Dutch Coronation Kathi
Kathy, Will you be able to attend the Netherlands coronation of the Prince? How exciting if you are!
HI all, I'm new here
Hi everyone. I'm new here, been reading a lot of your posts and have found you all to be such a supportive group and full of really good information. I hope that you don't mind a Canadian in your midst, I'm a Canadian, and havent' found a lot of information on Canadian forums to help us. Heres my story: My 51 year old…
ASCO 2013 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium Roundup ENJOY friends
http://view.email.cmpmedica-usa.com/?j=fe5e16727762037f711c&m=feca15707d60027f&ls=fdff10717161077d72107277&l=fecf157775640c7d&s=fe221c717562077c7d1d79&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe261678766c037d751c75&r=0 Not exactly my cup of tea, but interesting ...... more for those interested in cheno. I guess this is where the oncologists focus is.…
Jayhawk Dan? Joemetz? Anybody heard from them or others MIA?
Just have not seen anything by them in a while. I was glad to see that Ray (Doc) posted, and also Jeff (Steve and Nat). I am trying to keep up with things but have such a hard time because this site is so difficult for me to log on to, and if I do get on, so hard to post. It all just takes more time than I usually have. I…
Almost killed by chemo
This is something I had happen to me recently, and I thought it may be useful to let others know. I had a baxter chemo bottle attached to my port, and somehow it got unscrewed. It must have been off for maybe 15 minutes, and I only noticed when one of my kids alerted me. By that time I found myself lying in a pool of…
New numbers
I got my new numbers today and my CEA dropped from 1706 two weeks ago down 1546 this week. That's more than 400 since the all time high of 1984 a month ago! Also, my magnesium level is finally in the normal range for the first time in I don't know how long. We first started checking that in mid-May and it was dangereously…
Lung nodules stage 4
Hello all, I am new to the forum and need help. Have been diagnosed with stage 4 rectalcancer ,solitary liver met a year ago. Had rectal/ liver resection with clear margins. Had 3 lung nodules from the beginning, stayed stable ( 6-7 mm) on xelox 12 . Was on avastin/ xeloda maintanance for 3 monthsm and just found out that…
What to expect moving forward? Dad dx with stage 4 Colon Cancer...starting chemo
Hello again folks, I dont know what i would have done without this site. As many of you have given me information that has helped us process Dad's dx. Just to give you the story so far, Dad went to the ER after a few days of stomach pain and unable to go to the bathroom. Drs dx him with Colon Cancer stage 4 after running…
diet and nutrition, folate and colon cancer - for supplementers
http://www.lef.org/news/LefDailyNews.htm?NewsID=18022&Section=Vitamins&utm_source=DailyHealthBulletin&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Vitamins&utm_content=Top+ContinueReading&utm_campaign=DHB_130126 Studies from University of Cairo Yield New Information about Diet and Nutrition Dear Colorectal Friends Interested in Supplements,…
Bone mets
So my husband had a bone biopsy 2 weeks ago. I emailed the onc's nurse last week for results and she said she'd check with the doctor. I emailed the doctor last night because I hadn't heard. I just got a reply from the nurse saying the doctor would see him tomorrow when he's goes for blood work. I know it's not good news.…
Bleeding in the Stool
To all those who have rectal cancer, do you guys have bleeding in the stool? Just curious to know. Sometimes, people think that its just a bad case of hemmorhoids.
Neuropothy help?
I'm new to the sight so there is probably a lot of info out there about neuropathy. I have stage 4 appendix cancer that spread throughout my abdominal cavity. Did the 12 hour debulking surgery, HIPEC and 12 rounds of chemo. I was told I got the same chemo that is given for colon cancer. I'm done with all that now and would…
Radiation to pelvis
Wondering if anyone could help with information about radiation to the pelvis? Where the side effects manageable, and what were they? Did the treatments work? Was it used while NED or to shrink tumors? Did the treatments create any scar tissue for you that you are aware of? I have never had radiation before and I am in the…
“Cancer Never Sleeps – How It Acts Out Through Our Subconscious”
You might think that the further you get down the road in the cancer journey, that you would be able to find some peace and contentment somewhere along the path. I’m here to tell you that can be the furthest thing from the truth there is….it’s predicated on where you are standing right then, in your life journey. Oh, there…
Anyone has mild side effects taking Xeloda Chemo pills???
My husband will begin taking daily Xeloda Chemo pills for five weeks. Has anyone had just mild side effects? Please share your experience. Thank you kindly!
