Folks, we have shrinkage!
Scan results today showed a .2 cm shrinkage in one tumor, and a 1cm shrinkage in the largest tumor, and the others are not lighting up as much; they figure its necrosis!! Robert hasn't had any treatment for 5 weeks due to the port removal. He does have a small linear clot it the vein above where the port was. No blood…
Dazed and Confused
Hello- I'm new to the discussion board forum world but I've been reading different boards and there is a lot of helpful and inspiring stories. My dad was diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer about 2 1/2 years ago. They also found two spots on his liver. He immediately had surgery on his colon. It was very successful. Once…
Fight, fight, fight!
Good read. http://www.google.com/search?q=youtube&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari#q=Bluetooth+keyboard+install+iPad+site:youtube.com&sa=X&ei=sajOUJ_tD9GUjALo1ICADA&ved=0CEEQ2wE&hl=en&client=safari&tbo=d&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&bvm=bv.1355325884,d.cGE&fp=f683588d6988a423&bpcl=39967673&biw=641&bih=421 Happy holidays!…
All I want for Xmas....
Is my dear mother to have good scan results on Tuesday! Prayers and thoughts to all in the same boat :) Would be a nice way to get into the xmas spirit that I have been resisting knowing this date is coming up Love to all,
Advice for Colostomy bag
My sister had to have a colostomy last week due to a bowel obstruction. I do feel that she is going to have a better quality of life since she spent most of her time in the bathroom with either constipation or diarrhea. The good news is that they feel that her new chemo Zaltap is working. The obstruction was from the…
how long are you usually on chemo before taking a break?
The reason I ask is because my wife has had three treatments so far and it is already wiping her out. She had real bad neuropathy (sp?) This last time. She is also so tired and has no energy. We are thinking asking her dr to lower the dose so the side effects wont be so bad. Is that a wise decisionI dont know how much more…
Anyone have a Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) or Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)?
Hello, I have had three attempts to remove precancerous flat polyps, without success. The doctor first suggested some sort of advanced endoscopic removal technique, then later said surgery to remove the polyps was the definitive treatment, and gave me a referral for a general surgeon. After reading about surgery, I didn't…
Checking in
I have not been on the boards in a while due to taking care of some other health concerns -- a three month program of aquatic physical therapy to try and deal with my oxaliplatin nerve damage in my feet, and then a pelvic surgery two weeks ago to prevent future cancer there after a cancer scare this fall. Anyway, I just…
Off topic and just for fun! *** 12/21/12
Ok, we've all heard the hoopla about this Friday being the end of the world. I jokingly say that it's the day when all the Mayans come back to life to kill every one. Why else would there be such a huge influx of zombie movies and TV shows lately? I decided to start this post to see what everyone here thinks will happen on…
Can I drink alcohol with Fluorouracil (5-FU) and Leucovorin?
I enjoy one or two glasses of wine in the evening and perhaps a martini once a week in the afternoon. I’ll be starting Fluorouracil (5-FU) and Leucovorin this Thursday and will have the injections once a week for six weeks and then I will have two weeks off. Should I totally give up alcohol during the entire treatment…
Anyone know how they determine dose for Xeloda. My husband it taking 3 pills twice a day seems like a pretty high dose.
Social Security in other countries?
Hi, with all this talk of fiscal cliff and tax increases, etc... Just curious if anyone here knows what other countries do with their retirees? I mean, I assume most non 3rd world countries (ex. for USA) have universal health care, but do they have a program similar to social security? What do they live on? Do they pay…
Scan Results
Thanks to everybody for your thoughts and prayers this week. It has been really hard on me waiting to hear of my mums scan results. She recieved them today and it is good. A reduction in all areas after 4 months of chemo. I am really pleased. Thanks again to everyone for caring Carla
hey Pete did you find anything out about Wobe mucos nem?
Pete Just wondered if you were able to find out anything from your German doctors about Wobe Mucos Nem. thanks and take care!
