Why is Holland so green?
Because, first thing in the morning, the sun is up and shining...birds singing, etc... Then, about noon, it gets rather humid. Still blue skies, but for the Dutch, they know what's coming... About 5 or 6pm, the sky is completely cloudy. An hour later, it rains. Not JUST rain, tho...POURING rain, SHEETS of it, with wind,…
Renee the wonderful
Hi Everyone, I wanted to take a quick minute and let you know that Renee did drive me to my mastectomy. She was wonderful company even came in and waited with me. So a big THANK YOU to Renee. You guys would have been proud of me. I was so very calm and just knew in my gut that I was doing the right thing. My surgery went…
Special from my sister to share with all
Sister Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Love the ones who don't just because you can. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Kiss slowly. Forgive quickly. God never said life would be…
People whom you thought were your friends...
Did they just sort of drift away, become distant, you don't really hear from them anymore? This makes me sad, is there something wrong with them or with me? Screw em..... yeah I said it. Love Ronda
Sports bra
Went for my 5 day post surgical check up. Still have drains, but all of the surgical bandaging was removed. I left in a sports bra !!!!!!!!!! It is so much cooler and lighter. It is the little things in life. Will go to target one day this week to buy another. I am grateful for something as simple as a sports bra.
Anyone had success with just using diet and maintaining PH Balance with no surgery and raidation for
I was just diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ a few weeks back after my lumpectomy came back cancer. I did not have clear margins so there is some left in my breast. Also, possible DCIS in my other breast. At this point the cancer is not invasive. I am looking at all possible avenues. I wanted to see if there was…
Has anyone stopped taking Femera because of side effects? I'm scared to stop but I'm scared to continue. My body feels like I'm at least 106 (I'm really 56) and between hot flashes and mood swings, I feel like I may explode. Any thoughts or experiences anyone has will be appreciated. Thanks, Marge
anyone been diagnosed her2/neu positive?
I have recently been diagnosed with bc and the test for the her2/neu protein was positive. Anyone being treated for this? I am really scared. Can anyone help me with information?
new and having surgery today
I have been lurking in the background and finally have worked up the courage to post. It's still early and the family is sleeping. I am having surgery in just a few hours. I am 51 and was diagnosed with BC on my birthday. A real bummer. I have an extensive history on BC in my family. Many aunts, cousins, sisters and my mom…
I have a question for anyone who has had or will be having prophylactic surgeries . . .
How was the decision made for you to have prophylactic surgeries? Did you get a BRCA test done and go by the results of that? Or did your onc just look at your risk factors and decide based on that? My med onc wants me to get the BRCA test done - said that if that came back positive, she might consider a mastectomy on my…
biopsy of lumpectomy
After the lump is removed by surgery, does the pathologist test for everything that was tested in the original biopsy? Her2? Estrogen and Progesterone? Stage? Grade? Are these results used to determine therapy?
Anyone have sleep issues after bc? It was a rough night so I just decided to get up and do something besides tossing and turning.....Of course I could be doing something more constructive like cleaning my messy house or paying bills but priorities sure change...
Some helpful tips to follow for Nausea and upset stomach.
• Eat bland foods and small amounts • Choose foods that are easy to digest • Avoid, sweet or spicy foods • Avoid foods that are high in fat • Eat saltine crackers, pretzels, jell-o or soup • Drink small amounts of liquid often • Don’t drink a lot with meals • When you can’t eat, trying drinking liquid nutrition supplements…
Different hormone results - initial pathology vs. Oncotype Dx
My initial pathology on my breast tumor biopsy was Estrogen positive, Progesterone negative, HER-2 negative. I subsequently had an oncotype DX test and the ER, PR and HER2 scores were repeated. The report clearly says that "these results may differ from ER, PR, or HER2 results reported using other methods or reported by…
New and just had double mastectomy
I am 11 days out from a double mastectomy. Having the second was my option so that I don't have to go through this again. I returned to the doctor yesterday, and received most of my pathology report. The FISH report wasn't finished. Good news! My lymph nodes were free of cancer. I had 99% progesterone and 99% estrogen…
vacation advice
ok not actually cancer related, but it is part of my recovery any advice on where to go in January? preferably warm?
