me too
ahhhh me too.....nice big wide open look to it but it will not respond.....wait and see..... mags
I'm sure that there are going to be several glitches for them to fix before all falls into place. I'm not able to comment either. It's going to take some getting used to but glad to have a new forum modification. Thanks CSN for the upgrade. Kim
Can't add comments
It wants me to preview first but I can't post. Was trying to post to Pepon's post that hoped the pm's come back. This I hope is just a simple glitch that can be fixed soon!! Winter Marie
Is this a temporary malfunction or it's part of the design of the new software ?
Why if I create a thread in the display says it has been created by other? There is no way to know who is writing unless you open all the threads ! Crazy. Also concerning the avatars ,do I have to load my avatar again? . Hugs mates!
Ontario Canada Members
I am not sure how many people are from Ontario. It may be that it is only Maggie and I. Anyways, my husband, Steve, is having a hard time getting a scan. He has had a recurrence of liver mets. He is on session 6 of Folfiri with Avastin. Scheduled to meet the liver surgeon on Jan 8. His onc at the Ottawa Cancer Clinic said…
just wondered if anyone else does the blood test in Germany (not sure if its done anywhere else) My daughter just got her results back , its for circulating tumor cells. Not sure exactly what it all means, just know it is alot better than her first test.
The kindness of Law Enforcement
This evening my daughter was out and saw what appeared to be a large convoy of police vehicles making their way south on interstae 81 (we live in most northern VA). She was wondering what in the world was going on. Here is text of an article which explains it: _____________________________________________________ All a…
Planned CSN Outage
CSN will be down from 9 pm Eastern Time Thursday (tomorrow) until 9 am Eastern Time Friday getting a badly needed software upgrade. You will notice a few formatting changes and enhancements. Most importantly, site functionality should improve significantly. Regards, Greta aka Your CSN staff
trying not to be a
hypocondriac...I've been having some discomfort on my right side right under my right breast. It isn't a pain just discomfort that gets my attention. I go for my cat scan Jan 15th...I hate to call the doctor with every ache and pain...but then again since my cancer was aggressive... Thank you! Debbie
Can pet scans give false positive?
My mom had full body PET CT scan ystday - 1yr followup after surgery,chemo and radiation treatments for RC IIIc stage. It said "Impression: Metabollically active focus along right internal iliac vessels with small nodular soft tissue-this could be the metabolically active lymph node - needs interval followup for stability"…
I can see you again!
Hi Guys, I don't know what has been going on but everytime for the last couple weeks I wasn't able to get here; was there some technical issues or was it me? Any hoo... I just wanted to check in and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and let you know I'm a lurking. ;) Lot's of love to you all. Brenda
After PM to her several days ago to see how she was doing, just got this response from her husband. So I'm saddened to say that Lizzy has passed. She will be missed on this board but I'm glad that she is no longer suffering. "I just found Lou Ann's password to this site tonight after many attempts and trying to email the…
Maxicat You Ok
Maxicat, I have not seen you post in a while and I remember your were supposed to be done with chemo around the holidays. I am also signet cell (3b). Just let me know you are ok.
Can't blame the US Postal Service
The circumstances of life, commitments to family, and the delay in finding the holiday spirit within, has led to my not getting my Christmas cards mailed out. So, instead, I have placed on my expressions page for you. Please be sure to click on the image to enlarge it. May each of you find much in your hearts to celebrate…
Tongue Sores
Oh the irony of life. Just yesterday I told my friend that I was feeling good. God laughed and today I woke up with tongue sores and foot pain. I am sure I was not out partying last night so this is chemo related. Doctor called in a prescription for Magic Mouthwash. Does anyone know how quick this works?
Happy Holidays to All:
Just stopping in to wish all my precious Semi Colons a most wonderful holiday season filled with family, friends, good food, love and comfort. Now I have got to get packing as I am leaving town to spend several days in Chicago with my daughter. Hopefully the weather does not impact my train travel too much. I miss George…
From The Frying Pan To the Fire..........UPDATE
Just jumping in to wish all my friends a pleasant holiday season. Hope all who celebrate have your shopping done. This weekend, it will probably be a zoo out there. My hubby is still in the hospital with A-fib, CHF, and failing kidneys. Next option may be dialysis. He told me a few minutes ago that another team of doctors…
Folks, we have shrinkage!