No More Sense Of Humor
My Friends, My positive attitude I try so hard to keep and my sense of humor have now left the building. About ten days ago, I came down with stomach virus. Was living in the bathroom, couldn't eat or sleep due to respiratory part. Three days later, hubby went into CHF. I tried to get him into the truck to go to Emg.…
Our cruise: from disappointment to joy!
The re-route on our cruise is FANTASTIC!! Overnight in Haifa (instead of one day in Haifa, next day in Ashdod) means that we can do Israel on our own...even staying in Jerusalem if we so desire....no 'bed check' with the ship!!! DANCING!!! Hugs, Kathi
It's raining ferociously here, and the wind is blowing VERY strong....
It's raining ferociously here, and the wind is blowing VERY strong.... but, of course, my friend, ever the strong Dutchman, says "It's just a bit humid!"....How I LOVE the Dutch!!!! *grin* (they have a language rule that to make something small, they add a "je" to the end of the word...'kopje koffie', for instance...but…
CT results as I move toward 7 years with stage 4
Hello all, I am sorry I am not around as much. I still read many posts and just don't respond as I should. To any new members, I am stage 4 ( 4 lung resections, 1 liver rresection, colon, 10 months chemo, pulmonary embolism) and I am still here. The randomness and unfairness of this disease is the part that is so hard. I…
Clean scan last week, surgery tomorrow.
Well I'm checking in to the funny farm for a week, rectum removal, ovary removal and expected just an ileostomy. Doctor is telling me that I should prepare myself in case he can't spare the muscle. I'm going with I'll worry about it if it happens. He says the tumor was really close to the muscle and he'll do his best.…
If you would have told me I lived in such a way that I could post this, 20 years ago, I would have l
Queen Beatrix will abdicate in April...we will now have a King for the first time since 1890! Kingdom of the Netherlands (King/Queen): 1813 – 1840 William I (as Sovereign Prince 1813 – 15, abdicated) 1840 – 1849 William II 1849 – 1890 William III 1890 – 1948 Wilhelmina (abdicated) 1948 – 1980 Juliana (abdicated) 1980 -…
“Is the Immune System Really the Answer to Fighting Cancer?”
I know that is the current theory that we fervently believe holds the promise for our futures – but how much of that is right, and how much is an illusion? For the past eighteen-months, I have grappled with this subject and have read and listened intently to everyone’s opinion on what they were taking to “boost” their…
Doc Hawk
I was going through looking at clinical trial....spurred on by Coloncan's post on Reolysin (checking to see if maybe it's listed as a possible clinical trial up here) ..... anyhow another clinical trial I came across was for Botox injections to help.... The Value of Botox-A Administered as a Single Intra-rectal Injection…
Store of Hope
As I came home from an appointment with a pulmonologist I noticed a strip store front that needs to be leasesed. I thought what about a store named "Hope ". Stock it with support staff, hope gift items and. alternative therapies. What would you stock or add? I "hope " you can have some creative fun with this idea.....i
Update on my daughter
Hello, everybody. I can't believe I actually got onto the site easily today. I am once again going to try to post a topic - so many times I lose them. I am still so upset about losing all my private messages, especially those from the ones we've lost since I've been coming to the site - Jennie, Lori Lepper (lepperl), etc.…
Welcome...i read your post in the stage 4 post and wanted to say hi and sorry for all you have been through. You will find lots of support here...as well as answers to any questions you may have. I hope you have lots of family and friend support too. Let us know how your treatment goes.
East Georgia Cancer Coalition, What Makes a Man and Woman Feel Loved
Found this just wondering how you all think based on experience, From a Healthcare Perspective Page 4 What Makes a Man and Woman Feel Loved Lemont C. Monroe, Sr., LPN II, TH.B, M Div. When the institution of marriage was established well over 2000 years ago, it was established by GOD with much flavor and favor, with every…
5fu iv versus 5fu orally. Any advice???
Dr is considering halting oxi temporarily and continuing 5fu and is offering to continue the iv every two weeks with pump for 2days like we have been doing or switching to oral 5fu which I believe is daily. wondering about any of your experiences with this. thanks
Doc Hawk
I was going through looking at clinical trial....spurred on by Coloncan's post on Reolysin (checking to see if maybe it's listed as a possible clinical trial up here) ..... anyhow another clinical trial I came across was for Botox injections to help.... The Value of Botox-A Administered as a Single Intra-rectal Injection…
Anyone had to have a stint put in kidney?
My latest CT scan showed I have a tumor now on my left kidney and causing a partial blockage. It has been recommended and I am scheduled to go in next week and they are going to put a tube in my back to my kidney and I will have to wear a bag...hopefully temporary. Anyone else done this before? The bag scares me and I…