new to ostomy
my 86 year old mother underwent her second "emergency" surgery for colon cancer last month - and this time came out of the hospital with a permanent ostomy - as well as Xeloda chemo to reduce the 2 "very small" malignant nodules remaining on the colon. She seems to the coping with everything fairly well....except the…
My husband was diag with squamous cell of the head and neck with unknown primary in 2000. He is cancer free for 3 years but has such a bad attitude about everything. He takes oxicoten vicadon for pain and is on lexpro for depression. He just cant seem to get past the fear and learn how to deal with the pain,I am not sayong…
What to do with my emotions...
Hi. I'm new to the site. My aunt has cancer in her abdomen & lives in Hungary. The doctors give her a few months to a year to live. I'm going to visit her soon, and the closer it gets to the trip, the more I want to cry. I'd like to get the crying out of my system before I get there, but I'm afraid I won't be able to stop.…
caring for my grandmother
My grandmother was diagnosed in May with two tumors in her lungs. There is one in each side. She went throungh radiation with no problem, and finished at the end of August. Starting in September, she has been in the hospital once a month. This time she has been there for a week now, and she is worse than ever. For about…
What can nurses do to better help you?
I am an RN student and I would like to know what the nurses who care for you could do to better help you? I'm anxious to get your feedback! Please reply!
Dealing with the Last Days
My Dad is in his last days. He was told that he has less than 2 Months Left. He is 60, and Im 40. He has been doing things like giving away his possesions to those around him, and creating tapes for us to listen to after his death. I am doing everything that I can think of to be strong for him, but I am having such a hard…
How do I grieve?
I don't even know where to start.... I lost my Dad April 7th to complications of stage IV lung cancer. He was 57 and had been diagnosed in mid-February. He never really had a chance to fight the cancer, he was too busy fighting other lung infections. I spent lots of time with him while he was ill. He totally expected to be…
I thought my husband would not survive....
My husband is a survivor of Burkitt's lymphoma. His experience with this illness was not easy. What started as a tooth ache ended up being a tumor on the left side of his neck. He was treated a Umass in Worcester with a protocol chemotherapy treatment that was made up of 6 chemo sessions and finally a bone marrow…
G-D B;ess you all
May G-d's light take care of you all and be with you through out your lives.
Hospice is going to take over my husband's care Monday. He is not real happy about this but the doctor told him there was nothing else to do. Do men deal with this very well? He has been in denial for so long. I'm hoping this will help him emotionally. Does anyone have advise on to help him deal with this and be…
Husband had surgery for colon cancer
My husband had colon cancer surgery on 7-31-03, one day after discovering it. I'm frightened out of my mind. Need someone to talk to who has been there.
Wife of lung cancer patient
Hi, I'm new here and feel the need of hearing from other spouses of lung cancer victims. My husband was diagnosed in December with lung cancer which had spread to his brain. He underwent 6 radiation treatments with no side effects. Then he started chemo, an every three week dosage of taxol and carboplatin. Now, facing the…
Heavy Heart
My wife has been fighting colon cancer for almost 2 years now. She's been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. She has had a colostomy and parts of her colon and small intestine removed. She is going through chemo once again with hopes of stopping the cancer spreading. I've watched her go from 155 pounds down to 100 pounds over…
Dating Someone Who Has Cancer
My partner has had cancer for 6 years. I just began dating him a couple of months ago. The irony is that my father died of cancer about 9 years ago, so the cancer never really bothered me. But, I have a hard time when my partner is going through a lot of pain or a hard time, because he is so used to dealing with it by…
Whats next?
My mom had oviarian cancer then it spread to her stomach. The sad thing is I cant keep in touch with her to see how she is... and i was wondering if there is someone out there who has been through this and would like to chat!
support for you
I was a caregiver for my Mother who died of liver cancer 7 months ago. if you need to talk feel free to e mail me. sillyspirit88@yahoo.com
new forums
Hi all I am Tom a lung cancer surviver and I just started a very good forum for myself and others.It is a survivor forum I call csf so feel free to drop in and tell us your stories about your cancer so that others may learn.go to www.chatarea.com/csf to sign in and post.I will be adding a chat room later.CSF = Cancer…
any ideas?
my father is a stage 4 non hodgkins lymphoma survivor. he was diagnosed 8 years ago and since then is not able to work and basically hangs out at home all day watching tv. this is a complete turn around from the person he was before. granted he had massive radiation to his brain and chemo for the stomach, liver, intestine,…
Looking for Support
I'm not quite sure what to say. My dad was just diagnosed with cancer a couple of weeks ago. The type or stage wasn't given but it appears that it is NSC lung cancer in stage 3B. He has been told that it is inoperable and that all that they can provide is pallative care. My dad is only 55 and I am 28. I'm having a very…
Dad is letting go
Hi, I am 26 years old and my Dad is dying of Pancreatic Cancer. My Mom told me the other day that he felt himself slipping away, is this something that one would know? I feel like I should say goodbye but I don't know how to let go. He is a truly amazing person and has been such an influence in my life, I can't imagine…
Need support from other caregivers
My name is Andrea. I am 35 mother of 3 and taking care of my mother who has been diognosed with Mesothelioma. If anyone would like to chat or if anyone has any sugestions,please contact me. Thank you Andrea
How do you support?
#1 Im a Christian!BELIVE IN PRAYER POWER! My Spouse Cancer Survior How do you support your spouse when acts like a 2 year old?
Hair Loss Treatment
I've searched over this site looking for an answer to this topic and have not been able to find an answer. I hope I'm not being redundant. My mom is 65 years old and has recently completed treatment for Small Cell Lung Cancer. I suppose I should tell you a little bit about us first. Mom received her treatment at Moffit…
Daddy's little girl
I'm 27 years old. My father has had bone cancer for several years. started in the back and has moved to various parts of the body (hips, etc.). He was always a very active man and now is confined mostly to the bed. He only goes out when it's some reason to see me or the doctor. I just am NOT dealing with this very well. I…
My moms mastectomy
has anyone had to deal with this issue and if so how have you handles it
After a little cajolling, I have convinced the CSN that there is a need for a discussion for military cancer survivors. The purpose of this discussion is to give military folks a safe place to go and ask questions about treatment, administrative issues, performance evaluations, etc. that are unique to military cancer…
Hi. I am new to this group. I have cancer and would like to know something about how each of you are dealing with your parent's canceer.
i'm feeling completely overwhelmed today. my boyfriend was diagnosed with AML on june 2nd and just went into the hospital yesterday for his second round of consolidation therapy. he's doing well, getting excellent care and his spirits are good. we're blessed in so many ways, but some days i just feel like i'm drowning.…
Both parents diagnosed with cancer
My mom was diagnosed with lymphoma in 1998. In Feburary, 2003 she began workups for a bone marrow transplant. She is in and out of the hospital every 3 or 4 weeks. In May my father was diagnosed with Lung Cancer and is currently receiving Radiation and Chemotherapy. Dad has not worked since May 16 and spends most of his…
I can relate
Hi There, my husband was diagnosed 2 years ago with adnoid cystic cancer, he has had 2 brain tumors, and 2 surgery's as well. We have been through Radiation and Chemo, and will continue to watch him through MRI's, He is tired and wants to no more treatment of any kind, I have a constant fight to keep weight on him, so I am…