the pain for me goes on
Here's where we are at.... David recovered from C-diff, thank God. He also fought off a shingles outbreak. I got him on an antiviral immediately and I think we headed off a big outbreak. David's pain is also being managed pretty effectively for the most part. I am very, very grateful for that. We also changed the way we…
What to do when you have no support
Hi, I am so sorry if this is not in good taste for this board, but I need help. I am interested in hearing from those who are taking care of parents with no help from your siblings. My brother has done nothing to help my mom since her surgery. When I asked him for a little help, he told me "why would I have to do that when…
I feel so guilty...
I have been reading the posts.. and i guess i don't have it so bad. I have been with my partner for 31 years, in May she had a double mastectomy and reconstruction has gone thru 8 rounds of chemo and 6 weeks of radiation. She still has a lot of pain in her chest. We were terrified when we found out she had cancer, I was so…
I don't know what to hope for any more
My mom was diagnosed with Stage IV colorectal cancer two years and a few months ago. At diagnosis, she was expected to live a few weeks. Somehow she has managed to fight through and make it this far and has completely shocked everyone. Back when she was diagnosed, we were all devastated. Mom was always so healthy. She ate…
Just looking for some advise
Hi All, It's been a while since I've been here. My partner had stage 4a cervical cancer but has now been in remission for over a year. She still has a hole in her bladder and they want to give her a stoma. My problem is she is also in Kidney failure and has nephostomy tubes to help her kidney function. They seem to work…
At what point did you consider hospice for a loved one?
I had a brief talk with the social services rep at my wife's hospital. She said that 'hospice' doesn't necessarily mean a rapid end of life scenario, but basically means making the patient more comfortable as they've come to terms with their prognosis. I am not sure how long my wife has. Depending on the results of her…
Entering The Final Stretch - Hospice
My wife's three year battle with Colon Cancer. She ran hard, tried everything the doctors wanted, attended prayer meetings, and the Doctor's admission to Hospice was like running into a brick wall. The dying process can be explained but not understood until experienced. So many decisions to make in so little time. Taking…
Hospice Since last post
Hi, It has been a few months since I've posted. My husband, stage iv bc with mets was place on hospice in the middle of July. We decided quality of life over quanity. I don't know if anyone has faced this before, but there are times I feel so guilty. I feel that maybe we made a mistake. Of course the dr did say that the…
What CSN Means to Me
I often recommend these boards to others because they have helped me through the hardest time in my life so far. I will always be thankful that I found them even though I wish I had found them sooner. I came here often while my husband was fighting his last battle with cancer. The support I was given by those who…
Cindy and David you are on my mind today
Hello Cindy and David, You guys have been on my mind today, wondering how everything is going, praying you are all still hanging in there. I know it's not easy, but am praying for you all to have the strength and courage to continue the fight. ((((HUGS))) Carol
I feel very alone tonight-please help me.
While I am not a full blown caregiver, I am helping my mom recover from her mastectomy. I am 26 years old. I know that my mom has stage 4 cancer and will eventually get much worse. My brother refuses to help me, and spends most of his time shacking up with his girlfriend-the same one that called my mom the c*nt with…
How do spouses keep from falling apart?
