Other then Cancer You would be considered healthy. lol
So, I meet with my Oncologist again today. We talk about the sugested treatment from Dr. JH Lenz USC. My Oncologist is on board for the treatment. We schdule the tests needed, Port inserted on the 10th, and schedule Chemo for the 15th. He told me as many other Docs have, "Other then Cancer, you are extremely healthy." My…
Happy NY Everyone!!!! Happy almost birthday to me!!!! Happy almost 10 yrs since stage 3 diagnosis!!
Hi everyone, I used to be a regular on this site which helped me SO MUCH almost 10 years ago. On Sunday I will be celebrating my 56 birthday. WOOOHOOOO I love birthdays!!!!! On 3/17/2003 I was told by a GI doc after a scope, "I have bad news, you have a mass." I was 46 years old. My kids were 14, 17 and 21. Life will never…
12 days and arm pits don't need shaved
Well, it's happening, no need to shave arm pit hairs in shower this morning, I had them yesterday but gone today. And the nether region is next on the agenda it appears. Ha! Don't have to pay money for a Brazilian wax! May have to have a hair today gone tomorrow party next weekend at this rate. second Irinotecan infusion…
Two Phase 1 clinical trials that are recruiting...
Just wanted to share this information here, in case some of you don't read the posts at the Colon Club forum. User Dianne052506 is on the first trial and has had some positive results despite having a pretty significnant tumor burden, especially in the lungs (she's been stage 4 since dx in '06). The 2nd link is to a…
Reviewing my case for opinions from group
The more I read here, the more I wonder about the level of care I am getting. Just to recap, I am stage 4 with mets to LNs, liver, lung and omentum/peritoneum. I was diagnosed in June 2012, and had surgery on June 4th. The initial plan was laproscopic resection and reconnection of the colon, but the surgeon was unable to…
Good News, not so good news
Well i had my first CT scan last week to make sure that all the meds are working for me. the good news is that he could see a good amount of shrinkage in my colon from the main mass! so that is good news! they also couldnt find the spots in my lungs so they have disappeared as well! The not so good news is that there are…
Bad office visit
Frustrating day at doctors office. Has anyone ever have a PA tell you that they don't do surgery to remove tumors because you can not be cured? That is what she told my wife after I asked if surgery is an option. She also told us that long term chemo treatment is only for "curable" cancer patients andthose with uncurable…
Hello from a newbie
Hello all! I joined this forum today, January 1st, and already feel inspired and uplifted. I was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer on November 13th last year. A colonoscopy discovered that I had a complete blockage of the rectum and I underwent a bowel resection November 23rd. On December 17th I had a port inserted.…
been gone awhile
hey everone i know i have been gone for a bit i decided to come let you all know what is now going on with my situataion. ok here goes. when last i was here i was on folfiri (i think spelling is wrong) anyway it stopped working and we tried to do the folfox and after a month even it stopped working. i hage one shot left…
Is there anybody on Regorafenib trial drug?
My husband has been on regorafenib since 5 September 2012. I did a previous post and there were only a couple of people on it which both had to come off for various reasons. His last scans show that he has fluid in the abdomen and lungs which is causing his breathlessness. Anybody also know about that. He has mets to liver…
Fever whilst on regorafenib
My husband has had two cycles of regorafenib but in last few days has had fever on and off of 38.3, is also very tired, weak and a little disorientated. Anybody experience of side effects of this drug?
Big day a week from tomorrow (Jan 7th)
I'll be getting my second set of CT scans post treatment (total of 12 TX with 5FU and Oxy + 10 TX of Avastin). My first results (after 5 TX with 5FU AND OXY + 3 TX with Avastin) were good with no growth in any tumors and 40+% reduction in a couple of tumors. I have been feeling VERY good since the last CT scans, and have…
8 Years, so far so good...
Hi all, I have not been on this board for some time and most will not know me so here's a brief history: diagnosed with stage 2a colon cancer 12/2004 and underwent a laporoscopic right hemicolectomy. Opted not to do the chemo due to the lack of evidence of benefit for stage 2 at the time (although would have done the chemo…
Testing chemo real time - research
been a while - thought of all of you when I came across the news item. http://www.kurzweilai.net/how-to-watch-chemo-killing-liver-tumors-in-real-time?utm_source=KurzweilAI+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=8f007d525c-UA-946742-1&utm_medium=email this is one of several lines of research aimed at identifying whether a drug will…
Does Chemotherapy (for liver/abdomen) take place during Jaundice ?
