is being anemic having cancer?
New to csn
Hi I am new to csn. I heard about the website from tv. Both my mother and Father had cancer. My had breast cancer and had a mastectomy(sp) when I was 18 and in the Navy. I found out about it after she had the surgery. My dad died because he gave up on life. After he died we got a call from a doctor telling us he had seen…
after effects of radiation and thyroidectomy
My mom was diagnosed with advanced thyroid cancer just over a year ago. She had surgery to remove all of her thyroid and two radiation treatments involving week long stays in the hospital. She's now in "remission" and getting scans to ensure that any remianing cancer will be caught early. She retired after her diagnoses…
My 80 year old mother has been experiencing severe vertigo for weeks. She has not had chemotherapy in three or four weeks. We had hoped that stopping chemo would -- at the least -- give her some relief from the dizziness. Her oncologist said that he doesn't understand why she is having such severe vertigo and that she…
my husband can't stay awake
My husband was diagnosed with stage IV nsc lung cancer in Jan 2003. The cancer has mets to brain, bone,liver,adrenal glands. He has had radiation to the brain & lung (surgery was not an option) along with chemo. The Drs. have said that the treatment isn't to cure but to give him alittle more time. He has had such a good…
saying "no" to treatment
Two years ago My husband was diagnosed with stage IIIA lung cancer that was treated with chemo and radiation - since then he has had two surgeries to remove tumors in his brain. He isn't working anymore but I guess I won't let him give in - he doesn't want to die but is so sad. I've convinced him to talk with a counselor…
Sloan-Kettering?? Any experiences?
I had a double wammie this past October. My dad and mom were both diagnosed with the "c" word. Dad had prostate cancer, he went to Sloan, had the surgery to remove his prostate and now his diagnosis is really good. they had caught his cancer in its real early stages. my mom has Multiple Myeloma and had chemo done on L.I.…
how long do you think i will survive with this kind of cancer?
difficult patient
My husband is dying from head and neck cancer. He has a few months to live. We have been fighting cancer for a few years. At first they gave us hope and he wasn't bad to deal with but a couple years later we were told it was terminal. He has been very difficult since then. I think he knows he is dying but hasn't actually…
sying no to treatment
candy, i did not get your email response. I would enjoy hearing from you. shelly shellki2@trans-video.net
after all is said and done all we have are memories
Hi my name is dawn i work for Fox Chase Cancer Center, I love my job working as a nurse,But i love my patients more. I am in need of your help, I would like to do something very special for our hospice patients and their children but i will need donations, Like a day trip tickets to a game then they will get to meet a…
Mom recently diagnosed with breast cancer.
My mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent a lumpectomy two days ago, and will start chemo in about three weeks followed by radiation. I am an only child and very close to my mom. I am terrified of losing her. Can anyone offer some advice on how to cope?
Dad has rectal cancer and starts treatmeant soon.
My dad just had he's surgery on friday and he's doing good, but how do I cry or deal with it when my mom is driving me crazy?
to Dusa, marian'sdaughter and monet
if you are out there I would love to chat via this site or email. I am going through the dying process with my mom right now and have two daughters ages 3 and 8 and I am having a hard time dealing with my mom not being able to see my girls grow up. I know some of your children are younger yet - but I wanted to let you all…
I left you a message on your email. I hope you got it, if not reply to this and let me know. Candy
For Shellski
I tried to respond to your message but could not so thought this might get to you. I know how hard the waiting can be and the decision your husband has made to discontinue treatment. Each person is different but I can share what helps us, Hospice, having someone to talk with, be it the Doctor, family or friends. You and…
Help! My mom is dying from breast cancer!
My mother originally had a very small lump six and a half years ago. They did a lumpectomy and chemo and radiation just to be sure. 5 years thereafter the cancer had come back everywhere.... lungs, liver and brain. It's now her liver that is giving up. I don't know what to do. I don't how to react. I feel I need to be…
My Mom is starting chemo next week.
She had surgery. The tumor was 2.5cm. Her doctor got clear margins and he thinks they got it all. Her oncologist says it's standard to do chemo for tumors over 2.0cm. From what I've read, the survival rate for older women (she's 66) with early stage breast cancer (she's Stage 2) is only 2% better with chemo. I just hate to…
My dad's tests came out clean. Remission
He is offically in remission and his bone marrow transplant took. While this is adult children of survivors, I am only 17. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma when I was 15 and had to become a caretaker. I'm so happy he's in remission. He'll be able to go to my high school graduation next year. He'll be able to send me…
Cancer claims my fathers left leg
My father had to have his left leg amputated on March 27, 2003. It was a life saving operation that was very hard for all of us(family) to accept. Yet for my father it was a blessing because of the pain and suffering that he had been going through for 5 months. He hasn't been the same lately. I thought that at his age (63)…
saying "no" to treatment
This is my first entry. I have been reading through the messages and discussion in regards to lung cancer,and am amazed at how similar the stories sound. My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer in September, a large 12cm size tumor which was discovered after he coughed up a little bit of blood. He had a lung resection…
So far away
My sister was diagnosed and treated for her lung cancer with some experimental treatments. She's been cancer free for almost 3 years now. However, she suffers from such excruciating pains in her head that the pain has started to take over her life. She's gone from doctor to doctor and has found no relief. She talks about…
Survivors who are now cargivers
I am a 2 1/2 year durvivor of ovarian cancer. My husband is currently battling Stage IV Renal Cell Cancer. I would like to talk to others who have been double slammed.
Hi,I am really feeling a lot of stress as I help my husband. I was wondering if anyone has any special suggestions as to how to control stress while all this is going on. Thank you. swantia
Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia
I'm trying to find other people who have had experience with WM. My grandfather was just diagnosed last month and has also just completed his first week of chemo.
Caregiver perspective
I'm brand new to chat rooms. I also am a Christian and strongly believe in prayer. My wife has nsc adenocarcinoma. They have removed her upper left lung and a lymph node on the aorto pulmonary artery and treated her with chemo. She started radiation on a second lymph node last week. She does not want to go to any support…
Lost my Mom 6-23-03, now my Dad is sick
About nine months ago I lost my Mom to brain cancer. She had been battling cancer of one type or another for almost ten years. In the months before her death I ran myself ragged trying to travel every weekend, to my parents home three hours away, to try and give my Dad a break. During this time I had health problems of my…
moms depression
My mom had surgery last month for tongue cancer which was pretty radical. She has undergone alot more than she anticipated with the surgery and recovery and is now starting chemo and radiation. She is having a very difficult time with depression and nausea. I am having a hard time getting her to talk about how she is…
lymphomatoid granulomatosis
has anybody had experience with this one. It's rare and I am looking for any successful treatments
my mother had a melignant brain tumor
my mother had a milignant brain tumor. she has since passed on jan 2 2001. its not an easy thing to go through. my mother was very independent and didnt like being knocked down so early she was only 55. you have to give them the most possitive attitude you can. i became here home health provider the lastyear and a half of…