Married only 2 yrs Husband just had major colon surgery. They call it HIPEC. In hospital 1 month. Thought they had got it all but just this week his CEA has gone up to 21. I'm told by nurse not to be concerned but how do I NOT be concerned. How do I live and breath each day knowing he is sick? They tell us there is no real…
What did i do
Im an emotional wreck. Im angry sad hurt bitter depressed and i feel like everything is spiraling even more out of control. I cant handle his ups and downs on my own anymore. I have one friend that listens to me and all she says is leave him. I have no family this is my last option. My boyfriend of nearly 3 yrs has cancer.…
What did i do
Im an emotional wreck. Im angry sad hurt bitter depressed and i feel like everything is spiraling even more out of control. I cant handle his ups and downs on my own anymore. I have one friend that listens to me and all she says is leave him. I have no family this is my last option. My boyfriend of nearly 3 yrs has cancer.…
What did i do
Im an emotional wreck. Im angry sad hurt bitter depressed and i feel like everything is spiraling even more out of control. I cant handle his ups and downs on my own anymore. I have one friend that listens to me and all she says is leave him. I have no family this is my last option. My boyfriend of nearly 3 yrs has cancer.…
What did i do
Im an emotional wreck. Im angry sad hurt bitter depressed and i feel like everything is spiraling even more out of control. I cant handle his ups and downs on my own anymore. I have one friend that listens to me and all she says is leave him. I have no family this is my last option. My boyfriend of nearly 3 yrs has cancer.…
What did i do
Im an emotional wreck. Im angry sad hurt bitter depressed and i feel like everything is spiraling even more out of control. I cant handle his ups and downs on my own anymore. I have one friend that listens to me and all she says is leave him. I have no family this is my last option. My boyfriend of nearly 3 yrs has cancer.…
What did i do
Im an emotional wreck. Im angry sad hurt bitter depressed and i feel like everything is spiraling even more out of control. I cant handle his ups and downs on my own anymore. I have one friend that listens to me and all she says is leave him. I have no family this is my last option. My boyfriend of nearly 3 yrs has cancer.…
What did i do
Im an emotional wreck. Im angry sad hurt bitter depressed and i feel like everything is spiraling even more out of control. I cant handle his ups and downs on my own anymore. I have one friend that listens to me and all she says is leave him. I have no family this is my last option. My boyfriend of nearly 3 yrs has cancer.…
Coping when taking care of someone with mental and physical changes near end of life. HELP
Sometimes I feel like I'm at my wits end. I ask God to please help me because my mom can't get out of bed. I will probably ramble through this but I hope and pray that someone will take the time to read this. My mother has moved in with us. She has been here for 2 months now. I would not have it any other way. I love my…
Fiance's 2nd diagnosis - I'm so overwhelmed, lost and lonely
Life has changed so fast. How do I keep up w/everything? Last week my fiance of one month was diagnosised w/cancer for the second time. Six yrs ago he had Hodgkin's Lymphoma and two months ago was told he was cancer free at his 6 yr. check-up. Then I saw a mole on his neck and nudged him to get it checked. The biopsy came…
Daughter taking care of sick mom
Hello, I am new to this site, I have tried to write something for a long time, but it is so difficult to acknowledge what is happening. My mom has stage IV pancreatic cancer, she was officially diagnosed last february (she was feeling sick for more than 2 years, but all her exams came out negative). She went through 4…
Effects Of Smoking on Human Body
Effects of smoking on the respiratory system The effects of tobacco smoke on the respiratory system include: Irritation of the trachea (windpipe) and larynx (voice box) Reduced lung function and breathlessness due to swelling and narrowing of the lung airways and excess mucus in the lung passages Impairment of the lungs’…
Marriage and Caregiving
I've been too scared to write this for the past several years, but I came to terms with the fact that I need help. My husband was diagnosed with Stage 3 B-Cell Lymphoma 2 years ago. Both of his lungs collapsed and he was on life support for 3 days. He had to have his lungs drained, and was in ICU for 2 weeks. He ends up…
Effects Of Smoking on Human Body
Effects of smoking on the respiratory system The effects of tobacco smoke on the respiratory system include: Irritation of the trachea (windpipe) and larynx (voice box) Reduced lung function and breathlessness due to swelling and narrowing of the lung airways and excess mucus in the lung passages Impairment of the lungs’…
Article on how to best comfort your cancer patient as a caregiver
What do you do when your stage 4 cancer patient won't give up drinking?
My husband was diagnosed stage 4 rectal cancer last June. He has had chemo and then liver resection radiation and now more chemo because of more liver lesions. He has had his first port pop out from the Vectibix chemo and a picc line put in which is now infected and another port just put in last week. Other than the…
Hugs for David and Cindy!
Welcome, Just wanted to post a response for you Cindy and David. Hopefully everything is going better in your lives. You are one terrific caregiver to your son and he surely appreciates everything you do for him. Prayers are with you and your family as you venture onto the next phase in life. Stay strong, there are…
Cancer of the small intestine
Cancer of the small intestine,I am scared since this is such a rare from of Cancer and was only discovered through an operation for chrons, I am a mess, I feel helpless, scared of the unknown. The docter is treating him for colon cancer. 6 chemo treaments then a CT scan to see if it has spread. We have just completed the…
New Caregiver and new to this board - any pain management or eating tips
My mom was diagnosed with stage IV kidney cancer on Feb 28, she has mets in her lungs, adrenal gland, left femur and two places in her spine. She had a kidney removed about 3 1/2 weeks ago. The cancer in the bones was not discovered until last Wednesday and I moved her in with me last Thursday (9 days ago), when she had to…