My husband gets pet scans & CT scans, I am worried because they never do MRI. Anyone have thoughts on this. And how effective is Irinotecan on Lymph Nodes that are enlarged in groin??? Cea quit going up after first treatment of Irinotecan, & Xeloda. I get the feeling this is a never ending battle.
Trovax ("cancer vaccine")?
Hi all, I was wondering if any of you have heard of a vaccine that's supposed to boost the immune system and help it fight colon cancer as well as renal cancer. It's called Trovax and it's in clinical trials. The oncologist who was running the trial in Germany (I consulted him about my mum) told me they had stopped it…
researchers identify three distinct molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer
stilll looking for specifics so this is best i can do at this time on this http://ecancer.org/news/3744 While probably all are familiar with KRAS,less are aware of BRAF andPI3K on CRC..I'm curious as to the specifics of these "subtypes" referred to Like with every other variety of cancer, researchers investigate this gene…
Another anniversary
Well It appears that I have survived another year. The 22 nd Of Jan 1998 I had a tumour in my transverse and descending colon removed along with 6 cancerous lymph nodes. A year of chemo followed and I have remained ca free ever since. Fifteen years. To all of you currently in the battle for your lives I wish you well and…
Post Surgery Compliactions Help!
I was wondering if anyonhe would be able to answer some questions. My boyfriend was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in October of last year, he had a malignant tumor located in his rectum. He underwent cemotherapy and radiation and last week he had colon resectio surgery. The doctor said it was a total sucess, he removed…
Going for third opinion
Thank you everyone for replying to my last post. Next Tuesday I'm going to get a third opinion from the University of Miami cancer institute. They are suppose to be very aggressive in their treatment. Decided I would rather live sick and hurting but still be here for my husband and daughter than to just give up. Thank you…
Wanna improve your "odds"? Get off your ****!!!!!
more on the importance of physical activity (if practical-there was a period where just getting out of bed to car service to get to treatment was all i could barely do) http://consumer.healthday.com/Article.asp?AID=672735 http://jco.ascopubs.org/content/early/2013/01/21/JCO.2012.45.9735.abstract It shouldbe a foregone…
Anyone see this article before? I apologize if it's already been shared but I just wanted to make sure we all saw it. :)
Folfox6 and Side Effects
Good morning - Just a brief summary....my husband was diagnosed with Rectal Cancer on May 8, 2012 there were no signs of it in his lungs or liver although it was all the way thru the wall of the rectum, etc. He had radiation with Xeloda for 6 weeks and basically had no side effects...he got a little tired. End of August…
Avastin withheld due to blood thinners
My husband, Steve's, blood clots continue to be an issue. Went to chemo on Wed. Saw onc before chemo. Face and neck still really really really swollen. Voice has not sounded normal. I think the onc was concerned. I asked her if she could prescribe a steroid to reduce the inflammation. She presc. dexamethasone 4 mg. Half…
Stage 4, 4 Years NED
I just got my scan results and they were all clear. That makes it four years NED! If I can make it one more year I think I will have won the fight. Even if I make it one more year without a recurrence I don't think I will change what I am doing. For those new to the Board my program is as follows: 1. Exercise 3 hrs/day…
Chemo/Radiation??? yes..no?
Is chemo and radiation really necessary if you are still early in the stages or Rectal Cancer? I'm just worried about all the side effects and all.
Dendritic cell vaccine
going in for dendritic cell vaccine therapy. the doctor administering the therapy has scheduled 6 doses between 15th and 21st day of chemo( my father is having folfox 6 with xeloda every 21 days) let me know what your experience has been with dendritic cell treatment and any comments on the dose schedule
Gandalf Was One Smart Dude...a little OT, but maybe not.
Don’t know how many of you out there are Lord of the Rings fans, but in my family, both the books and the movies have given us a lot of enjoyment over the years. My husband and I have both read the trilogy several times, and were thrilled to introduce it to our teenage daughters, first with audiobooks, and then when the…
When is enough enough?
