Newbie says Hi

I really am a newbie at all this...both having cancer and getting involved with an on-line support group.  I was recently diagnosed with stage IIIb colon cancer.  I had colon resection surgery on December 14th and I have my first appointment with an oncologist this Wednesday, Jan 16th. That's when I'll find out what my options are for therapy. I've done just enough reading on the subject to have some idea of what to expect, but also just enough to start scaring the heck out of myself.  I have a wonderful man in my life who is determined to help me through everything thats coming.  But it's nice to know there is a place I can go to "talk" about the stuff he won't understand.

Thanks, in advance, for the help and understanding.



  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    HI Deb - welcome and sorry

    HI Deb - welcome and sorry about your diagnosis.    A lot of what you read is scary, but in some ways I think that is good.  Doctors don't know everything, so I think it's good to read of others experiences so you can determine if there is something you want to ask your doctor about.  I know I have probably driven my husband's doctor crazy with questions, but I don't want to leave any stone unturned.

    Good luck to you and let us know what the oncologist says.

  • tachilders
    tachilders Member Posts: 313
    Best of luck with your

    Best of luck with your treatment, and you have found a great place for suppport, information, etc....


  • luvinlife2
    luvinlife2 Member Posts: 172 Member
    Hi Deb :)

    It's terrifing when you're not sure of what to expect however, once you've got a plan and you've done the first round of chemo it will get better.  I think not knowing makes everything worse.  There are people here who have experienced just about everything you  can think of when it comes to colon cancer so any questions, just fire away.  Someone will have an answer for you :)  Good luck on Wednesday :)

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    and welcome:)

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member

    Welcome Deb!


    This is a great place to find answers through other's experiences. This is a great place to vent a litle steam at the frustrations of Doctors and Cancer. This is a great place to share information to help others.


    We are sending you our good thoughts and prayers for you to find an answer, and for a fast recovery!


    When you find out what type of cancer, and location(s), then we can also give input to our experience.  Else, just come here to let it out and cry. Crying is also part of the journey.

    Best Always, mike

  • Varmint5
    Varmint5 Member Posts: 384 Member
    Welcome, Deb

    I don't have colon cancer but my 33 year old daughter does - stage IV. So that is why I am here. This is a great group of informative and supportive people. You will be glad you found this site. Best wishes to you as you go forward.


  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    Welcome on board

    Hello Deb sorry we have to meet because of this crazy cancer world. You've found a good place to learn so much from others in the same boat. You'll have to let us know what your onc has in plans for you.  Pray everything goes smoothly for you.  Jeff

  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello and welcome. Looking
    Hello and welcome. Looking forward to learning more about you. You will have no regrets about joining this group. Very smart move. You will learn so much from other people's experiences.

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Welcome to the forum~

    hope we can provide you with some support as you go through this journey.  It's a scary path, but you don't have to do it alone!  Hugs~Ann Alexandria

  • richls
    richls Member Posts: 54
    Hi and welcome!

    Cancer sucks, but the folks on here are great. Dont be afraid to ask questions. 

  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    G,day deb
    All the best for the journey and good luck for a ca free future...hugs Ron.
  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    No longer the Newbie

    I think your post means I'm no longer the Newbie, so now I can deal out advice (maybe not). 

    You have found a great place to find out what goes on in the lives of cancer patients. Don't get overwhelmed though, remember we are all different, what one experinces another may not. Its good to be prepared for anything, but realize that you won't suffer through everything you read on the forum. 

    Its good to walk this path with those who can help. 

    Good luck at the Oncologist tomorrow. Will look for your update post. 

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Not so bad

    Hi Deb, I was diagnosed last March.  I worried myself for nothing. Chemo and rad are a bit hard but nothing at all like we imagine.  People always comment that I look and sound like my normal self.  For the most part you are, the only thing is, some days you feel sick, others you feel fine.  We don't lose our hair with the chemo like breast cancer patients, there is a sensitivity to cold (in the hands and feet) if you do infusions which is annoying so if you're in the supermarket, you may have to wear gloves and always have on socks, some leg cramping from infusions (so always eat bananas), there are moments when you just want to feel normal again physically and emotionally but then there are days where you feel just fine.   The fine days tend to outweigh the not fine days.  You just have to keep going to get better.  So just take it one day at a time and before you know it, you'll be done.   I just finished 12 weeks and I can't believe after all that grumbling, it's already over!  I'm doing my surgery next week (mine requires more than one) and the thought that keeps me going- Summer is just around the corner, imagine warm days and sunshine and this all being a thing of the past.  It will happen before you know it!

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am sorry you have to be
    I am sorry you have to be here but welcome. This is a great place for you to be.
  • YoVita
    YoVita Member Posts: 590 Member
    Welcome to our club

    Sorry you had to join.  It sounds like you have great family support.  You're right, we can help with the practical questions.  Once you get your plan, let us know.  Someone here will have some experience to help you with what to expect, solutions for side effects, etc.  Good luck!  Keep us posted.