Hyperthermia trial and various liver therapies for unresected CRC:
dailyfinance.com/2012/12/17/bsd-medical-reports-initiation-of-a-clinical-study/ involving hyperthermia,5-FU,oxi and radiotheraphy.......... for "Local Hepatic Therapies for Metastases to Liver From Unresected CRC":…
My Christmas Poem
I wrote the following poem in 1986. At the time, my daughter was two years old and I was telling her about Santa Claus one day. My older brother (the one who can't wait for me to die) walked by and scowling said "there's no such thing as Santa Claus." I told her that her uncle was just being grumpy, but a day or so later I…
How to not talk about cancer?
Trying to reach out and ask how do you direct friends or family members not to state platitudes as support? I will find out the next plan for my reoccurence this week and am trying to be strong and keep fearful feelings at bay but it is hard. Maybe I am too sensitive. I try to keep explanations of my current health concise…
Sort of off topic, but ONC's who get ill....
One of my best friends goes to Emery for her cancer follow up. Her onc has just been dx'd with cancer and she was told it was long term time away or possibly 'never' return. A friend who lives here half the year just told me her onc quickly closed her practice and will not be returning. She just had her 3rd child this past…
barbebarb, who is your doctor at NW?
I was wondering who you are seeing at NW. I am seeing Dr. Halla Nimeiri, and thought maybe you might be too as there aren't that many female colorectal oncologists at NW. Dr. Nimeiri is also the doctor for one of my best friend's father. Just curious....
Port Removal without Anesthesia
I'm 6 months post chemo and with a clear colonoscopy and CAT scan, I can get my port out. I hate the bloody thing, but my surgeon says that she uses no anesthesia. In fact she implied I was a bit of a baby for being nervous about it. She says no local is needed either since she cuts along the scar tissue and there "isn't…
Hi Mates, it is FRIDAY here! Any interesting plan for the weekend?
Hope CSN works better than last week!. Will stay here and finish Christmas errands with wife!. Sunday probably family lunch as usual ,but I have to call them before as they are busy as well with errands. What about you my friends?
Fustrated and Confused
While I know my scan results may not seem bad I am not happy with them .. They told me no change in the scan results from March to November. Devistating me.. Wondering why I am on this chemo.. Dr says same is better than growth.. and you don't know if you hadn't medicated if it had grown... my cea that always sat at 2 is…
My heart is so sore this morning. Even cancer seems to pale in light of the horror of Newtown. Love and prayer for all, Carhleen Mary
IntraPeritoneal (IP) Chemo
I was asked, so I'll share what I know and what I experienced. I had metastatic appendix cancer. I had major cytoreductive surgery and colon resections (yes, plural - I'm reconnected in 3 places) followed by 5 3-day cycles bi-weekly of IP chemo, starting the day after surgery. My IP chemo cocktail contained FUDR, which is…
Lung Nodules
Latest bad news on CT scan. Nodules in both lungs five ranging from 3mm - 5mm. We have to wait for pet scan on Monday. Tues is first chemo. Our heart goes out to all the 20 children who lost their lives in CT. today.
Omega J8006 juicer for $210
If Santa is thinking of bringing a juicer, this seems to be a good deal: http://www.amazon.com/Omega-J8006-Nutrition-Commercial-Masticating/dp/B001L7OIVI?t=slickdeals&tag=slickdeals Amazon changes their prices frequently so jump if you want it.
“The Hits Keep Comin’”
Dad continues to be the gift that keeps on givin’ – the whole year ‘round… Last night at dad’s house, as I was living yet another day of his life, I decided to stop by the cemetery, just to say, “Thanks” for everything. Even with an estate sale, an estate liquidator and a salvage guy, I still can’t get everything out of…
still in the hospital
after getting great scan results the day before thanksgiving, just wasnt feeling right got worse to where i could not get out of bed or walk.....turns out had a horriable infection in ab wall, so here i still sit, no food, just ice chips and iv's!!!! STINKS!!!! i will keep yall posted!!!
Appreciate any help
Hi all I’ve been lurking for the past few days while awaiting diagnosis. CT Abdomen Pelvis (with contrast) and colonoscopy showed a 7cm malignant looking rectosigmoid lesion along with 6mm sigmoid polyp and a tiny 3-4 mm rectal polyp (likely Hyperplastic—hot biopsied). The initial (most certain) diagnosis is Sigmoid c. The…
next roto rooter
will be in 5 years!!! yay me. all clear. I feel so blessed. Now,I can go home to PA and Just enjoy my family. Hugs to all, Judy