Hi, My mother underwent treatment for jaundice (while undergoing chemo for liver cancer), i.e., had stent placement about two weeks ago. Although recovering, she still has symptoms of jaundice with pale eyes, very weak body, hardly any appetite and 4-5 times vomiting of bilirubin per day. She has pain in abdominal region…
Ok someone that has knowledge on this site. How do you keep a certain type of font and font size without having to manually change it everytime you post? That's my first question, but I'm sure there are more to come. Thanks! Kim
New Genetic Links to Colorectal Cancer Identified
This is interesting, we know our tumours are so different, enjoy. http://www.cancernetwork.com/colorectal-cancer/content/article/10165/2121284In addition to its work on colorectal cancer, the team is working on breast cancer genetics to identify additional genetic loci that confer risk of developing cancer, leading a…
Don't know if this can be applied to CRC mets to liver but its a right now way to observe response t
"Paired CT scans catch chemo-killing of liver tumors in real time" can be read at: eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-12/jhm-pcs123112.php perhaps this procedure can be modified to be applicable for Tx of mets to liver as well as for liver primary,which is the case reported here......
Two Chemo Agents May Thwart Immune Response to Cancer THIS COULD BE THE ONE
http://www.cancernetwork.com/gastrointestinal-cancer/content/article/10165/2117999 the good bit below, I will email this to me oncologist and immunologist. we live in exciting times. Chronic inflammation has been previously linked to cancer initiation and progression, including over-activation of IL-1β. The differences in…
Good News, not so good news
Well i had my first CT scan last week to make sure that all the meds are working for me. the good news is that he could see a good amount of shrinkage in my colon from the main mass! so that is good news! they also couldnt find the spots in my lungs so they have disappeared as well! The not so good news is that there are…
Could allergy symptoms be a chemo side effect?
My husband, Steve, goes for #6 Folfiri with Avastin tomorrow. Lately he's been experiencing watery eyes, sneezing and a puffy face. He is an allergy sufferer but the only time has had allergies this time of year was last year, when he was on Folfiri with Avastin. A pattern is emerging. I will inquire about this at the…
Happy New Year to All
Happy New Year to all with Peace and Blessings for the new year. Sincerely, Karen
biological agents and maintenance chemo, bedtime reading to cure insomnia
http://theoncologist.alphamedpress.org/content/17/1/15.full?utm_source=iContact&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Newsletter@The Oncologist.com&utm_content=December+Newsletter+In+Production DISCUSSION New chemotherapeutic and biologic agents, which prolong survival in patients with mCRC, present physicians with new challenges.…
Happy New Year to All...and a Resolution Revolution.
Well, once again a new year rolls around, and once again I start thinking about the resolutions I would like to achieve in the coming months. In the past, I’ve been in the habit of making resolutions that are impossible to achieve, so this year, with the hope of reducing the degree of soul-crushing disappointment I…
Happy New Year!!!
That's all folks, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Healthier New Year!!! Whoop Whoop saw another year!!!! Woot Woot!!! Winter Marie
Just feeling sad...
Feeling a bit low today. I can't help but think about how in past years, I was out hustling and bustling for those last minute things for the kids. Amazing how life changes in the blink of an eye. Judy
Wishes for the New Year
Dear Friends, As we count down the hours of the old year and celebrate the stroke of the new, I have a few wishes for us all: May the trials and tribulations that we experienced fade from our minds and be replaced by memories of the best that we experienced. May those we have lost be fondly remembered for their love of…
CT results
Stable! still shows my gallstones so I guess I'll deal with those at some point but right now I'm enjoying the word Stable! A great after Christmas present. My daddy cried.
Happy New Year!
Thinking about us and wishing you and me a healthy 2013, and many more! That is all we need. Hugs to all... I should find out my scan results next week.
A spiritual approach in the treatment of cancer
Title says it all, seems faith (in something) will help you live longer. http://iv.iiarjournals.org/content/22/5/577.full.pdf