since the doc is so slow.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Call the doctor's office and see if you can get an emergency appointment and let them know the pain that she is in.  She shouldn't have to wait days on end for a call back.  That is not acceptable and she should not have to wait to get some relief.  Hope you get some answers soon.
