Starting Neulasta
After chemo tomorrow, I'll be getting a Neulasta shot the next day. Any experiences out there? Winter Marie
This looks very promising
Been buried in immunotherapy for months, keep finding hope; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2889279/pdf/10434_2010_Article_920.pdf "In four out of nine stage IV patients, complete tumor regression occurred." Not a total cure but this result can easily be improved upon. This Swedish institute is cutting edge…
A few items that might be of interest in CRC research:ESP last listed!!!!!!!!
a potential way to boost effectiveness of Erbitux at www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/254953.php while here at www.healthcanal.com/cancers/35401-Potential-new-treatment-for-gastrointestinal-cancers-discovered.html www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-01/aafc-nmm011413.php has"New model may help predict response to chemo…
Taking a Break
Just wanted to let you all know that I'll be taking a break from the boards. I'll be spending some time with hubby, family and friends and just getting a rest from the board. For all that I've been following, I'm wishing you continued progress and support and for the new ones, I'm wishing you well and just PM me if you…
Dear lady, how are you and hubby doing? I know you have had your plate full. Prayers for you, hubby and JBG. Hugs, Marie who loves kitties
About the Breakthrough Novel Award * Contest FAQ * Contest Rules * How to Enter * Key Dates * Prizes * Sponsors * Sample Pitches Amazon Publishing From international best sellers, debut fiction, and books for kids of all agesto heart-pounding romances, high-velocity thrillers, and stunning sci-fi, Amazon Publishing helps…
Newbie Here
Hi! We found out in December after a colonoscopy that he had a tumor the size of a strawberry in the middle of his rectum. That explains the bleeding in the stools that he's been having. A biopsy was done and we were told that it was rectal cancer. "NEWS FLASH" what??? Are you kidding me? We were in shock about the news.…
Ports. Bras. Needles and tubes.
My port is directly under my bra strap which is quite uncomfortable on its own, but tomorrow I have my first chemo session and will come home with a needle and tubes hooked up to a pump. Any advice on how to make life a little more comfortable while wearing a bra. I did pick up some nursing pads, which fit nicely under the…
The O/T – “Mission Accomplished”
Today is a momentous occasion…Today is a victory in my life…Today represents me standing alone at the top of the pinnacle…after a year long climb up some of the most treacherous and jagged terrain I’ve ever had the misfortune to come across. This is not a story about Cancer… For me, this is a Tale of Redemption… It’s the…
Ron, Are you OK?
Just read the news and see that Australia has many, many fires right now. So, "Mama" Wolfen is checking up on you. Luv, Wolfen
not the news i was looking for!
Hey everyone, i went to the Dr. yesterday to find out the results of my second liver biopsy, because the first one came back benign. so after 3 rounds of Chemo they did another ct scan and found that the liver spots are growing. So it turns out that the liver spots are actually cancerous and have been mutated tobe more…
Stoma marking this week. Surgery on the 31st.
Well, this is it . . .I'm going in. Getting my marking this Friday. Online doing a little research because I remember someone on here saying placement is very important. Mine is a temporary. Scan on Monday to verify that the chemo/rad worked (I think this has me the most neverous). Then rectum removal on the 31st. Had a…
Hi from K1 and update
I just wanted to check in and say hi to everyone. I spent the fall in physical therapy trying to deal with the nerve damage in my feet from oxaliplatin, which got worse for months after chemo. Then, in December, after finishing three months of the physical therapy for my feet and general balance etc., I made the bold…
Garlic and cancer
http://jn.nutrition.org/content/136/3/816S.long Natural killer cells are very important in the fight, aged garlic increases them. (and has no smell) randomized double-blind clinical trial.
iliostomy reversal surgery
Just wondering if anyone has had this surgery and willing to share some information.
Minor surgery
I've posted several times about the terrible pain I had in my anus and the surgery that fixed it two years ago. Well, for the past month I've been enduring the same thing all over again, it's even made me go to the Emergency Room a couple of times. It hasn't got as bad as it was in 2011 yet, but it's getting pretty close.…
I am sore today!