I never thought I would reach this point but with no end to chemo insight and no chance of remission I am wondering if I should stop fighting. I fought so hard for my husband and daughter but I'm always just so tired. Our lives revolve around me being sick scattered with a few good times. When do you just say enough is…
6 vs 12 treatments Folfox 5FU Oxal
Hello everyone, I was diagnosed in Jan with 3b, had surical resection and am only scheduled 6 treatments, part of clinical trial, anyone else involved? I am still not sure if I want to participate or if I should drop out of clinical trial and go for the 12. Appreciate anyone experience or thoughts! Thanks so much CJ
A lot to be read here on evolutionary biology and cancer, plus.....
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/eva.2013.6.issue-1/issuetoc (if this fails,try link at bottom of www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-01/w-hce012213.php This article involves CRC here at http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-01-drug-side-effects-chemotherapy.html and i'll reiterate this easy one to try on grape…
colon cancer metastasis to ovary
Wondering if anyone has dealt with metastasis to the ovary where the ovary has leaked into the abdomen? I had finished my 12 treatments of Folfox in May and within a few months a new tumor popped up in the ovary. During the hysterectomy it was discovered that the ovary had ruptured leaking it's fluid into the abdomen. I…
PIK3CA test , aspirin and prognosis
I am KRAS wold type and am currently on erbitux maintenance chemo. My doctor has also recently started me on low dose aspirin (75 mg) daily after my resection of colon and liver. He advised that I should get the pik3ca test done. The test is done on the tumour sample and the test has me identified as pik3ca mutation in…
Radioactive beads for treatment of liver mets from colon cancer
In the news today: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/interventional-treatment-radioactive-beads-helps-180500865.html
FarmGirl how is your sister?
Did your sister have her first scan since starting Zaltrap yet? I had a scan December 28th and the Dr. was pleased with the results. After 6 treatments my CEA was cut in 1/2, lesions are shrinking and no progression. We are going to contiue with another 6 treatments of Folfiri + Zaltrap. I still have stomach cramps/pain.…
First post
Hello all, been on the forum for a while so decided time to introduce myself. I am from Melbourne, Australia and have been diagnosed with stage 4 mCRC in october. I have extensive liver mets, taking over maybe 70% of the liver. Had five rounds of folfox thus far which failed so onto folfiri from this week. I have a…
Liver biopsy and resection vs rfa
I got some eye opening info my last post regarding risks of liver biopsy and seeding. I wanted to put it out again to see who else has thoughts and experiences. Husbands 2nd recurrance in liver. Previous resection 4 lesions resected. I'm thinking no biopsy and resection is best best versus rfa. Thoughts? Thx!,
liver damage
Can someone tell me what your experience has been with having liver damage as a result of mets from crc. My husband dxd may 2012 stage IV mets to liver and lungs. Extensive liver mets, too many to count or measure. He has been having great reaction to folfox started 6/12 and continuing..cea from 3600 down to 20 so far…
Hi mates, it is FRIDAY ! Any interesting plan for the weekend?
Here just go to cinema and lunch with family on Friday! What about you mates?
free sight seeing all around germany
cost is free, just pm me your arrival details frankfurt. my super fast audii a5, will try and have some fun. i got it up to 240km/hour. next trip I think 260km/hour is a good goal. I got some colorectal friends from australia coming over february march. seriously pm me if interested, we can lineup travel dates and have…
newbie from australia
hi all this is my first post although i have been looking around here for a few weeks.my name is Steve and i live on the Gold Coast in Australia. my story thus far is that back in june last year i visited the doctor with problems with my bowels and he did a bit of probing and pushing and then told me that i have…
Forgot about this
Might help some folks here. http://www.asco.org/ASCOv2/Meetings/Abstracts?&vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=114&abstractID=100408 " Paradoxically, none surgical CR patients (n= 16) enjoyed 100% 5-year relapse free survival compared to 42% of surgical patients "
I wonder sometimes....
I wonder sometimes if it was a loved one or a spouse of the oncologist that is treating my wife with her cancer, would they recomend the same treatment for them? I wonder sometimes if he is doing everything he can to get rid of her cancer. Or if he just follows textbook procedures? Would he do more if it was his wife? Does…
PLEASE HELP! Dad preliminarily diagnosed with Colon Cancer Stage 4
My Dad is 65 years old. He was having some stomach pain and couldnt go to the bathroom for a few days. He finally went to the ER Wednesday of this past week. He was given a scan and told there was an obstruction. By that afternoon when i arrived, the Dr told him he had cancer. I spoke to the Doctors and was told they…