hot flashes
Can someone give advice. I've been on zoloft for hot flashes for about 7 months. Thought they were pretty much under control but they started getting bad again about 2 weeks ago. What else can I ask for? Or does anyone have any good ideas to try. Would appreciate your advice. I'm 53 and the chemo put me into menopause.
Just trying to figure all this stuff out. Spot on TV makes it look so easy. I will learn to work the chat thing. I did clinical trials for Taxal Small doses weekly for 12 weeks. Pre med were the worst part. Fatique was the only downfall seemed to last forever. That was 1year ago this month. Had a few ups and downs. Mainly…
11 years i had cancer
its been 11 years i had cancer. i did everything my doctor said i could do. i follow every step day after day i though it would never end and here i am. So please do not think to leave your medicins or quimio or what you are doing. fight and fight and put yourself pretty everyday. i am just starting to learn to use the…
Hi, its me again with another question on Taxol. I have had two treatments so far and the main side effect is the muscle/joint pain. One finger felt tingley but it went away. My question is - if I haven't had the tingling in my fingers/toes after two treatments is it still possible that I could get that side effect? Has…
saying hi!
I'm new to this page and just wanted other people to talk to. I am a 6mth survivor!!! All through with Chemo and Radiation. My hair is growing back. Was on Tomoxafin and didn't feel comfortable with so I asked to be switched to Arimidex. Feel lots better about that. Have hot flashes and night sweats. Thats a piece of cake.…
Lately ive realized life is a beautiful thing. I am still very young but i have watched a couple of me friends and family members die of cancer. I feel out of place on this web site but i jsut need someone to talk to. All of my friends dont see things the way i see them. I just need someone to talk to -strength
Reoccurent breast cancer
Hi, my name is Cheryl. I had a lumpectomy and axillary dissection in 2000. I had stage 2 ca. I recently had a reoccurance in same breast with matastatis to left axillary. Had a bilaterial done. This came only 9 months after completeing four of A/C and 37 radiation treatments. I looking for someone who had a reoccurance so…
After Treatment?
I finished treatment the end of last year and came through with a clean bill of health. I had a very positive attitude throughout it all but now depressed and seemingly have a delayed reaction. Anyone experience that? What helped?
BC in Jan. 02, then Lung Cancer in April 02
I just discovered this site and am new to it. Had a lumpectomy on Jan, 14 with radiation treatments following. During routine xray for BC, 2 nodules were found in my lungs. After BC surgery, CT scan, PET scan and lung biopsy determined I had lung cancer. Good news was that it was not from the breast. Had the larger left…
Breast calcification
This is my first message as I heard about this on the TV. 18.5 yrs. ago I had a radical mastectomy, Paget's Disease, no chemo necessary. My recent mammo shows calcification in the other breast. I am scheduled for a biopsy. Has anyone had calcification and what was the outcome? Where did you find more info on this? I would…
Cervical Cancer
I read this interesting article in the NY Times and wanted to share http://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/31/health/womenshealth/31CANC.html
What do you have to do to talk to someone with similar problems. No one is ever in the chat room. I am beginning the second part of my treatment next week (taxotere) and would like to speak to someone who has gone through this. Thanks,Barbara
Would appreciate some advice
Hi to everyone. This is my first message here - I'm looking for some personal advice. Medics never seem to have any answers.... My mum has recently had a bi-lateral mastectomy (radical) after being diagnosed with breast cancer for the 2nd time before menopause. We've been told that we probably have the BRCA1 gene mutation…
Thanks for support
Hi to all who have sent me your prayers and good thoughts. They have been received because I am feeling better spiritually and physically. The Taxol has not been as bad this week - so I do not know what to expect now. I knew I could count on you dear people to circle around and help me when I was so down. You are a…
implant types
My friend is ready to have her spacer replaced with an implant. She had researched and had decided on the saline implant, but yesterday her Dr. said he would rather her go with silicone. Can anyone offer any advice? Thanks, Mary
Herceptin once a week, changed to every 3 weeks
My oncologist has switched me from weekly Herceptin to every 3 weeks (triple dose). Anyone else following this protocal? Any info on Herceptin effectiveness? I've been on it for 2 years and no new mets on the PET scan last July. Thanks!