Hello everyone. I haven't posted in a while but I'm still dealing with rising CEA. The Onc is doing all the tests he can think of to look for cancer. So far a CT Scan (Chest, Abdomen, & Pelvis) and Colonoscopy are clear (no cancer found). The colonoscopy was the first sence the colon resection - surgery is healing…
No NED for Tedd-Update below...
Got my CT results today after 12 tx of 5FU + Oxaliplatin and 10 tx of Avastin. Previous CT scans were taken after 5 tx of 5FU + Oxaliplatin and 3 tx of Avastin. Despite doing very well with the chemo (with respect to side effects), feeling very good the last few months, and hoping/praying for the best, I am not close to…
Regarofenib in India
My dad is on reagrofenib since Jan 4th 2013. Anyone else on it here ? ritu
Cancer is back..On phase 1 clinical trial MPDL3280A
My last scan reflected cancer had returned.....several nodes in my lungs and found a mass in left pelvic area. My Oncologist sent me to SCRI in Nashville and I qualified for a Phase 1 clinical trial .....drug is MPDL3280a, given every 3 weeks. I would really appreciate if anyone on the trial has had good results. At this…
unreasonably angry tonight
I had a really bad day,I thought I'd give talking to my wife another try. The conversation was brief mostly about what I have become tether to bathroom; muscle gone again; so standing or walking is a real problem but I can stand and walk short distances. Even though we spent the holidays with our family out of State and it…
RIP Rob in Van
My heart hurts tonight. Rob passed today. He was a wonderful friend and a good mentor to me as I came to terms with my stage IV dx. He was a minister, and a very wise man. He posted here a lot until a few years back. We stayed in touch. He didn't let anything stop him, and even was aggressive having extensive surgery for…
A New Scan & Lung Biopsy
Hello All, For the "newbies" who may wonder why I'm posting on this board, my daughter, Johnnybegood, is a 4+ years survivor of Colon Cancer, we are both members here and this is our "cyber family". Just wanted to clear that one up. Yesterday, we saw the second onc at MDA. Next week, hubby will have another…
Newbie says Hi
I really am a newbie at all this...both having cancer and getting involved with an on-line support group. I was recently diagnosed with stage IIIb colon cancer. I had colon resection surgery on December 14th and I have my first appointment with an oncologist this Wednesday, Jan 16th. That's when I'll find out what my…
ct results today.
My wife received the results of her ct scan from last week. They said some of her cancer has shrinkage and whatever hasnt shrunk are stable. There is no new growth either. The Drs. were happy with the scan results. My question is, after four treatments, is this considered good results? Or is this pretty standard? I am…
Chemo + melatonin
some people might be interested in this; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12820485
Prayers needed update
Very bad news. All per vinous cancer spots have grown and new ones have appeared in liver and perinatal. No remission for me. Chemo changed to irrotecan and Eurbitux. Another scan in three months. I asked doctor how long can you live on chemo for life and he said it depends on how I react to chemo. Wondering if I should…
Need Your Prayers
Hi everyone. I get my Petscan results tomorrow and I am hoping you will find it in your heart pray for me. Last scan five months ago showed multiple spots in both lungs. A spot on pelvis and a spot on adrenal gland. Chem for me was reduced to Avastin and Xeloda due to low platelets. Since the switch my CEA has been rising.…
Dr. Heinz Lenz USC, a Worth while trip!
We went and spoke to Heinz Lenz MD at USC Norris Cancer Medical Center. We knew he was brilliant and have read many articles that he has written. We had never looked up a picture of him and was expecting a little old German man, (Kind of a bad movie mad scientist.) in comes this bright eyed energetic man that was extremely…
Survived another 'country switch'....
We arrived safely in The Netherlands on Tuesday. It is very cold here, and today I was gifted with a soft snowfall. I am busy putting the house together, and settling in, contacting friends, and planning our days. The end of February we have booked a cruise from Rome to Turkey, Israel, Greece. By then, this sun-loving gal…