Scan results today showed a .2 cm shrinkage in one tumor, and a 1cm shrinkage in the largest tumor, and the others are not lighting up as much; they figure its necrosis!! Robert hasn't had any treatment for 5 weeks due to the port removal. He does have a small linear clot it the vein above where the port was. No blood…
Dazed and Confused
Hello- I'm new to the discussion board forum world but I've been reading different boards and there is a lot of helpful and inspiring stories. My dad was diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer about 2 1/2 years ago. They also found two spots on his liver. He immediately had surgery on his colon. It was very successful. Once…
Fight, fight, fight!
Good read. http://www.google.com/search?q=youtube&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari#q=Bluetooth+keyboard+install+iPad+site:youtube.com&sa=X&ei=sajOUJ_tD9GUjALo1ICADA&ved=0CEEQ2wE&hl=en&client=safari&tbo=d&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&bvm=bv.1355325884,d.cGE&fp=f683588d6988a423&bpcl=39967673&biw=641&bih=421 Happy holidays!…
All I want for Xmas....
Is my dear mother to have good scan results on Tuesday! Prayers and thoughts to all in the same boat :) Would be a nice way to get into the xmas spirit that I have been resisting knowing this date is coming up Love to all,
Advice for Colostomy bag
My sister had to have a colostomy last week due to a bowel obstruction. I do feel that she is going to have a better quality of life since she spent most of her time in the bathroom with either constipation or diarrhea. The good news is that they feel that her new chemo Zaltap is working. The obstruction was from the…
how long are you usually on chemo before taking a break?
The reason I ask is because my wife has had three treatments so far and it is already wiping her out. She had real bad neuropathy (sp?) This last time. She is also so tired and has no energy. We are thinking asking her dr to lower the dose so the side effects wont be so bad. Is that a wise decisionI dont know how much more…
Anyone have a Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) or Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)?
Hello, I have had three attempts to remove precancerous flat polyps, without success. The doctor first suggested some sort of advanced endoscopic removal technique, then later said surgery to remove the polyps was the definitive treatment, and gave me a referral for a general surgeon. After reading about surgery, I didn't…
Checking in
I have not been on the boards in a while due to taking care of some other health concerns -- a three month program of aquatic physical therapy to try and deal with my oxaliplatin nerve damage in my feet, and then a pelvic surgery two weeks ago to prevent future cancer there after a cancer scare this fall. Anyway, I just…
Off topic and just for fun! *** 12/21/12
Ok, we've all heard the hoopla about this Friday being the end of the world. I jokingly say that it's the day when all the Mayans come back to life to kill every one. Why else would there be such a huge influx of zombie movies and TV shows lately? I decided to start this post to see what everyone here thinks will happen on…
Can I drink alcohol with Fluorouracil (5-FU) and Leucovorin?
I enjoy one or two glasses of wine in the evening and perhaps a martini once a week in the afternoon. I’ll be starting Fluorouracil (5-FU) and Leucovorin this Thursday and will have the injections once a week for six weeks and then I will have two weeks off. Should I totally give up alcohol during the entire treatment…
Anyone know how they determine dose for Xeloda. My husband it taking 3 pills twice a day seems like a pretty high dose.
Social Security in other countries?
Hi, with all this talk of fiscal cliff and tax increases, etc... Just curious if anyone here knows what other countries do with their retirees? I mean, I assume most non 3rd world countries (ex. for USA) have universal health care, but do they have a program similar to social security? What do they live on? Do they pay…
Scan Results
Thanks to everybody for your thoughts and prayers this week. It has been really hard on me waiting to hear of my mums scan results. She recieved them today and it is good. A reduction in all areas after 4 months of chemo. I am really pleased. Thanks again to everyone for caring Carla