July Surgeries - exchanging "Expanders" ??? I seem to recall ..... there are several of us schedule
I would like to get a listing so we can share - pre-op and post-op experiences. What can help us sleep at night, or exercise that will promote our ability to heal. My Exchange is scheduled for 7/21/10 Vicki Sam
Tired - from too much fun!
Close friends wedding on the 3rd and family wedding on the 10th. My legs were just starting to uncramp from dancing when I over-used them again. Gosh, I wish my knees were 20 yrs younger! But, when they start playing 'my' music... you know? & still dancing in the same fashion as when those songs were 1st popular (tee-hee).…
2nd opinion today
Well, it has been three weeks since my mastectomy. Healing well physically, emotionally and mentally has been more difficult. Been to countless appointments with surgeon, gyno, and oncologist. Diagnosed with extensive DCIS with a .7mm single focus invasion. First oncologist said that it is not the national standard of…
Apron With Pockets
I had a single mastectomy on July 8. Here's an idea for drains: I have an apron that has two pockets. I put it on with the wrong side out and the pockets become a handy way to hold my drains.
Sports bra
Went for my 5 day post surgical check up. Still have drains, but all of the surgical bandaging was removed. I left in a sports bra !!!!!!!!!! It is so much cooler and lighter. It is the little things in life. Will go to target one day this week to buy another. I am grateful for something as simple as a sports bra.
Feelin' GOOD! I bucked hay yesterday!
(For those who are non-horsey/non ranchers - 'bucking hay' is loading hay bales on 'something' [truck/trailer] in the field.) We only got 22 bales (60 - 70 lbs per bale) yesterday (2 weeks supply) which really isn't anything when you own horses that you take care of yourself. There is no way I would be 'bragging' about…
Just tell me I'll feel better soon
My first chemo (for breast cancer) was last Tuesday and there are 7 to go. I was mentally prepared and in good spirits (so I thought).I have chosen to look at chemo as a blessing, not a curse. It just works better that way for me. Some might say I'm unrealistically optimistic but up to now it's been working for me.The…
A Little Prayer Answered
I hope. Why is there always this nagging fear in the back of my mind? Anyway - good news! My Oncologist did an exam and said there was nothing. The itching and the new pain were all still part of the healing process. Her exact words were "What do you think? You were cut!" She is from Italy and the sweetest little thing! I…
Using EMLA /generic cream before Mammogram?
My 1st mammogram (had single rad. mod. mast in Oct '09) since surgery will be Aug. 9 before my appts with chem, rads and PA. When I talked with Radiology place today (to confirm date/time), I was told that it might be an 'idea' to use my 'cream' in the port area and 'down' a ways on that side for comfort. Makes sense to me…
excited and scared as hell
I will be starting chemo soon(Taxol). I am excited about getting the ball rolling with treatment but scared as hell at the same time. Is this normal?
Increased Risk of Heart Disease
As an infant I was radiated in 1946 for an enlarged thymus gland in the mistaken belief that this would prevent SIDS. The amount of radiation I absorbed was equal to ten common CT studies today. This treatment was commonly used in major hospitals and even pediatricians’ offices across the country. Thousands of infants and…
reconstruction surgery next week
Ok...I've gone through the mastectomy, chemo (which I was allergic to) and expander surgery...so why does this surgery scare me? My surgery is scheduled for the 21st (next Wednesday)and I'm on pins and needles. I don't know what to expect, how to feel or anything. Even typing this I'm tearing up and I don't understand why.…
I just started taking Arimidex last week. I finished radiation April 23,2010. I postponed taking it til now because I went on vacation and had guests til then and I didn't want to have to worry about side effects during that time. Did anyone else wait about 2 and a half months after radiation to start taking it. When my Dr…
Anyone in the Baltimore/Washington Area.....
I received this from my Relay for Life coordinator and thought if anyone living in the general vicinity was interested, here are the details. Come see the Washington Nationals on August 15 and help in the fight against cancer! On August 15, 2010, the American Cancer Society is hosting Cancer Awareness Day at Nationals…