looking to chat with someone
i was recently dignose with breast cancer but a survior with ovarian.I just had a double masctomy with reconstration and that is not done with. Just was wondering if anyone eles out there is where i am at or just finish. thanks and i hope spelling doesnot count.
upcoming chemo
Hi Everyone- This is my first message. I am just recovering from TRAM flap reconstruction, and I am scheduled to begin chemo (AC) in a week and a half. Really nervous!! I am looking for the best tips you may have for avoiding nausea and mouth sores. Do anti-nausea meds work best if taken before, during, and after…
Blood Test "Tumor Marker"
I finished treatment 1 1/2 years ago. I go ever three months for blood work. This last week I have found out that my blood test spiked. I have had to retake it. Has any one else had this experience? I would really like to talked to someone about this.
First Chemo Treatment
OK - the subject line was easy - now I have to find a way to articulate the overwhelming feelings I'm having! As a result of a routine mammogram (Feb '02), I found that I became the reluctant owner of a lump in my breast. A flurry of activity folowed - ultrasound, mammatome biopsy, and surgery (lumpectomy and sentinel node…
problems with reconstruction
Hi this is tired and lonely. I need to know something. I had recon. in 1998. They took the flap out of my back. They also put in an implant. Since then I have been having bad cramping under my arm and in my chest. Also the implant has busted and there is nothing left but the shell. My doctors can't figure this out and have…
Which activities possible?
Hi Everyone, I've been reading about many of you who are back to working in the garden - building a retaining wall!! etc etc and I'm asking one and all about the arm = lymphedema. I thought I'd get back to normal - but when I do almost anything, I notice more swelling in my arm - not excessive -yet- but more when I do all…
Tram Flap Reconstructive Surgery
I'm scheduled for Tram Flap reconstructive surgery next week and would like to hear from anyone that has had this surgery - what was your experience with the surgery and the recovery.
re: upcoming chemo
I had chemo, 4 rounds AC, Zofran was a wonder drug for me. I had no nausea at all. Take your meds as directed. I had anti nausea meds 1/2 before treatment and took Zofran for 2 days following chemo. Worked like a charm for me. I had terrible mouth sores, but I had my doctor give me prescriptions for "magic Mouthwash".…
Health Insurance
I lost my job of 12 years last March. I have not been able to find work since then, and have been paying a very hefty COBRA payment every month which will expire September 1 of this year. I have heard that it is virtually impossible to get health insurance coverage if you have a history of cancer. Does anyone know about…
Hi everyone, I was dx sept 2001 with my BC and had a 2.2 cm tumor, node neg, er/pr+ and also her-2+++. I would like to talk to anyone with her-2 pos, and hear what their protocol was. I have taken 6 rounds of AC, doing rads right now and then I will do 6 rounds of taxol. My doc is very aggressive, and we are discussing…
tired and lonely
Hi I am a 48 year old who had breast cancer in 1997. I was alright for 2 yr. Then it came back in the liver I have been on chemo now for over 2 yrs. I am so tired. I have no one to talk to about this. My husband want talk to me about this and my mother cries so I just keep it all to myself. Thanks
16 year BC survivor and it has returned
I have been so fortunate to have gone this long cancer free. I was 28 when I had my mastectomies I am now 45....with what little remaining breat tissue I have, I have developed BC again. I just can't believe it! I have had to have implant replacment surgeries 3 times, as recent as 2000 and no problems were noticed then. I…
My mother has been diagnosed with cancer. She is being treated as if she has breast cancer, althought the tumors are in her neck and substernal chest area. Has anyone ever run into this kind of situation, where the origin is not completely clear, but the pt. is treated as if they KNOW the origin?